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Dr Cecilia Sideri

I am a Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor (holding a Marie Curie-UKRI Guarantee postdoctoral fellowship 2023-2025) in the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, where I teach Italian Palaeography, and modules in the MA Renaissance Culture core course. In the academic year 2024-2025 I also convene the STVDIO Seminar series programmeLink opens in a new window. My current project at Warwick examines the influence of Greek texts on the Italian vernacular culture in the Renaissance, with a particular focus on 15th-century Florence. The first results are available in a database (work-in-progress version released in October 2024, available hereLink opens in a new window).

After studying for BA and MA at the Università Cattolica of Milan, I completed my PhD at the University of Venice in 2020. Prior to taking the current position at Warwick, I was Junior Researcher (‘rtd-a’) of Italian Philology at the University of Verona (where I as a member of the LaMeDan research-lab, specialised in the description and digitisation of manuscripts), DAAD Short-term fellow at the Freie Universität of Berlin, as well as Short-term fellow of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Neo-Latin Studies in Innsbruck and of the Bibliographical Society of America. I taught a number of courses of Mediaeval and Humanistic Philology, of Italian Linguistics and Latin Palaeography at the University of Verona, and I was adjunct professor of Italian for Communication at the Università Cattolica of Milan. At Warwick, I teach a course of Italian Palaeography and some modules in the Renaissance Culture & Society core MA course.


Research interests:

  • Reception of Greek and Latin texts in the Renaissance and in the 19th century
  • Manuscript transmission of the Latin classics in the Renaissance
  • History of the Book in the 15th and 16th century
  • Latin and Italian Palaeography (15th-16th century)
  • Translation studies
  • Textual scholarship


  • PhD in Italian Studies - Ca’ Foscari University, Venice
  • Diploma in Palaeography, Diplomatics and Archival Studies - States Archives, Milano
  • MA in Italian Philology (‘Filologia moderna’) - Università Cattolica, Milano
  • BA in Humanities (‘Lettere’) - Università Cattolica, Milano


© Cecilia Sideri - VerGreeR 2024: VerGreeR, Vernacular Culture and Greek Texts in Renaissance Florence: a Database of Florentine Vernacularizations of Greek texts, c. 1460-1500Link opens in a new window. The database collects the results of my current project at Warwick. It is being progressively populated with data collected during the first year of research, and will continue being updated until September 2025. Its work-in-progress version was released in October 2024.



  • in preparation: The Vernacular Reception of Lucian's De Calumnia in Renaissance Italy.
  • C. Sideri, La fortuna di Diodoro Siculo fra Quattrocento e Cinquecento. Edizione critica dei volgarizzamenti della Biblioteca storica, libri I-II, De Gruyter (BzRP), Berlin, 2022, pp. 1-893 (ISBN: 978-3-11-074043-1).

Journal articles 

  • C. Sideri, "Tradurre (auto)commentare per Ercole d'Este: Bartolomeo Fonzio e il MS Berlin, Kupferstichkabinett, 78 C 26", currently in peer review for the journal Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch (2025 issue).
  • C. Sideri, "Traduire (et trahir) le mythe d'Isis à la Renaissance", Bien dire et bien apprendre, 40 (2025), now in press. The script of the conference paper from which the article originates is available here as a draft (the article substantially re-elaborates the text, with the addition of a variety of textual examples and sources).
  • C. Sideri, "Due segnalazioni per Biagio Buonaccorsi copista", Medioevo e Rinascimento 38 (2024), pp. 261-286, Plates I-IV.

  • C. Sideri, "Libri e scritture tra Firenze e Rimini: una nuova proposta per Roberto Valturio (De re militari), con una nota per Poggio Bracciolini (De miseria humanae conditionis)", Rinascimento 64 (2024), pp. 3-66, Plates I-XV.

  • C. Sideri, "Correzioni, ritocchi e marginalia d'autore nella tradizione: nuove schede minime per Poggio Bracciolini", Studi Medievali 65/1 (2024), pp. 191-223, Tavv. I-VII.

