Dr Ioanna Iordanou

Emails: i.iordanou.2@warwick.ac.uk or ioanna.iordanou@brookes.ac.uk
Academic Appointments
- 2019 Reader in Human Resource Management (Coaching and Mentoring), Oxford Brookes Business School
- 2018 Descartes Theme-Group Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW)
- 2015-2018 Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management (Coaching and Mentoring), Oxford Brookes Business School
- 2015-Present Honorary Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, University of Warwick
- 2013-2015 Teaching Fellow, WBS Create, Warwick Business School
- The Galley Makers: Life and Industry in the State Shipyards of Late Renaissance Venice [Currently in preparation]
- Venice's Secret Service: Organizing Intelligence in the Renaissance (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Turkish Translation: Venedik Gizli Servisi -Rönesans’ta Bir İstihbarat Teşkilatı Link opens in a new window(Istanbul: Kronik Kitap, 2020)
Italian Translation: I servizi segreti di Venezia: Organizzazione dei Servizi d'Informazione nel Rinascimento Link opens in a new window(Gorizia: LEG, 2021)
*Shortlisted for the Royal Historical Society's Gladstone Prize 2020*
- Values and Ethics in Coaching (London and Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2017) - with Rachel Hawley and Christiana Iordanou.
Edited Volumes:
- Spy Chiefs Volume I: Intelligence Leaders in the United States and United Kingdom (Washington, DC: Georgetwon Univesrity Press, 2018) - with Christopher Moran and Mark Stout.
- Spy Chiefs Volume II: Intelligence Leaders in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia (Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2018) - with Paul Maddrell, Christopher Moran, Mark Stout, and Paul Maddrell.
- The Practitioner's Handbook of Team Coaching (London and New York: Routledge, 2019) - with David Clutterbuck, Judie Gannon, Sandra Hayes, Krister Lowe, and Doug Mac Kie.
- 'Emotions at Work: The Emotional Labour of Professional Diplomats in the Early Modern Venetian Republic, Business History [Accepted and Forthcoming].
'The Origins of Organization: A Trans-methodological Approach to the Historical Analysis of Preindustrial OrganisationsLink opens in a new window', Business History, 66:7 (2024), pp. 1689-7111.
- 'The Secret Service of Renaissance Venice: Intelligence Organisation in the Sixteenth CenturyLink opens in a new window', Journal of Intelligence History, 21:3 (2022), pp. 251-267.
- 'The Professionalization of Cryptology in Sixteenth Century Venice', Enterprise and Society,19:4 (2018), pp. 979-1013.
- 'Pestilence, Poverty and Provision: Re-evaluating the Role of the Popolani in Early Modern Venice', The Economic History Review, 69:3 (2016), pp. 801-822.
- 'What News on the Rialto? The Trade of Information and Early Modern Venice's Centralized Intelligence Organization', Intelligence and National Security, 31:3 (2016), pp. 305-326.
- 'Reconceptualizing Coach Education from the Perspectives of Pragmatism and Constructivism', Philosophy of Acoaching: An International Journal 2:2 (2017), pp. 29-50, with Tatiana Bachkirova, Peter Jackson, Judie Gannon, and Adrian Myers
- 'What we Learn from Sports and Sports Coaching?', Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 11:1(2018), pp. 1-2.
- 'Special Issue Editorial Introduction', International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue 11 (2017), pp. 1-3.
- Bridging the Gap: An Investigation into the Gap between Coaching and Metoring Practice and Research, International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching (forthcoming).
Book Chapters:
Managing Ethics Online, in J. Passmore, S. J. Diller, S. Isaackson, and M. Brantl (Eds.) The Digital and AI Coaches’ Handbook: The Complete Guide to the Use of Online, AI, and Technology in Coaching. Abington: Routledge, 2024 [Forthcoming] - with Rachel Hawley and Eve Turner.
- 'Ethics in Coaching', in E. Cox, T. Bachkirova, and D. Clutterbuck (Eds.),The Complete Handbook of Coaching, 4th edn. London: Sage, 2024, pp. 495-509 - with Diane Brennan and Lenni Wildflower.
'Ethical Issues in Note Taking and Record Keeping in Coaching', in W. A. Smith, J. Passmore, E. Turner, Y. L. Lai, and D. Clutterbuck (Eds.), The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook. Abingdon: Routledge, 2023, pp. 167-181 - with Christiana Iordanou and Rachel Hawley.
