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A Tale of Three Cities

Three events taking BBAS's research back into the community in autumn 2015

October 21, Coventry - the Belgrade Theatre B2: 'To tell My Story' exhibition, introduced by Professor Tony Howard, for Black History Month.

November 12, Birmingham - The Drum. 'In Robeson's Footsteps' including the 'To Tell my Story' exhibition and a performance of In Robeson's Footsteps: a drama-documentary with Nicholas Bailey, Simon Manyonda, Sarah Paul, and Gaby Wong; BBAS's contribution to Being Human, the national festival of the humanities

January 15, London - Kilburn Tricycle. A half-day event presenting the research of the Multicultural Shakespeare in Britain project, including a public seminar, exhibition, drama-documentary performance, and the launch of the British Black and Asian Shakespeare Performance Database.

BBAS and the all-white Wars of the Roses controversy

See Dr. Jami Rogers' blog at
For the facts - historical and present-day - on the controversy over Trevor Nunn's 'artistic decision' to exclude actors of colour from his production of The Wars of the Roses at the Rose Theatre, Kingston.

Fri 21 Aug 2015, 12:29

BBAS Meets BBCArts Online

Colourblind Shakespeare:

BBCArts Online feature the BBAShakespeare exhibition on tour and provide links to many BBAS activities and to where the project began - the career of Paul Robeson.

Fri 01 May 2015, 15:15

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