WikiOmeros |
Overview The University of Warwick's WikiOmeros project ran for two years, and was intended to supply an online commentary to Derek Walcott's poem, Omeros. Owing to persistent technical issues, the project was not able to attract further funding for maintenance and has therefore been suspended for the foreseeable future. The commentary to-date can still be accessed in the downloadable pdf version and accessed directly on the WikiOmeros blog.
Access and supporting materials A downloadable pdf file, arranged in chronological order.
A list of scholarly works relating to the text.
Further Reading and Related Material Critical and general works relating to material in the text.
The initial phase of the project (2006-7), a prototype limited to Epic Tradition module students, was funded by the University of Warwick's Vice Chancellor’s Innovations in Teaching Award scheme. The second phase of the project (2007-8), intended to fund maintenance and refinements and to offer WikiOmeros for public access, received an award from The English Subject Centre of The Higher Education Academy.