Renaissance Centre Open Day 2017
You are warmly invited to the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance's Open Day on Monday, 13 March 2017. You will have the opportunity to attend a taster session (10:00-12:00) run by Dr. Máté Vince on ‘Religion, Ethnicity and Race in Elizabethan Drama: The Jew of Malta and The Merchant of Venice’. This will be followed by a lunch, where you will have the opportunity to meet members including our Director Professor Ingrid De Smet, DGS Dr Sarah Wood and hopefully members of the Venice staff team. A visit to our Open Day will aim to clarify your options for funding opportunities and help you plan your next step.
Numbers are strictly limited for the 'taster session', so early booking is advisable. For queries or to reserve your place, please email Jayne Brown, or telephone on 024 7652 4587.
When: Monday 13th March 2017
Time: 10:00-13:00 (for taught MA candidates), 12:00-13:00 for MA by Research and PhD research candidates
The Centre for the Study of the Renaissance,
University of Warwick, H450 (Graduate Space),
4th Floor Humanities Building,
Coventry CV4 7AL