  • C. Sideri, "Giuseppe Compagnoni traduttore di Ditti Cretese e Darete Frigio", Prassi ecdotiche della modernità letteraria 8 (2023), pp. 1-41.
  • C. Sideri, "Pubblicare classici greco-latini nella Milano ottocentesca: Giovanni Silvestri e la «Biblioteca scelta di opere greche e latine tradotte in lingua italiana» (1820-1855)", Prassi ecdotiche della modernità letteraria 7 (2022), pp. 5-33.
  • C. Sideri, "Niccolò Michelozzi copista e la sua biblioteca: nuovi ritrovamenti", StEFI. Studi di Erudizione e di Filologia Italiana 10 (2022), pp. 325-378.
  • C. Sideri, "Cristoforo Landino e il ms. 138 della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze: studio su uno zibaldone umanistico", Aevum 104/3 (2020), pp. 587-617.
  • C. Sideri, "Due volgarizzamenti quattro-cinquecenteschi della Biblioteca storica di Diodoro Siculo: primi sondaggi sulle fonti latine", StEFI. Studi di Erudizione e di Filologia Italiana 8 (2019), pp. 437-518.
  • C. Sideri, "Diodoro Siculo fra latino e volgare: prime ricerche sui volgarizzamenti umanistici e sul manoscritto Trotti 301 della Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano", StEFI. Studi di Erudizione e di Filologia Italiana 5 (2016), pp. 105-173.

Book chapters and proceedings

  • C. Sideri, "Bartolomeo Sorio lessicografo ed editore di volgarizzamenti (con un affondo sull'Esopo volgare)", in La ricezione sette-e ottocentesca di testi medievali italiani in prosa. Proceedings of the international conference held in Erlangen, 15 June 2023, ed. M. Bürgel, C. Rivoletti, Ravenna, Longo, 2024, now in press.
  • C. Sideri, "Releasing and Promoting One’s Own Works. The Case of Poggio Bracciolini", in Authorial Publishing in the Middle Ages. Proceedings of a Conference held at Oxford 18-20 July 2022, ed. S. Niskanen et al. Turnhout, Brepols, 2025, now in peer review.
  • C. Sideri, Xenophon’s Cyropaedia Translated by Iacopo Bracciolini and its Manuscript Tradition: a Case Study, in Nouvelles traductions et receptions indirectes de la Grèce ancienne (textes et images, 1300-1560), ed. par C. Gaullier-Bougassas, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024, now in press.
  • C. Sideri, La tradizione manoscritta dei volgarizzamenti di testi greci a Firenze nel secondo Quattrocento: percorsi, tessere e spunti di ricerca, in Percorsi di filologia. Atti delle giornate di studio (Bari, 28-30 settembre 2022), a cura di M. Berisso, S. Brambilla, C. Corfiati, A. Decaria, D. Gionta, A. Mazzucchi, C. Vela, Roma, Società dei Filologi della Letteratura Italiana, 2024, pp. 1-31, Plates I-XII.

