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Black Children in Eighteenth-Century London: Archives and Collections

A workshop to be held at The Foundling Museum

co-funded by the Global History and Culture Centre and the Humanities Research Centre
Friday 11 October, 2019
40 Brunswick Square
London WC1N 1AZ

Space is limited, but please contact the organizer, Professor Maxine Berg, if you'd like to attend.


10.30 Arrival & Coffee

Morning Session

11.00-11.15: Welcome by Prof. Maxine Berg (University of Warwick) and Kathleen Palmer (Curator Exhibitions and Displays, Foundling Museum)
11.15-11.30 Caro Howell (Director, Foundling Museum)
11.30-12.00 Prof. Jane Humphries (Oxford University and London School of Economics)
12.00-12.30 Prof. Helen Berry (University of Newcastle), 'Owning the Empire: visibility, power and intersectionality in the Foundling Hospital archive'
12.30-1.00 Janette Bright (Ph.D. student, Institute of Historical Research, London), 'Finding A Way Through The Foundling Archives'

1.00 - 2.00 Lunch
Afternoon Sessions

Archives & Research Sessions - each speaker 10-15 minutes on their sources and a short case study, with 15 minutes for discussion. This session will focus on how archives can yield information on the Caribbean and Indian Ocean connections of the benefactors as well as connections with the infants and children of colour who came into the Foundling Hospital.

Session 1

2.00 -2.15 Charlie Turpie, Head of Public Services (Principal Archivist), London Metropolitan Archives
2.15-2.30 Margaret Makepeace, Lead Curator, East India Company Records, British Library
2.30-2.45 Discussion

Session 2

2.45–3.00 Robert Blyth, Senior Curator of Maritime History, Royal Museums Greenwich
3.00-3.15 Pamela Hunter, Archivist, Hoareā€™s Bank
3.15-3.30 Discussion

Coffee Break: 3.30 - 4.00
Session 3

4.00 - 4.15 Kathy Chater, Independent Historian and Genealogist, author of Untold Histories: Black people in England and Wales during the period of the British slave trade, c. 1660-1807
4.15- 4.30 Catherine Johnson, Author of The Nest of Vipers
4.30 - 5.00 Discussion following by Overview by Maxine Berg and Kathleen Palmer

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Foundling hospital

The Foundling Hospital, seen from Lamb's Conduit Street. Engraving by J. Shury, 1833. Credit: Wellcome Collection

Foundling hospital