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The Wordsworth Reading Group will hold four meetings in the latter half of Term 3 (2018). At these meetings we will read and discuss Wordsworth's poems "The Ruined Cottage" and The Prelude (1805 version), along with some supplementary texts. Poet, critic and former Warwick University librarian Peter Larkin will join us for three of these meetings. If you are interested in joining the group, please come to our first meeting Thursday 7 June from 4 to 5:30pm in G.01, Millburn House. Also please send an email to Jonathan Skinner indicating your interest:

This group follows on the April 2018 Peter Larkin: Poetry, Phenomenology, Ecology symposium and is sponsored by Critical Environments in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies.


Meeting 1
Thu 7 June 2018, 4-5:30pm, G.01 (Millburn House)

"The Ruined Cottage"
Supplementary: Peter Larkin, "Relations of Scarcity: Ecology and Eschatology in The Ruined Cottage";
Emma Mason, "Wordsworth's Intution" in special issue of La questione Romantica: New Perspectives on William Wordsworth 
Robert Frost, "The Black Cottage"
Kenneth Johnston, The Hidden Wordsworth: Poet, Lover, Rebel, Spy (selections on the composition of "The Ruined Cottage")

Meeting 2
Wed 13 June 2018: 10:15-11:45am, G.01 (Millburn House)
The Prelude, Books II-II (1805 version)
Supplementary: Two-Part Prelude (listening)

Meeting 3
Wed 20th June 2018: 4-5:30pm, G.01 (Millburn House)
The Prelude, Books III-VII (1805 version)

Meeting 4
Mon 2 July 2018: 12:30-2pm, Windmill Hill (next to Cryfield, see campus map; if you don't know where it is, meet us at the Humanities Café, ground floor Humanities building, and we'll walk over together), if inclement, G.01 (Millburn House)
The Prelude, Books VIII-XIII (1805 version)

Wed 06 Jun 2018, 17:29