Unassessed work
Whether you choose the 100% assessed route through the module; or opt for one assessed essay and an exam, you must write 2 x 1500 word unassessed essays. The first essay is due in week 8 of term 1; the second essay is due in week 9 of term 2. The essays are formative, which means you can use them as a basis for your assessed work; and/or as a way of preparing for the exam. Both unassessed essays must be submitted in hard copy (emailed or electronic copies will not be accepted).
100% assessed
2 x 3500 word essays (the first is due in term 2; the second due in term 3)
50% / 50% examination/assessment
1 x 3500 word essay (due in term 2)
1 x 2 hour exam (unseen)