Stvdio Seminar Series Speakers 2007-08
Autumn 2007
Dr Demmy Verbeke (postdoctoral fellow, Warwick), ‘An Untruthful Renaissance: The Humanist Revival of Comus and Its Reception in English Literature and Popular Culture’. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 16 October 2007 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Dr Maude Vanhaelen (RCUK fellow, Warwick), ‘Savonarola and Ficino on Prophecy’. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 30 October 2007 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Dr Rhiannon Daniels (Leeds), ‘Rethinking the History of the Decameron’. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 4 December 2007 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Professor Peter Mack (Warwick), 'Renaissance Rhetoric: The Requirements of a History and the Implications of a Theory'. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 22 January 2008 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Dr Howard Hotson (Oxford), ‘Between Ramus and Comenius: Reformation and Educational Reform in the German and English-Speaking Worlds, 1543-1642’. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Professor Marc Laureys (Bonn): ‘Erasmus and the Limits of Toleration’. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 19 February 2008 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Dr Ita Mac Carthy (Birmingham), ‘The Life and Liaisons of Renaissance Grace’. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 4 March 2008 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Professor Michael Reeve (Pembroke College, Cambridge), 'The Italian Reception of Pliny's Natural History', 5:00pm, Tuesday, 22 April 2008 in Humanities Building, Room 403.Dr Georgia Clarke (Courtauld Institute): 'Architecture, Languages, and Style in Fifteenth-Century Italy', 5.00pm, Tuesday, 6 May 2008 in Humanities Building, Room 403.
Spring 2008
Martin Stone (Leuven) on Renaissance philosophy. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 20 January 2009 in Humanities Building, Room 450 (Renaissance Centre).
Louise Bourdua (Warwick), ‘Exports to Padua Trecento Style: Altichiero’s Roman Legacy’. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 3 February 2009 in Humanities Building, Room 403. Co-sponsored by the Department of Italian.
Nicholas Terpstra (Toronto; Warwick IAS fellow), 'Civic Religion in the Italian Renaissance'. Tuesday, 17 February 2009. Public lecture, time and place tbc.
Brenda Hosington (Warwick), topic tbc. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 3 March 2009 in Humanities Building, Room 450 (Renaissance Centre).
Martin McLaughlin (Oxford), topic tbc. 5.00pm, Tuesday, 21 April 2009 in Humanities Building, Room 403. Co-sponsored by the Department of Italian.
Luke Syson (National Gallery of Art), ‘How Should We Read Renaissance Pictures?’ 5.00pm, Tuesday, 5 May 2009 in Humanities Building, Room 403.