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Honours Level Modules

***Please note that not all modules run every year***

All are 30 CATS, unless specified.

EN101 The Epic Tradition - Honours Variants available – EN2J4/EN3J4

EN107 British Theatre since 1939 (English and Theatre Studies Students Only)

EN121 Medieval to Renaissance English Literature - Honours Variants available – EN2J5/EN3J5

EN122 Modes of Reading - Honours Variants available – EN2J6/EN3J6

EN123 Modern World Literatures (formerly known as Literature of the Modern World) - Honours Variants available – EN2J7/EN3J7

EN124 Modes of Writing - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN126 History and Textuality (English and History Students Only)

EN2B0/EN3B0 The European Novel (previously EN201)

EN206 Comparative Literature I: German and English Romanticism (Discontinued)

EN2B2/EN3B2 US Writing and Culture: 1780-1920 (previously EN213)

EN2B3 Drama and Democracy (previously EN226)

EN2B4/EN3B4 Romantic and Victorian Poetry (previously EN227)

EN2B5/EN3B5 Seventeenth Century Literature (formerly known as Seventeenth Century Literature and Culture EN228)

EN2B6/EN3B6 Literary and Cultural Theory (previously EN229)

EN2B7 Composition and Creative Writing (2nd Year ELCW Students only - EN232) - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN3B9 The Practice of Fiction (previously EN236) - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2B8 The Practice of Poetry (previously EN238) - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2C0/EN3C0 Screenwriting (previously EN240) - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

ENC1/EN3C1 Arthurian Literature and its Legacy (previously EN242)

EN2C2/EN3C2 The English Nineteenth Century Novel (previously EN245)

EN246 Feminist Perspectives on Literature (Discontinued)

EN2C3/EN3C3 Modern American Poetry (previously EN248)

EN2C4/EN3C4 New Literatures in English (previously EN251)

EN2C5/EN3C5 Chaucer (previously EN252)

EN258 The Practice of Life Writing - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN261 Introduction to Creative Writing - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2C7\EN3C7 Devolutionary British Fiction: 1930 - present (previously EN263)

EN2C8/EN3C8 Explorations in Critical Theory and Cultural Studies (previously EN264)

EN2C9/EN3C9 The Global Novel (previously EN265)

EN2D0/EN3D0 Literature, Environment and Ecology (previously EN267)

EN2L3/EN3D1 Modernist Cultures (previously EN268)

EN2D2/EN3D2 Transnational Feminism: Literature, Theory and Practice (previously EN270)

EN271 Expatriation, Dispatriation and Modern American Poetry

EN273 Reeling and Writhing - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2D4/EN3D4 Asia and the Victorians (previously EN277)

EN2D5/EN3D5 Ends and Beginnings: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Literature and Culture (previously EN278)

EN2L6/EN3L2 Shakespeare and Selected Dramatists of His Time (previously EN301 & EN3D7)

EN2D8/EN3D8 European Theatre (previously EN302)

EN2D9/EN3D9 Twentieth-Century North American Literature (previously EN304)

EN3E0 Dissertation (previously EN320)

EN3K9 English & History Dissertation (English and History Students Only)

EN2L9/EN3E1 Othello - 15 CATS (previously EN323)

EN2E2/EN3E2 English Literature and Feminisms, 1790-1899 (previously EN328)

EN329 Personal Writing Project - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2E4/EN3E4 Eighteenth Century Literature (previously EN330)

EN331 Poetry in English Since 1945 - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2E6/EN3E6 Poetry and Emotion (previously EN333)

EN2E7/EN3E7 Crime Fiction, Nation and Empire: Britain 1850-1947 (previously EN334)

EN2E8/EN3E8 Literature & Psychoanalysis: Trauma, Fantasy, The Death Drive (previously EN334)

EN2E9/EN3E9 States of Damage: Twenty-First Century US Writing & Culture (previously EN336)

EN337 Shakespeare from Page to Stage to Page: Modes of Production and Reception - not running until further notice.

EN338 Russian Narratives - not running until further notice.

EN339 Shakespeare and the Director - 15 CATS - not running until further notice.

EN342 Teaching Shakespeare: A Practical Approach - 15 CATS - not running until further notice.

EN343 Drama, Performance and Identity Post 1955 - not running until further notice.

EN344 Representing Depression - not running until further notice.

EN345 Shakespeare's Later Collaborators I - 15 CATS - not running until further notice.

EN346 Shakespeare's Later Collaborators II - 15 CATS - not running until further notice.

EN347 Shakespeare and the Law - 15 CATS - not running until further notice. See LA392.

EN2K7/EN3K8 Twentieth-Century Avant-gardes (previously EN348)

EN349 Shakespeare's Books - not running until further notice.

EN2F0/EN3F0 Restoration Drama - 15 CATS (This module was formerly EN235 Restoration Drama at 30 CATS then previously EN352 at 15 CATS)

EN2F1/EN3F1 Early Modern Drama - 15 CATS (previously EN353)

EN2F2/EN3F2 Ecopoetics (previously EN355)

EN2F3/EN3F3 The Classical Tradition in English Translation: The Renaissance- 15 CATS (previously EN356)

EN357 The Classical Tradition in English Translation:18th-Century to the Present- 15 CATS - not running until further notice.

