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Events and Activities in the Global History and Culture Centre: Calendar

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Wed 8 Jan, '25
New Year's lunch and seminar Kim Wagner (QMUL), ‘Massacre in the Clouds: An American Atrocity and the Erasure of History’
FAB5.03 Faculty of Arts Building
Wed 15 Jan, '25
GHCC Work-in-Progress session, Doreen Kembabazi
Tue 21 Jan, '25
GHCC reading group, They Called It Peace, Lauren Benton
OC0.05, Oculus Building
Thu 23 Jan, '25 - Fri 24 Jan, '25
10am - 5:30pm
GHCC conference ‘The Problem of Eurocentrism in Global Diplomatic History'
Stockholm University

Runs from Thursday, January 23 to Friday, January 24.

an AHRC network conference, organised by Guido van Meersbergen, Lisa Hellman and Birgit Tremml-Werner(Lund University)

Wed 29 Jan, '25
Roundtable discussion on Global Fashion History
R0.14 Ramphal Building

A conversation with Giorgio Riello(Warwick/EUI) and Laura Beltrán-Rubio (De Montfort University)

Thu 20 Feb, '25
EMECC-GHCC joint seminar, Sara Caputo (Cambridge) ‘Tracks on the Ocean: A History of Trailblazing, Maps and Maritime Travel’
OC1.09, Oculus Building
Fri 21 Feb, '25
EMECC/GHCC/Map History Group Workshop on historical maps
R1.15 Ramphal Building
Wed 26 Feb, '25
GHCC seminar, Alan Lester (Sussex), The Truth about Empire: Real Histories of British Colonialism
R1.15 Ramphal Building
Thu 27 Feb, '25
GHCC-LAWN joint seminar: Jordana Dym (IAS) ‘(What is) Lost and Gained in Translation: The Traveling Maps of Antonio de Ulloa's Relación del Viage Histórica a la America Meridional (1748-1772)
R1.13 Ramphal Building
Tue 4 Mar, '25
GHCC-Map History Research Group Joint Workshop ‘What Kinds of Questions Can Maps Answer? Materiality, Text, and Digitisation’
OC0.01 | Wolfson Research Exchange, Library

speakers, Jordana Dym (IAS Visiting Prof), Manjusha Kuruppath (Huygens Institute) and Leon van Wissen (Amsterdam)

12-2pm at OC0.01 Oculus

2-4pm at Wolfson Research Exchange 1& 2, Library

Wed 12 Mar, '25
GHCC seminar with Mahmood Kooria (Edinburgh), African Intellectuals in Medieval Asia: Discourses and Circulations across the Indian Ocean
OC0.02 Oculus Building
Fri 14 Mar, '25
GHCC workshop, 'Commemorative Cultures of Empire', with John McAleer (Southampton).
OC1.08 Oculus Building,