  • C. Sideri, Cristoforo Landino e le fonti greche: un cantiere aperto, in Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis. Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin (Leuven 2022), ed. by F. Schaffenrath - D. Sacré, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2024, pp. 608-619.
  • C. Sideri, La preghiera nelle opere di Poggio Bracciolini, fra dialogo intimo e deformazione comico-umoristica, in La Preghiera nella letteratura italiana, a c. di M. Ballarini, S. Brambilla, P. Frare, G. Langella, IPL Centro Ambrosiano, Milano, 2024, pp. 138-145.
  • C. Sideri, Per la tipologia del manoscritto annotato: il caso dei marginalia autografi di Poggio Bracciolini alla sua traduzione di Diodoro Siculo, in ‘Imago librorum’. Mille anni di forme del libro in Europa. Atti del convegno Rovereto-Trento 24-26 maggio 2017, ed. by E. Barbieri, introduction by Frédéric Barbier, Florence, Olschki, 2021, pp. 257-327.
  • C. Sideri, ‘Marginalia’ nei manoscritti della traduzione diodorea di Poggio Bracciolini, in Oltre le righe. Usi e infrazioni dello spazio testuale. Atti del Seminario Internazionale (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 19-21 ottobre 2017), ed. by V. Allegrini – S. De Simone – A. Forte – D. Panno-Pecoraro, Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2020, pp. 159-179..
  • C. Sideri, Un episodio di filologia umanistica: le emendazioni di Lilio Tifernate al Diodoro Siculo latino di Poggio Bracciolini nel manoscritto Urb. lat. 431, in ‘In limine’. Postille e marginalia nella tradizione letteraria italiana, ed. by A. Capobasso – G. Cirone – D. Raffini, Rome, Bulzoni, 2019, pp. 41-58.

Encyclopedical entries

  • Beccadelli Antonio (Panormita), in Dizionario Biblico della Letteratura Italiana, ed. M. Ballarini – P. Frare – G. Frasso – G. Langella, IPL Centro Ambrosiano, Milan, 2018, pp. 97-100.

PhD dissertation

  • C. Sideri, Per la fortuna di Diodoro Siculo fra XV e XVI secolo: la traduzione latina di Poggio Bracciolini e i primi volgarizzamenti. Con un saggio di edizione critica dei testi volgari, tutor Prof. R. Drusi, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, defended on 20 March 2020, available here.

Online publications

  • C. Sideri, A translation of Xenophon’s Cyropaedia in Italian vernacular (Bibliothèque municipale de Lille, circa 1470, Ms. 324), in Carnet de recherches of the AGRELITA Project ERC Advanced Grant, ISSN 2827-7031, 08/03/2023,


  • Review of B. McNair, Cristoforo Landino. His Works and Thought, Leiden, Brill, 2019, in Renaissance Quarterly 73/2 (2023), pp. 1180-1182.
  • Review of Poggio Bracciolini and the Re(dis)covery of Antiquity: Textual and Material Traditions, Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Bryn Mawr College on April 8-9, 2016, ed. R. Ricci, Firenze 2020, in Exemplaria Classica 27 (2023), pp. 402-409.
  • Review of M. Acocella, La fortuna di Luciano nel Rinascimento. Il volgarizzamento del manoscritto Vaticano Chigiano L.VI.215. Edizione critica dei volgarizzamenti delle «Storie vere», LED, Milano, 2016, in Lettere italiane 69 (2018/1), pp. 195-201.
  • Review of Tomaso Da Faenza. Rime. Edizione critica con commento, ed. F. Sangiovanni, Longo, Ravenna, 2016, in Zeitschrift fur romanische Philologie 123/4 (2017), pp. 1176-1182.

