Two written assessments are required on this module:
1. 3,500-word essay (representing 40% of the final module mark) due week 11 of autumn term, offering a close reading of about 100 lines (which your tutors will set) of one of the plays studied in Term 1.
2. 5,000-word essay (representing 60% of the final module mark) developing a research question of the student's devising (in consultation with the tutor) due Term 3 (May 11).
A creative project (developed in consultation with the tutor) comprising the creative element supported by a reflective essay of maximum 2500 words due Term 3 (May 11). Detailed guidance on Creative Projects is available here.
Writing an essay is no less 'creative' as a choice than deciding to undertake a creative project. It is simply a different way of responding to one or more of the texts and/or ideas encountered on this module. To underscore this, we require you to develop your own topic for research. Do this in consultation with your tutor during offices hours, leaving yourself plenty of time for first thoughts, then refinements and final focusing. Use your tutor's expertise. You tutor can direct your reading, advise you on managing your topic, help you decide where your argument is going, and give you inspiration. Remember that all of your tutors are also involved in research and writing: they're trying to negotiate the same challenges that are occupying you. Tutors are not permitted to read full drafts of essays, but they are permitted to listen to your argument and give you advice about structure, technical aspects of your writing (including, for instance, proper citation practice), and secondary reading.