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Dr Aysu Dincer Hadjianastasis

Aysu Dincer Office:
Office Hours:
Room 3.17, third floor, Faculty of Arts Building
024 76150928, internal extension 50928
Monday 3-4pm (Teams) and Wednesday: 11-12noon (Teams) (please email me to confirm your booking in Term III)


Academic Profile

  • 2016 onwards: Senior Teaching Fellow in Medieval and Early Modern History, University of Warwick
  • 2015-2016: Teaching Fellow in Medieval and Early Modern History, University of Warwick
  • 2014-2015: Teaching Fellow in Medieval History, University of Warwick
  • 2013-2014: Seminar Tutor in Medieval History, University of Warwick
  • 2013-2014: Seminar Tutor, Oxford University Department of Continuing Education
  • 2012-2013: Lecturer, University of Nottingham
  • 2010-2011: Lecturer and Seminar Tutor in Medieval History, University of Warwick
  • 2009-2010: Lecturer, University of Nottingham
  • 2008-2009: Seminar Tutor in Medieval History, University of Warwick
  • 2003-2007: Lecturer and Teaching Fellow, Department of Medieval History, University of Birmingham

Teaching (current and past)

Research Interests

  • Social and economic history of the Eastern Mediterranean in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern period (family and gender, material culture, slavery)
  • History of the crusades and the crusader states
  • History of Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus
  • Trade and use of aromatics

Education- related Research

WIHEA Small Project Grant (2023/24) - Investigating the academic experiences of part-time students in History



''How to live splendidly': Strategies towards Accumulation of Wealth in Fifteenth-century Cyprus’ Cultural and Social History Journal ('Reimagining the Mediterranean' Special Issue) (July, 2022)

'A Peasant Community in Cyprus' in Clara Almagro Vidal and Filomena Barros (eds) The Ties that Bind: Rethinking dependence in the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond (Universidade de Evora, 2021)

‘Lordship and Peasant Status in Lusignan and Venetian Cyprus’ in M. Muller (ed.) The Routledge History of Rural Life, (London and New York: Routledge, 2021)

‘Enslaving Christians: Greek Slaves in Late Medieval Cyprus’ in Mediterranean Historical Review, 31 (2016), pp.1-19

‘Wills, Marriage and Business Contracts: Urban Women in Late Medieval Cyprus’ in Gender and History 24/2 (2012), pp.310-332

‘Disease in a Hot Climate: Effects of the Plague on Family and Wealth in Cyprus in the 1360s’, Economic and Biological Interactions in Pre-industrial Europe from the 13th to the 18th Centuries; Atti delleSettimana di Studi’ e altri Convegni (Firenze University Press, 2010), pp. 531-40.

 Book reviews:

Richard Goddard, Lordship and Medieval Urbanisation: Coventry 1043-1355, Midland History (2004)

Holly Hurlburt, Daughter of Venice: Caterina Corner, Queen of Cyprus and Woman of the Renaissance (Yale University Press, 2015) and Syndikus and Rogge (eds.), Caterina Cornaro: Last Queen of Cyprus and Daughter of Venice (Waxmann Verlag, 2013). Royal Studies Journal, 5(1), pp.199–202


‘Fragrant Diplomacy ': Diplomatic Exchanges and the Circulation of Aromatics in the Late Medieval Mediterranean (Mamluk Studies Conference Proceedings, ed. Georg Christ, under review)


'Family, Marriage and ‘Unmarriage’ in 15th-Century Famagusta' in A. Dincer, C. Ravera and D. Bezzina (eds) Gender, Networks, and Communities in Medieval Europe (Amsterdam University Press). (Full draft of the edited volume to be submitted to reviewers)

‘‘A storehouse to serve our needs’: Attitudes towards precious stones in late medieval Cyprus’ (Submitted to Viator, subject to changes)