Methods of Assessment
In 2023/24 assessment is changing for the module. Depending on which year you're in, you'll follow a particular assessment pattern.
Intermediate students:
- 1 x 1500-word formative essay due in Term 1, Week 7.
- 1 x 2000-word essay about a text or texts from Term 1 written in response to titles provided by tutors (25%).
- 1 x 2000-word essay on a text or texts from Early English Books Online (25%).
- 1 x 2-hour year group specific seen exam (50%). The exam will be in two parts. In the first you will answer one question on a writer or text studied in Term 2. In the second part you will answer one question about a specific theme with reference to at least two writers from the period.
Finalist students:
- 1 x 1500-word formative essay due in Term 1, Week 7.
- 1 x 2500-word essay about a text or texts from Term 1 written in response to titles devised by students (25%).
- 1 x 2500-word essay on a text or texts from Early English Books Online (25%).
- 1 x 2-hour year group specific seen exam (50%). The exam will be in two parts. In the first you will answer one question on a writer or text studied in Term 2. In the second part you will answer one question about a specific theme with reference to at least two writers from the period.