National Maritime Museum-29 November 2010
On the 29th of November 2010, the Europe’s Asian centuries project organized a workshop at the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich. First, John McAleer, the Curator of 18th-Century Imperial and Maritime History, gave us a introductory talk entitled Global people, global objects, which via illustrations of former museum exhibits helped us explore the multiple meanings of objects from the Company period. After his presentation, he showed us what documents, such as ships’ logs and personal papers, can be found in the archives of the Maritime Museum. Then, Amy Miler, Curator of Decorative Arts and Material Culture, showed us some of the costumes made out of Indian muslin and their development in design over time. After these sessions behind closed doors, John McAleer showed us the new gallery at the Museum on the interactions between 18th century Atlantic, Asia and Europe. The focus of the visit was on how objects in museums, and particularly in the Maritime Museum, can represent history and help us understand the history of 18th century interaction in luxury goods between Europe and Asia.