East Meets West: Medieval and Renaissance Encounters
Warwick University’s Centre for the Study of the Renaissance (CSR) is holding a community study day on Monday, 11th December 2023. The day course will give the attendees an opportunity to explore this multifaceted topic, through a focused and immersive experience in our Faculty of Arts Building (FAB).
The day will allow us to examine religious, cultural, economic and intellectual contact between the East and West in a variety of contexts, from Byzantium to China. What kind of religious artefacts did the crusaders take from Constantinople on the Fourth Crusade? What kind of visual riddles did Orthodox icons present to the viewer? What were the differences and similarities between Protestant and Catholic missions to the East and what did Protestants and Catholics think about building up colonial empires? How was the study of astronomy in the West influenced by missionary encounters in China in the 17th and 18th centuries?
The study day will start at 10am in room FAB2.31, and conclude at 4:00pm. The programme will include five, 50 mins sessions delivered by academic members of the Centre, including Teresa Grant, Aysu Dincer, Sergei Zotov, Floris Verhaart and Xiaona Wang. Tea/coffee, lunch and parking will be provided. The cost of the course is £60pp, numbers will be limited to around twelve, and the deadline for applications is 8am on 4th December.

Jesuit astronomer Johann Adam Schall von Bell, in China. Athanasius Kircher, China monumentis … illustrata (Amsterdam, 1667)