Religious Identities Symposium
Religious Identities in LiteratureThursday, 2nd June, Institute of Advanced StudyRoom A0.28, Millburn House, University of Warwick The event is free and open to all, but places are limited so to book a place please email Arina Cirstea or Nazry Bahrawi
9.00-9.10 Welcome
9.10-10.10 Professor Elisabeth Jay (Oxford Brookes) Exploring the Concept of Religious Identity in Victorian Literature
10.10-10.20 Break
10.20-11.20 Dr Emma Mason (Warwick) “Being’s Poem”: Wordsworth’s Rhythms of Forgiveness
11.20-11.35 Tea and coffee
11.35-12.35 Dr. Mohamed Salah Omri (St John’s College, Oxford) A Sufi Poetics of Modernity
12.35-14.00- Lunch
14.00-15.00 Professor David Jasper (Glasgow) Ways of Knowing: The Identity of the Artist and the Mind of God
15.00-15.10 Break
15.10-16.10 Dr Ziad Elmarsafy (York) Aspects of Sufism in Contemporary Arabic Fiction
16.10-16.25 Tea and coffee
16.25-17.25 Dr Arthur Bradley (Lancaster) City of Cacos: Towards a History of Unbearable Life
Friday, 3rd June, F204 Millburn House
10.00-12.00 Theology Reading Group Post-conference discussion.
Event sponsored by the Roberts Fund for Researchers and the Institute of Advanced Study