Agata Bielik-Robson
Mysteries of The Promise: Negative Theology in Benjamin and Scholem; May 15, 4-6pm, Wolfson Research Exchange, rm 3
A research seminar on Professor Bielik-Robson's research on Walter Benjamin and Gershom Scholem's Jewish negative theology in light of their discussion of Kafka
Download the reading here
Schier vollendet bis zum Dache
Ist der grosse Weltbetrug.
Gib denn, Gott, dass der erwache,
Den dein Nichts durchschlug.
So allein strahlt Offenbarung
In die Zeit, die dich verwarf.
Nur den Nichts is die Erfahrung,
Die sie von dir haben darf.
- Gershom Scholem, a poem on Kafka’s Trial
The difference between ‘not,’ ‘nothingness,’ and ‘none’ is of great importance for philosophy. The Kabbalah contains the fundamental notion (which reappears in Hermann Cohen) that God is nothingness… Idols are called ‘nothing,’ while God is called ‘nothingness’ (which is entirely un-Christian).
- Gershom Scholem, Diary entry from the 22nd of February, 1918
Professor Bielik-Robson is the Jewish Studies Chair in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham. Her immensely distinguished career is founded on her research and teaching on modern Jewish thought from Spinoza to Derrida; and the dialogue between contemporary philosophy and theology. A list of her publications can be found here.