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Indicative Syllabus

Below you can look at an indicative syllabus for the module. This may be subject to change. The final syllabus for 23-24 will be confirmed in summer 2023.

Week 1: Introduction to the module and John Donne

Week 2: Jacobean Court Masques

Week 3: The Renaissance Essay: Montaigne and Bacon

Week 4: Ben Jonson, John Marston, and George Chapman, Eastward Ho!

Week 5: George Herbert

Week 6: Reading Week

Week 7: James Shirley, The Bird in a Cage

Week 8: Cavalier Poetry: Herrick, Carew, Lovelace

Week 9: Milton's Early Poetry

Week 10: Andrew Marvell


Week 1: Katherine Philips and Hester Pulter

Week 2: Spiritual Autobiographies: Laurence Clarkson, The Lost Sheep Found and Agnes Beaumont, The Narrative of Agnes Beaumont

Week 3: John Milton: Samson Agonistes

Week 4: Margaret Cavendish, The Blazing World

Week 5: John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester

Week 6: Reading Week

Week 7: Restoration Drama I: William Wycherley, The Country Wife and George Etherege, The Man of Mode

Week 8: Restoration Drama II: Aphra Behn, The Rover

Week 9: John Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel

Week 10: Aphra Behn, Oroonoko