Global History and Culture Centre University of Warwick 19-21 April 2017
held at the Warwick Business School, WBS 1.005/6
Wednesday 19 April 2017
13.15-13.45. Registration
13.45-15.00. Introduction and Plenary Speaker. Chair: Giorgio Riello (University of Warwick)
Francisco Bethencourt (King's College London), The Impact of Colonialism on World Inequality
15.00-16.30. Session 1. Deep and Global Histories of Inequality. Chair: Dan Branch (University of Warwick)
Darrin M. McMahon (Dartmouth College), The Deep History of Inequality
Kaveh Yazdani (University of Witwatesrand), India, Modernity and the Great Divergence
Christian Olaf Christiansen (Aarhus University), Amartya Sen's Critique of Global Inequality:a Historical Contextualization
16.30-17.00. Coffee Break
17.00-18.30. Panel 1. Economic Inequality in a Global and Comparative Perspective. Chair: Pat Hudson (University of Cardiff)
Speakers: Pat Hudson (University of Cardiff), Pat Manning (Pittsburgh University), and David Washbrook (University of Cambridge).
Thursday 20 April 2017
9.30-10.00. Coffee
10.00-11.00. Plenary Speaker. Chair: Anne Gerritsen (University of Warwick)
Wayne Modest (Volkenkunde Museum, Leiden), Ethnographic Museums in an Unequal World
11.00-12.00. Panel 2. Inequality and Socio-Economic Rights. Chair: Charles Walton (University of Warwick)
Speakers: Charles Walton (University of Warwick), David James (University of Warwick), and Mark Philp (University of Warwick).
12.00-13.15. Lunch
13.15-14.45. Session 2. Poverty, Migration and Education. Chair: Laura Schwartz (University of Warwick)
Jennifer R. Cash (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology), Hunger or Human Rights? European Perceptions of Poverty as a Social Problem
Yue Teng (University of Trento and University of Florence), Educational Inequality at Regional Level and Its Determinants: the Evidence of Latin America in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
Paul Kramer (Vanderbilt University), The Geopolitics of Mobility: Migration, Inequality and Global History"
14.45-15.15. Coffee.
15.15-16.15. Session 3. Labour and Work. Chair: Erica Charters (University of Oxford)
Aneta Tyc (University of Lodz), The Linkage Between Labour Standards and International Trade: How to Offset the Global Inequality?
Annapurna Mamidipudi (University of Maastricht), Telling Colour by Smell, Memory and Song: the Revival of Indigo Dyeing in South India
16.15-17.15. Panel 3. The Poverty Research Network: Poverty & Governmentality, the past and future of inequality. Chair: Julia McClure (University of Warwick)
Speakers: Kathleen Vongsathorn (University of Warwick), Kathryn Woods (University of Warwick) and Jose Bento da Silva (University of Warwick).
17.15-18.15. Plenary Speaker. Chair: Maxine Berg (University of Warwick)
Andrea Muehlebach (University of Toronto), The Price of Austerity
Friday 21 April 2017
9.00-10.00. Session 4. Inequality and Disability. Chair: Claire Shaw (University of Bristol)
Paul van Trigt (Leiden University), Which Inequality? The Neglect of the Concept Socio-economic Inequality in the United Nations' Observances Dedicated to Disabled People
Anna Derksen (Leiden University), 'Full Participation and Equality'? Disabled Persons in the Swedish Welfare Society and International Development Projects
10.00-11.00. Panel 4. Inequality and the Meaning of Human Nature. Chair: Michael Bycroft (University of Warwick).
Speakers: Claudia Stein (University of Warwick) and Alice Mah (University of Warwick)
11.00-11.30. Coffee
11.30-12.30. Plenary Speaker. Chair: Ross Forman (University of Warwick)
L.H.M. Ling (The New School, New York), Ontological Parity with the West: Lessons from Asia for the Twenty-First Century
12.30-13.20. Lunch
13.20-14.20. Plenary Speaker. Chair: Rebecca Earle (University of Warwick)
Isabel Hofmeyr (University of Witwatersrand), Imperial Shambles: Intellectual Property and Inequality - An Attempt at a Global History
14.20-15.20. Session 5. Inequality and Social Order. Chair: Robert Fletcher (University of Warwick)
Andreas Exenberger (University of Innsbruck), Inequality, Extraction and Social Order
Eric L. Palladini (Independent Scholar), Time, Institutions, and the Subaltern in Latin American Economic History
15.20-15.45. Coffee
15.45-16.45. Plenary Speaker. Chair: David Lambert (University of Warwick)
Dilip Menon (University of Witwatersrand), Is Hierarchy the Same as Inequality? Thinking through Louis Dumont
16.45-17.00. Conclusion