Witch Hunt 1649 Card Game Launch
Friday 21 October 2022, 2-4 pm, FAB 5.03Link opens in a new window (Faculty of Arts Building)
Witch Hunt 1649 is a pair of card games developed by a staff/student team from the Arts Faculty at Warwick. Players take on the roles of neighbours in a seventeenth-century Scottish community riven by accusations of witchcraft. The aim of the project was to provide a sensitive, non-sensationalised exploration of the witch hunts, promoting understanding of the historical backdrop and empathy for victims.
The games can be played at home or in school/university classrooms. They are available for free download and home printing, or for purchase (£15 + P&P if required). All proceeds go to the Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre.
Join us at the launch event to try out one of the games! Refreshments provided; no pre-registration required. For more on the project, see https://marthamcgill.co.uk/witchhunt1649/Link opens in a new window
The team is grateful to the historical consultants, playtesters and funders who made the project possible. They are credited in full hereLink opens in a new window. The project was inspired by VirtusLink opens in a new window, a card game exploring masculine honour in the Middle Ages produced by Prof. Frank Klaassen and students at the University of Saskatchewan.