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Pre-Term Quiz

What was the date of the Gunpowder Plot?
Who died on 6th November 1612?
  • James VI and I
  • Charles II
  • Oliver Cromwell
  • Charles I
  • 1653
  • 1625
  • 1603
  • 1660
  • Charles II died
  • Oliver Cromwell died
  • James II finally expelled
  • Charles I was beheaded
  • 3rd September 1658
  • 30th January 1649
  • 6th February 1685
  • 23rd December 1688
Which of the following best describes the Second Civil War?
A. Civil War in England and Wales between King and Parliament
B. Royalists, Scots and Presbyterians against the New Model Army
C. Charles II attempts to regain the throne of the Three Kingdoms
D. Irish Catholics against Protestant English and Scots
The Third Civil War was:
A. conducted by Charles I between 1642 and 1646
B. conducted by Charles I in 1648
C. conducted by James II in 1648
D. conducted by Charles II between 1649 and 1651
  • Charles II issued Declaration of Indulgence
  • the Great Fire of London
  • the Restoration
  • the last Battle on English soil
  • Exclusion Crisis
  • the Great Plague
  • 1651
  • 1672
  • 1666
  • 1678-81
  • 1665
  • 1660
Black Bartholomew’s Day was
A. the killing of many puritan ministers by Catholic conspirators, on 24th August 1660
B. the ejection of puritan ministers from the Church of England as a result of their being unable to submit to the Act of Uniformity, on 24th August 1662
C. the ejection of James II from his throne, on 23rd December 1688
D. the burning of some of Charles II’s navy by the Dutch on a raid up the Thames, on 13th June 1667
The 1672 Declaration of Indulgence:
A. defended the Anglican church as established by law, permitted Catholics to worship privately but outlawed all forms of Protestant dissent
B. defended the Anglican church as established by law, but licensed dissenters and permitted Catholics to worship privately
C. defended the Catholic church on the grounds of Episcopal heredity, made changes to the Anglican church to restore the Catholic hierarchy and imposed draconian punishments on dissenters.
The Exclusion Crisis
A. resulted in James, Duke of York being excluded from the succession to the Crown
B. resulted in Shaftesbury and Buckingham being excluded from the Upper House of Parliament
C. resulted in the defeat of the Exclusion bill in the Upper House by a majority of 2 to 1

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