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Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC)

The Centre has a Postgraduate Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC), which is convened by the student chair of the Committee. Membership of the Committee is as follows: a minimum of two MA students, elected each year by the MA cohort; two research students, elected internally by the PGR cohort; the Director of Graduate Studies. The chair of the SSLC is a student. It is the responsibility of the chair to contact the other SSLC members to arrange meetings. The student representatives should be elected during Week 2 of Term 1. A chair and a secretary (both students) will be elected by the first meeting of the SSLC in Term 1.

The SSLC will meet once per term, as part of and at the same time as the Renaissance Centre's staff/committee meeting. In Term 1 (or 2), a separate meeting will be held in Venice by the MA students, to elect/confirm representatives and put forward any issues to be communicated to the chair and the DGS in Warwick. Meeting times/spaces will be be organised to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern. It acts as a forum in which questions about the course of study, about teaching and learning, and about the running of the Graduate Programme can be raised, problems or complaints aired, and suggestions and remedies considered. Minutes of each meeting are taken by the Centre's Administrator, copied to the SSLC Secretary for filing.

Link to more general information about SSLC and its process: 

SSLC Personnel 2024-25

Chair: Karin Sprang & Alex Tadel (PGR)

Email: &

Secretary: Angus Harker (PGT)


SSLC 2024-25

Meetings / Minutes

Term 1. Meeting held 26/112024. Minutes

Term 2. Meeting to be held 04/03/2025

Term 3. Meeting to be held 17/06/2025

SSLC Personnel 2023-24

Chair: Daria Akhapkina(PGR)

Secretary: Clare Merrick (PGT)

Meetings / Minutes

Term 1. Meeting held 14/11/ 2023. Minutes

Term 2. Meeting held 05/03/2024. Minutes

Term 3. Meeting held 11/06/2024. Minutes