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News at the Centre for the History of Medicine

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Early Women Biochemists Web - Now Available

The Early Women Biochemists web page is now available for perusal: 

Please be advised that some elements of the pages are still under construction and will be available in the near future.

Our thanks to Dr Stephen Soanes, Professor Robert Freedman and Professor Hilary Marland for all their efforts and continued support. Our thanks also to the Biochemical Society and Warwick CHM's Wellcome Strategic Award for their kind contributions.


Mon 13 Aug 2012, 11:10 | Tags: Announcement Launch Media

Dr Angela Davis - ON R4 Womans Hour

Fifty Years of Motherhood Manuals:

Childcare manuals claim to offer a source of support for new mothers, but according to new research they can leave women feeling inadequate and confused as the advice is delivered in the form of an order, with the threat of dire consequences if mother or child fails to behave as expected. Angela Davis focused her research on six childcare experts over a fifty year period ranging from Frederick Truby King to Gina Ford. Are baby manuals a help or a hindrance? She joins Jenni to discuss. They are joined by Penelope Leach, one of the childcare experts discussed in the book.

Modern Motherhood: Women and Family in England, 1945-2000 by Angela Davis is published by Manchester University Press.

Tue 27 Mar 2012, 09:16 | Tags: Announcement Media

Media - Dr Angela Davis

We are delighted to note that Dr Angela Davis' work on Modern Motherhood is receiving media attention. The following details recently noted publicity on the topic of her research:

A two page article in the Observer: 18 March 2012 (

Noted in Times Article: 19 March 2012: 'My radical motto for mothers: peace and love'

Noted in Daily Mail: 19 March 2012: 'Parenting Guides leave mothers in a muddle'

Dr Davis was also on the World Service's news hour programme: (


Tue 20 Mar 2012, 12:36 | Tags: Announcement Publication Media

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