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Day 1

18 June 2024


09:15-09:45 Registration

09:45-10:00 Welcome


10:00-11:00 Panel 1: Angevin Literature

Chair: Tom Hinton


Ruth Harvey, 'Revisiting Richard’s Court: Richard the Lionheart and the Troubadours'

Linda Paterson, 'The court as a place of deliberation and law: Bohemond's claim to Antioch in the Siege d'Antioche'


11:00-12:00 Panel 2: Fifteenth-Century Naples and the Court of Aragon

Chair: Linda Paterson


Gabriele Cascini, 'Tradition antique et performativité dans les dialogues comiques de Giovanni Pontano'

Martina Caronte, 'Encomiastic Poetry between Naples and Mantua: The Case of Antonio Ricco'


12:00-13:20 Lunch


13:20-14:40 Panel 3: Representing Female Virtue

Chair: Catherine Emerson


Gerald Morgan, 'Chaucer’s Portrait of Blanche in the Book of the Duchess (1368)'

Alexandra Corey, 'Margaritae Francae, Allobrogum Biturigumque Ducis Epithalamium (c. 1559): Celebrating the Union of Marguerite de France and Duke Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy'

Sarah Alyn-Stacey, '"Je sçay que je devrois […] / Tousjours d’un vers entier chanter vostre merite": Ronsard’s constructions in verse of Marguerite de France, Duchess of Savoy'


14:40-15:00 Coffee break


15:00-16:00 Panel 4: Literature Repackaged

Chair: Ruth Harvey


Jack Nunn, 'Court Poetry in the Print Shop, or How to Make an Œuvre (with Michel Foucault)'

Kim Kellas, 'Re-imagining the Châtelain de Coucy: the Roman du châtelain de Coucy et de la dame de Fayel and its Fifteenth-Century Prose Remaniement'


16:00-17:00 AGM


17:15-18:30 Reception sponsored by the Department of French, Trinity College Dublin

Readings by Anne Henning Jocelyn


Day 2

19 June 2024


09:35-10:55 Panel 5: Translation

Chair: Matt Lampitt


Philippa Byrne, 'Why Did Translators Translate at the Court of Norman Sicily?'

Michael Lysander Angerer, 'Translation and the Emergence of the Octosyllabic Couplet in Benedeit's Voyage de Saint Brendan'

Mary O’Connor, 'Courtly Culture Arrives in Norway: The Old Norse Translation of Marie de France’s Le Fresne and Equitan'


10:55-11:15 Coffee Break


11:15-12:15 Panel 6: The Materiality of Late-Medieval Texts

Chair: Sarah Alyn-Stacey


Johannes Junge Ruhland, 'Texts as Gems, Grafts, and Voice in Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century French Literature'

Catherine Emerson, 'Court People and Court Papers: How French and Burgundian Courts Provided Documents for Chronicles'


12:15-13:30 Lunch


13:30-14:50 Panel 7: Text, Audience and Identity in Britain and Ireland

Chair: Keith Busby


Matt Lampitt, '"Rhysfa coron Rhôn": France and Frenchness in Welsh Poetry of the Hundred Years War'

Cory Nguyen, 'Language, Law, and Lyric Subjectivities in the Alliterative Poems of MS Harley 913'

Rachel Tod, 'Situating Des Grantz Geanz – Manuscripts, Monsters and Myth'


15:00-16:00 Visit to Old Library to view medieval holdings


16:00-16:50 Panel 8: Catalogues and Databases of MSS: Why and How?

Chair: Emma Cayley


A discussion led by Keith Busby and Tom Hinton


17.00 End of Conference