Political Culture
Mark Knights, Representation and Misrepresentation in Later Stuart Britain: Partisanship and Political Culture, chapter 1 here
Brian Cowan, 'Geoffrey Holmes and the Public Sphere: Augustan Historiography from Post-Namierite to the Post-Habermasian' here
Patricia Bonomi, The Lord Cornbury Scandal (1998), chapter 5 here
Richard S. Dunn, "The Glorious Revolution and America," in Nicholas Canny, The Oxford History of the British Empire: The Origins of Empire (Oxford, 1998), 445-68 here
William A. Pettigrew, "Free to Enslave: Politics and the Escalation of Britain's Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1688-1714," William and Mary Quarterly, LXIV (2007), 3-38 here