EN2F4/EN3F4 Saints, sex, society, self: Medieval literature beyond Chaucer - (previously EN359 Further Explorations in Medieval Literature) - 15 CATS version

EN360 Ben Jonson in Context - 15 CATS - not running until further notice.

EN2F5/EN3F5 Introduction to Alternative Lifeworlds Fiction (Science Fiction, Fantasy and the Weird) (previously EN361)

EN363 How to read a Translation - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2F9/EN3F9 Commodity Fictions: World Literature and World-Ecology (previously EN370)

EN2G0/EN3G0 Dissonant Voices of the Middle Ages: Satire and Debate 1325-1525 (previously EN371)

EN2H1/EN3G1 Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context- 15 CATS (previously EN372)

EN2G9/EN3G9 Queering the Literary Landscape - 15 CATS

EN373 Exophony or Writing Beyond the Mother Tongue - 15 CATS - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2G3/EN3G3 Global City Literature: Image, Theory, Text (previously EN374)

EN375 Fiction Now: Narrative, Media and Theory in the 21st Century - not running until further notice.

EN376 Cultures of Abolition, Slvery, prison, debt and data - not running until further notice.

EN2G4/EN3G4 Literature, Theory and Time (previously EN374)

EN2G5/EN3G5 Disasters and the British Contemporary (previously EN378)

EN379 The Marriage Plot: romance, sex and feminism in English Fiction- 15 CATS - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN380 Plant Thinking: Literature and Vegetal Life - 15 CATS - not running until further notice.

EN2G7/EN3G7 Remaking Shakespeare (previously EN381)

EN382 Inventing Selves 1: Life Writing - 15 CATS - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN383 Inventing Selves 2: Life Writing - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN384 Writing Out Loud: Slam, spoken word, and performance poetics - 15 CATS - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2H0/EN3H0 Small Press Publishing: History, Theory, Practice (previously EN389)

EN390 Words and Images - not running until further notice.

EN2H2/EN3H2 American Horror Story: U.S.Gothic Cultures, 1790 - Present (previously EN391)

EN2H3/EN3H3 Race, Ethnicity and Migration in the Americas (previously EN392)

EN393 Advanced Screenwriting - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN394 Black Radical Thought - not running until further notice.

EN2H5/EN3H5 Dreaming in the Middle Ages: Fiction, Imagination and Knowledge - 15 CATS (previously EN395)

EN396 The English Country House: fictions and histories - 15 CATS. From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN397 Game Theory: Interactive and Video Game Narratives - 15 CATS. From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures

EN2H8/EN3H8 Medieval Alterities: Race, Religion and Orientalism in the Literature of Medieval England - 15 CATS. (previously EN398)

EN3H9 On the Road to Collapse (previously EN399) - 15 CATS

EN2J0/EN3J0 Poetry and crisis: William Langland's Piers Plowman in late medieval culture and society (previously ENA0) - 15 CATS

EN2J1/EN3J1 Women and Writing, 1150-1450 (previously EN3A2) - 15 CATS

EN3A3 Writing the Isles - From October 2020, this module transferred to the School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures - 15 CATS

EN32J3/EN3J3 Austen in Theory (previously EN3A4)

EN2K1/EN3K1 American Poetry: Modernity, Rupture, Violence 

EN2F7/EN3F7 Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c. 1900 

EN2K5/EN3K5 Literature and Revolution, 1640-1660: Turning the World Upside Down - 15 CATS

EN2L4 Literature in Theory

EN3L3 Research Project

EN2K8/EN3K7 The Novel Now: Reading the Novel in the 21st Century - 15 CATS

EN2L2/EN3J8 The Question of the Animal - 15 CATS

EN2K6/EN3K6 Yiddish Literature in Translation: A World Beyond Borders 

EN2F8/EN3F8 Food and Literature: Identity, Memory, and Diaspora 

EN2K4/EN3K4 George Eliot and Sociology 

EN2L8/EN3L5 Tales of Terror: Gothic and the Short Form - 15 CATS/30 CATS versions available

EN2L7/EN3L6 England and the Islamic World, 1550-1660 - 15 CATS

EN2M1/EN3M1 Text/Styles: Fashion and Literature

EN2M4/EN3M4 Sick Imagination: Illness, Disability and the Critical Medical Humanities - 15 CATS

EN2M3/EN3M3 Modernity at Sea: Indian Ocean Literatures - 15 CATS

EN2M5/EN3M5 Sensation! - 15 CATS

EN2M6/EN3M6 The Narrative of Slavery

EN2M7/EN3M7 Special Topic: The Deep Dive - 15 CATS

EN2M9/EN3M9 Single-Author Study: The Deep Dive - 15 CATS

EN2M8/EN3M8 Single-Text Study: The Deep Dive - 15 CATS

EN2N1/EN3N1 Haunted Britain