Grants and Prizes

  • Trilateral Research Conference Grant, jointly awarded in 2024 by the Villa Vigoni Centre for European Dialogue, the French "Fondation Maison Sciences de l'Homme" and the German "Deutsche Forshungsgemeinschaft" (DFG). Title of the project: Vernacularizations of Greek texts into Italian, French and German (15th-16th centuries) (grant jointly awarded to m, Enrica Fantino and Dr. Alexia Dedieu).
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, European Fellowship, call 2021, score 100%, host institution University of Warwick (funded by the UK Research & Innovation,). Project: VerGreeR. Vernacular Culture and Greek Texts in the Renaissance: from Florence to Europe.
  • Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 6 months post-doctoral fellowship, 2022. Project: The Spread of Ancient Greek Culture in Europe through Italian Renaissance Translations. Printed Editions of Historical and Geographical Greek Texts in Translation preserved in the ‘Bibliotheca Augusta’.
  • International Association for Neo Latin Studies (IANLS), travel grant to present a paper at the 18th IANLS conference (31/07-05/08/2022).
  • DAAD/Deutscher Akademischer Austaschdienst, Short-term Postdoctoral Fellowship (3 months, 11/2021-01/2022). Project: The Humanist Cristoforo Landino and Greek Texts.
  • L. Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies, Innsbruck,Short-term Postdoctoral Fellowship (3 months, 06/2021-09/2021). Project: Cristoforo Landino’s Autograph Zibaldoni and his Knowledge of Greek.
  • Bibliographical Society of America, Short-term Fellowship 2021. Project: Reconstructing the Library and Reading Habits of the Renaissance Manuscript Collector and Calligraphist Marco Antonio Altieri.
  • University of Verona, 3-year junior research contract (in the Italian system, ‘contratto da ricercatore a tempo determinato, tipo a’) awarded after a public competitive selection (01/2022 - 09/2023: the contract was concluded to start the Marie Curie grant at Warwick). Project: Description and Analysis of the Humanistic Manuscripts preserved in the Biblioteca Capitolare and Biblioteca Civica of Verona.
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. A 2-month research grant as associate researcher (01/04/2021-30/06/2021). Project: A Census of Humanistic Multi-Text Manuscripts in Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana.
  • Saverio Bellomo Prize, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, awarded to my PhD dissertation defended on 20.03.2020.

Participation to International Research Groups

  • Member of the project Libro iluminado y bibliotecas en la Europa del Renacimiento: el Marques de Santillana y su proyecto cultural, funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación della Spagna (Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022), PI Rosa Maria Rodriguez Porto, 2024 - 2026.

    I am in charge of researching the vernacularizations of the Latin Classics commissioned by the Marquis of Santillana.

  • I a member of the Laboratorio di Studi Medievali e Danteschi (LaMeDan) of the University of Verona (2022 - present).

Conferences, Seminars, Invited Lectures (for organised conferences see hereLink opens in a new window)

  • Royal Holloway London, Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference, 19-21 June 2024, organisation of a panel entitled “Vernacular Translations of Greek Texts in the Italian Renaissance: Authors, Methods, Contexts of Reception”. Title of individual presentation: Bartolomeo Fonzio’s vernacular translation of Lucian’s ‘Calumnia’.
  • Venice, Ca’ Foscari University, 6 May 2024. Workshop “Nuovi cantieri rinascimentali”. Title of the paper: Interventi d’autore nella tradizione: novità su Roberto Valturio, fra paleografia e filologia.
  • Münich, Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität, 7-8 April 2024. Convegno “Pratiche di commento fra Medioevo e Umanesimo: tradizione e innovazioni”. Titolle of the paper: Glosse di Bartolomeo Fonzio su manoscritti fiorentini, fra latino e volgare (con un focus sul volgarizzamento della Calunnia lucianea).
  • Universität Leipzig, Lukian Colloquium, 11 January 2024. Title of the paper: The Vernacular Reception of Greek Texts in 15th Century Florence: Case Studies.
  • Universität Innsbruck, Palais Claudiana, 15-16 December 2023, “For Cristoforo Landino: Towards the Sixth Centenary of His Birth. International Conference”. Title of the paper: Landino and Herodotus.
  • Centro Studi Ovidiani, Sulmona, International conference “Gli strumenti di Ovidio, Ovidio come strumento”, 20-21/10/2023. Title: “Bartolomeo Fonzio e i manoscritti ovidiani della biblioteca Sassetti".

