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Stvdio talks 2015-16

Autumn 2015, Term 1

Tuesday 13th October. Dr Máté Vince (University of Warwick): ‘Virgilian influence in Miklós Zrinyi's epic poem Obsidio Szigetiana (The Siege of Sziget)’

Tuesday 27 October. Paola Tomè (University of Oxford): ‘Greek authors and Greek studies in Giovanni Tortelli’s Orthographia: A world in transition’

Tuesday 1 December Mark Greengrass (University of Sheffield): ‘The Epistolary Reformation: The significance of letters in the first century of the Protestant Reformation’.

Spring 2016, Term 2

Tuesday 19 January. Gabriel Byng (University of Cambridge): 'Power and the parish in fifteenth- and sixteenth-century England'

Tuesday 09 February. Emma Campbell (University of Warwick): ‘Gender and/as Translation in Medieval French Crossdressing Narratives’

Wednesday 24 February. Jennifer Oliver (University of Oxford): ‘Machines and machinations: mechanisms of war in French Renaissance literature’ (Joint with Department of French)

Summer 2016, Term 3

Tuesday 3 May. Alessandra Panzanelli (University of Oxford; British Library): ‘Towards the corpus of texts printed in the fifteenth century: The Text-inc database: how it works and some first results’

Tuesday 10 May. Grace Allen (Warburg Institute): 'Aristotelianism in Giovanni Cavalcanti's Trattato Politico-Morale'

Thursday 2 June. Richard Serjeantson (Cambridge): 'Thomas More's Utopia and the Politics of Civic Panegyric'

Tuesday June 14. Dr Earle Havens (JHU): ‘Smuggling the Sacred: Illicit Books, Papistry, and Scribal Subversion in the Elizabethan Catholic Underground'.