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Witch Hunt 1649 Card Game Launch

Friday 21 October 2022, 2-4 pm, FAB 5.03Link opens in a new window (Faculty of Arts Building)

Witch Hunt 1649 is a pair of card games developed by a staff/student team from the Arts Faculty at Warwick. Players take on the roles of neighbours in a seventeenth-century Scottish community riven by accusations of witchcraft. The aim of the project was to provide a sensitive, non-sensationalised exploration of the witch hunts, promoting understanding of the historical backdrop and empathy for victims.

The games can be played at home or in school/university classrooms. They are available for free download and home printing, or for purchase (£15 + P&P if required). All proceeds go to the Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre.

Join us at the launch event to try out one of the games! Refreshments provided; no pre-registration required. For more on the project, see opens in a new window


Card game cards

Women whispering together


The team is grateful to the historical consultants, playtesters and funders who made the project possible. They are credited in full hereLink opens in a new window. The project was inspired by VirtusLink opens in a new window, a card game exploring masculine honour in the Middle Ages produced by Prof. Frank Klaassen and students at the University of Saskatchewan.