'Regulating the Transfer of Secret Knowledge in the Early Modern World', in F. J. Dijksterhuis (Ed.), Regulating Knowledge in an Entangled World, Knowledge Societies in History, Vol. 4. Abington: Routledge, pp. 149-166.
'The Invisible Trade: Commoners and Convicts as Early Modern Venice’s Spies', in S. Bowd, S. Cockram and J. Gagne, Shadow Agents of Renaissance War: Suffering, Supporting, and Supplying Conflict in Italy and Beyond. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022, pp. 227-250.
- 'Using Kinaesthetic Exertion to Engender Team Psychological Safety in UK Higher Education', in S. Taylor, and E. Antonacopoulou, E., Sensuous Learning for Practical Judgment in Professional Practice: Volume 2: Arts-based Interventions (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) - with Ashley Roberts.
- 'The Origins of Organizing in the Sixteenth Century', in Gaggiotti et al., Origins of Organizing (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2018), pp. 129-147 - with Jose Bento da Silva.
- 'The Spy Chiefs of Renaissance Venice: Intelligence Leadership in the Early Modern World', in Maddrell et al. (eds), Spy Chiefs Volume II: Intelligence Leaders in the Europe, the Middle East, and Asia (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2018), pp. 43-66.
- ‘Spy Chiefs: Power, Secrecy and Leadership’, in Moran et al. (eds.), Spy Chiefs Volume I: Intelligence Leaders in the United States and United Kingdom (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2018), pp. 1-20 - with Christopher Moran and Mark Stout.
- 'Conclusion: Intelligence Leadership in the 21st Century', in Moran et al. (eds.), Spy Chiefs Volume I: Intelligence Leaders in the United States and United Kingdom (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2018), pp. 301-310 - with Christopher Moran and Mark Stout.
- 'Developing Ethical Capabilities of Coaches', in Bachkirova, T., Spence, G., and Drake, D., eds., The Sage Handbook of Coaching (London: SAGE Publishing, 2017), pp. 699-712 - with Patrick Williams.
- 'Coaching in Higher Education', in van Nieuwerburgh, C., ed., Coaching in Professional Contexts (London: SAGE Publishing, 2015), pp. 145-158 - with Agnes Lech and Veronica Barnes.
- 'Exploring Cases Using Emotion, Open Space and Creativity', in Courtney, N., Poulsen, C., and Stylios, C., eds., Case-based Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century (London: Libri, 2015), pp. 19-38 - with Grier Palmer.
Professional Publications (Outreach and Public Engagement):
'The Ethics of Keeping Records in Coaching'. Coaching at Work, 17:4 (2021), with Christiana Iordanou and Rachel Hawley.
- ‘First State Run Intelligence Organization’ and ‘First Official State Cryptographer’ in Guinness World Records 2021, pp. 136-137.
- On her Most Serene Republic’s Secret Service, History Today, 70/7 (July 2020).
- 'Coaching Patients in UK Healthcare: The Current Landscape and Ethical Implications'. Coaching at Work, 15:3 (2020), pp. 56-57, with Rachel Hawley.
- 'Ethical Issues in Team Coaching: Some Reflections and Practical Guidelines'. Coaching at Work, 14:4 (2019), pp. 56-57, with Christiana Iordanou.
'A Brief History of Ethics: From Plato to Modern Coaching'. Coaching Perspectives 19 (October 2018), pp. 15-16.
Wall, T., Hawley, R., Iordanou, I., Csigás, Z., Cumberland, N., Lerotic-Pavlik, N., Vreede, A. (2018) Research Policy and Practice Provocations Report: Coaching and Ethics in Practice: Dilemmas, Navigations, and the (Un)spoken. Brussels: European Mentoring and Coaching Council International.
- 'A Future of Coaching Collaboration Guidance Document'. London: Future of Coaching Collaboration: 2017, with Various Authors.
- 'Making Ethical Decisions: An Evaluation and a Proposition', Coaching at Work, 12:1 (2017), pp. 56-57.
- 'Coaching in the Undergraduate Business School Curriculum', Coaching at Work, 11: 5 (2016), pp. 56-57.
- 'Research Policy & Provocations: Briding the Gap - Towards Research that Sparks and Connects Coaches in Research and Practice', (Brussels: European Mentoring and Coaching Councill International, 2016) with Tony Wall, Rachel Hawley, and Zoltán Csigás. ISBN: 97819104870404
- 'A snapshot on the findings from an investigation into the gap between coaching and mentoring practice and research. Report for the European Mentoring and Coaching Council', (Brussels: European Mentoring and Coaching Council International, 2015) - with Rachel Hawley.
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