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Branch Constitution


(Adopted 3 April 2000)



International Courtly Literature Society (hereinafter ICLS), British Branch


The function of the ICLS is to promote the study of courts and court-related cultures, with particular reference to the written records of medieval Europe. The British Branch shall endeavour to promote contact with and between those from all academic disciplines engaged in the study and teaching of courtly literature and cultures.


Any person whose principal place of residence or professional activity is in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, or in a country that has no ICLS branch may become a voting members of the British Branch upon payment of current dues.


The Officers of the British Branch, elected by the Membership, shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Committee. There shall also be a Chief Bibliographical Correspondent.


(1) Other than in exceptional circumstances, the British Branch shall meet annually, either at a national conference organised within the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland, or in conjunction with an international congress of the ICLS.

(2) Membership of the ICLS is required for those giving papers at conferences organised by the British Branch; membership of the British Branch is required for those participating in Business Meetings, and for participation in ICLS congresses for those whose principal place of residence or professional activity is in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland.


(1) A member who wishes to propose an amendment to the constitution or bylaws of the British Branch shall send a typewritten copy of the proposed amendment to the Secretary-Treasurer.

(2) The proposed amendment shall be voted on either at the annual meeting, or, if so determined at the meeting, by postal ballot within one month thereafter.


In the event of the dissolution of the ICLS or of the British Branch, the officers shall, after payment of all liabilities, dispose of the assets of the British Branch to an organisation or organisations formed exclusively for educational purposes.



(1) The annual meeting shall include a Business Meeting open to all members.

(2) The Business Meeting shall receive the reports of the Officers. It shall also receive nominations for Officers. The meeting shall decide all other business that comes properly before it by majority vote of all members present, or submit such business to a postal vote of members to take place not more than one month thereafter.

(3) Members of other national branches of the ICLS may attend and give papers at British Branch meetings upon payment of the appropriate conference fees, but are not eligible to vote at Business Meetings.


(1) Elected Officers shall serve for a period of three years or until their successors are chosen.

(2) Officers may be re-elected

(3) a. The President shall normally preside at all meetings of the British Branch, and shall provide continuing leadership and initiative between meetings.

b. S/he shall liaise between the British Branch and the ICLS and represent the Branch at any meeting of the ICLS to which s/he is invited.

(4) The Vice-President shall assist the President to perform the above functions, and temporarily assume them when circumstances prevent the President from doing so.

(5) The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the membership records of the British Branch; keep minutes of the annual meeting; attend to the official correspondence of the Branch, including postal ballots; have primary responsibility for Branch finances, including: collecting and banking annual subscriptions; keeping financial records; submitting reports to annual meetings; forwarding the requisite payments for Encomia to the International Treasurer; liaising with institutional subscribers to Encomia.

(6) The Chief Bibliographical Correspondent shall co-ordinate the British Branch contribution to Encomia and liaise with the International Bibliographer.

(7) The Executive Committee shall consult on matters of business arising between annual meetings, and may, in exceptional circumstances, take emergency action to replace a Branch Officer who is no longer able to perform her/his functions. Any such appointment shall be confirmed by a vote of the membership at the next annual meeting.


(1) Officers shall be elected at the annual meetings of the Branch.

(2) Nominations may be made by the Executive Committee; by members, in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer prior to the annual meeting, or from the floor at the annual meeting. Nominees must signify their consent before nominations are submitted.


(1) The finances of the British Branch shall consist of annual subscriptions collected from the membership by the Secretary-Treasurer, and any monies earned by investments on behalf of the Branch. Adjustments to subscriptions may be proposed by the Executive Committee and voted by the membership.

(2) The subscriptions paid by members shall cover the costs of Encomia, as determined by the International Treasurer, the costs of distributing Encomia to members, and the normal running costs of the Branch, including mailings relating to annual meetings, newsletters, etc.

(3) No person may commit the British Branch to expend any funds without the prior approval of the Secretary-Treasurer.

(4) The Secretary-Treasurer shall present a written financial report to the annual meeting.

(5) The Secretary-Treasurer may suitably invest any funds not needed for current operations.