  • Boulogne-sur-Mer, Université du Littoral Côte-d’Opale, 18 October 2023, Conferece “Images d’Isis en France et en Italie (XIVe – XVIe siècle)”. Title of the paper: Traduire le mythe d’Isis dans la Renaissance italienne: le cas de Poggio Bracciolini et de deux traducteurs vernaculaires anonymes.
  • University of Erlangen, 15 June 2023, International conference “Ricezione sette- e ottocentesca di testi medievali italiani in prosa (e in versi)”. Title of the paper: Ricerche su Bartolomeo Sorio editore di volgarizzamenti.
  • Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana - Alta scuola di filologia moderna "Edizioni d'autore, libri d'autore", 22 November 2022. Title of the invited lecture: Gli zibaldoni di Cristoforo Landino fra filologia, paleografia e stratigrafia delle fonti.
  • University of Bari, 28-30 September 2022, Annual Conference of the Società dei Filologi della Letteratura Italiana (SFLI). Title of the paper: Volgarizzamenti fiorentini di testi greci nel secondo Quattrocento: casi di studio e prospettive di ricerca.
  • Lille, Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société de Lille, 15-16 September 2022, Journées d’études «Nouvelles traductions et réceptions indirectes de la Grèce ancienne (Textes et images, 1300-1560)», confenrece of the project ERC “AGRELITA. The reception of ancient Greece in pre-modern French literature and illustrations of manuscripts and printed books (1320-1550): how invented memories shaped the identity of European communities” (101018777, PI Prof. Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Université de Lille). Title of the paper: Xenophon’s «Cyropaedia» Translated by Jacopo Bracciolini: the Context of Production, the Dedicatee(s), the Manuscript and Printed Tradition.
  • Katholieke Universitet, Leuven. International Association for Neo Latin Studies (IANLS), Eighteenth International Congress, 31 luglio-5 agosto 2022. “Half a Century of Neo-Latin Studies”. Title of the paper: Cristoforo Landino and Greek Studies.
  • Oxford, Jesus College, Final Conference of the ERC project “Medieval Publishing from c.1000 to 1500” (716538, PI Prof. Samu Niskanen, University of Helsinki), 18-20 July 2022. Title of the paper: Poggio Bracciolini’s publishing strategies for his translations from Greek: a case study.
  • Warwick University, “Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference”, 22 April 2022. Title of the paper: Vernacular Translations of Greek Texts in 15th Century Florence. Contexts of Production and Circulation: Evidence From the Manuscript Tradition.
  • Dublin, Convention Centre, Renaissance Society of America 68th Annual Meeting. Dublin, 30 March-2 Apriul 2022. Title of the paper: Humanism and Book Collecting in Renaissance Italy: The Case of Marco Antonio Altieri’s Manuscript Library.
  • Università Cattolica – Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, 4 February 2022, lecture for the International Winter School of Italian Studies, 3rd edition (in collaboration with the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven). Title of the lecture: Creazione collettiva e autorialità individuale: i diritti degli autori nel passaggio da libro manoscritto a libro astampa.
  • Berlin, Freie Universität, International research Colloquium of the Italienzentrum, 17 December 2021. Title of the paper: Cristoforo Landino fra greco, latino e volgare..
  • Ludwig Boltzmann Insitute for Neo Latin Studies, Innsbruck. Neo-Latin Workshop, 6-8 August 2021. Title of the paper: Cristoforo Landino and His Knowledge of Greek. The Autograph ‘Zibaldoni’ Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, mss. 138, 140, 143.
  • Duhram Univeristy, Text and Textuality. International conference, 15-16 luglio 2021. Title of the paper: Poggio Bracciolini’s autograph marginalia in ms. Garrett 105 (Diodorus Siculus, Latin translation): an authorial project and its traces in the manuscript tradition.
  • Università Cattolica – Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, 7 February 2021, lecture for the International Winter School of Italian Studies, 2nd edition (in collaboration with the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven). Title of the lecture: Stampe e manoscritti danteschi nella Biblioteca Ambrosiana (lezione con illustrazione virtuale dei manoscritti).
  • Biblioteca Ambrosiana – Università Cattolica, Milan, 14 May 2020. Title of the invited seminar: Un volgarizzamento quattrocentesco di Diodoro Siculo: questioni di metodo per l’edizione critica.
  • Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, 4 February 2020, lecture for the International Winter School of Italian Studies, 1st edition (in collaboration with the Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven).Title of the lecture: La scrittura come strumento di memoria culturale: riforma grafica umanistica e recupero dell'antico.
  • Edinburgh University, 28 June 2019, “Society for Italian Studies Biennial Conference”. Title of the paper: Uno zibaldone umanistico: il ms. 138 della Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze.

  • Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, 26 March 2019, “Seminario Bellomo”. Title of the paper: Diodoro Siculo fra latino e volgare: la traduzione di Poggio Bracciolini e i primi volgarizzamenti italiani.
  • Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Rome, 30 November 2018, Annual conference of the Società dei Filologi della Letteratura Italiana (SFLI) “Il testo nel tempo”, giornata dottorale. Title of the paper: Per una mappatura della ricezione di Diodoro Siculo in Italia nei secoli XV-XVI: la Biblioteca storica nel tempo, fra latino e volgare.
  • Oxford University, 22 June 2018, conference “Editing Contexts. Historical Editions of Literary Works and their Afterlives”, The Oxford Research Center in the Humanities, Oxford University. Title of the paper: An Italian Vernacular Edition of Diodorus Siculus during the Renaissance.
  • Università Sapienza, Rome, 6 June 2018, Conference “In limine. Postille e marginalia nella tradizione letteraria italiana”. Title of the paper: Un episodio di filologia umanistica: le emendazioni di Lilio Tifernate al Diodoro Siculo latino di Poggio Bracciolini nel manoscritto Urb. lat. 431.
  • Accademia Pontaniana – Università “Federico II”, Napoli, 10-11 May 2018, workshop “Rinascimento letterario. Il quadro della ricerca tra i giovani studiosi”. Title of the paper: Due volgarizzamenti umanistici della Biblioteca storica di Diodoro Siculo: linee di ricerca.
  • Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 19-21 October 2017, Doctoral and postdoctoral International conference “Oltre le righe. Usi e infrazioni dello spazio testuale”. Title of the paper: Marginalia nei manoscritti della traduzione poggiana della Biblioteca storica di Diodoro Siculo.
  • Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan, 27 April 2017, “Seminari di Filologia in Biblioteca Ambrosiana”. Title of the seminar: Un volgarizzamento anonimo di Diodoro Siculo: il manoscritto ambrosiano Trotti 301.
  • University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. Department of Italian Studies, 11 March 2017, “X Annual Graduate Conference in Italian Studies”. Title of the paper: Two Italian Renaissance translations of Diodorus Siculus’ Bibliotheca historica: a comparative study.

Communication and Impact activities

  • In October 2024, together with Paolo Pellegrini, the LaMeDan lab and the ERC RESP project (PI Dario Calomino) based at the University of Verona, I co-organised an exhibition of manuscripts and prints related to the life and work of the humanist Guarino Veronese (1374-1460). The exibition was held at the Biblioteca Civica of Verona and it was open to the general public. Audio-guides with QR codes where prepared for visitors.

I collaborate with a number of Italian high-schools in the area of Milan and Verona, in order to promote a dialogue between university and secondary school institutions. In particular, I carried out/I am currently conducting the following activities:

  • Liceo Racchetti-Da Vinci, Crema, a series of three workshops for high-school students of the Liceo Classico, complemented by a training course for high-school teachers are planned between January (23, 30) and February (6, 13) 2024. Title of series of workshops: Learning Greek in Renaissance Italy.
  • University of Verona, Training course for high-school teachers, 25 March 2022, La filologia della letteratura italiana per la didattica: contenuti, metodi e strumenti"
  • Liceo Racchetti-Da Vinci, Crema, “InSigneDante” project for high-school students, 24 September 2021. Title of the workshop: Leggere Dante ieri e oggi: un viaggio nel tempo e nel testo della «Commedia».
  • University of Verona, Training course for high-school teachers, 25-28 August 2021, Dante per l'educazione civica: una proposta didattica.

    Organized conferences: see here.