Conference Proceedings
Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism is pleased to host collections of papers developed from presentations delivered at two symposia: ‘Under Capricorn at 70’ in 2019 (King's College, University of London) and ‘Alfred Hitchcock’s I Confess’ in 2023 (University College London). The former (Under Capricorn) was co-organised by Stéphane Duckett and Charles Barr, and latter (I Confess) was co-organised by Charles Barr, Stéphane Duckett and Laura Mulvey. Several papers have been revised, and some considerably developed, but otherwise appear as the writers submitted them.
'Alfred Hitchcock's I Confess'
Click image for entire document, or paper titles below for individual entries.*
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Charles Barr, Stéphane Duckett & Laura Mulvey – Introduction
James Bogdanski – The Spectre of the Holocaust in Hitchcock’s I Confess
Jean-Loup Bourget – Hitchcock as Catholic Auteur
Tifenn Brisset – The Reception of I Confess in the French Press
Stéphane Duckett – Hitchcock's Catholicism
Sidney Gottlieb – Robert Lepage’s Le Confessionnal and Recalibrating Alfred Hitchcock’s I Confess
Danny Nissim – Out of the Shadows: Robert Burks and I Confess
'Under Capricorn 70 Years On'
Click image for entire document, or paper titles below for individual entries.*
*Note: depending on your browser settings, clicking individual titles may still link to title page of document.
Front matter; introductory note; symposium schedule
Stéphane Duckett & Charles Barr – 'Hitchcock's Under Capricorn 70 Years On'
Bertrand Tavernier – 'On Under Capricorn'
Stéphane Duckett – 'An Overview of Under Capricorn'
Richard Blennerhassett – 'Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: A fairy-tale of old Ireland'
Edward Gallafent – 'Under Capricorn and Helen de Guerry Simpson'
Douglas Pye – 'Under Capricorn and The Paradine Case: Adaptation and Convergence'
Tytti Soila – 'Between P and B, Past and the Bottle: On Ingrid Bergman's acting in Alfred Hitchcock's Under Capricorn'
Sidney Gottlieb – 'Under Capricorn and the Hitchcockian Melodrama of Trauma, Recovery, and Remarriage'
Stephen Morgan – 'An International Production but "not much Australian": Authenticity and Australianness in Under Capricorn'
George Toles – 'Humiliation Finery in George Cukor's Gaslight (1944) and Alfred Hitchcock's Under Capricorn (1949)'
Steven Jacobs – 'Minyago Yugilla: Architecture in Hitchcock's Under Capricorn'
John Bruns – 'Under Capricorn: Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes'
David Greven – 'A New Mirror: The Feminine Versus the Queer in Under Capricorn'
David Sterritt – 'Adare in the Underworld: Suspicious Characters, Discarded Histories'
Brian Davidson – 'The Use of Music in Hitchcock's Transatlantic Pictures'