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Officers and Members of the SNLS

Executive Committee

President: Gesine Manuwald.

Vice-President: Lucy Nicholas.

Treasurer: Caroline Spearing.

Data Protection Officer: Lucy Nicholas.

Secretary: Paul White.

Early-Career Representative: John Colley.

Postgraduate Representative: Gavanndra Hodge.

Teaching Anthology: Sarah Knight.

Innsbruck Representative: William Barton.

Irish Representative: Jason Harris.

Scottish Representative: Luke Houghton. 

Public Engagement Representative and Social Media Officer: Alexander Gould.

Podcast Officer: Sharon van Dijk.

Website Administrator: Alex Tadel. 

Other members:

Brenda Hosington. 

David Money. 

Current Members can obtain a list of members of the society by emailing the President, Professor Gesine Manuwald, at:

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To join the Society for Neo-Latin Studies please download the membership formLink opens in a new window and return as indicated.

The SNLS membership fee is £15 per year (£7.50 for students and the unwaged), subject to annual revision. It is possible to pay the membership fee by standing order (see form above). SNLS has now introduced additional payment options for members based abroad, in the hope of making membership more attractive for this group of scholars by reducing banking fees. Members based abroad can now pay membership for 10, 15 or 20 years in one go (this option is also available to UK members), or they can obtain life membership for £300.

The Society for Neo-Latin Studies is a Registered Charity in England and Wales, EW41377. If you wish to donate to the Society or make your annual subscription go further, please fill in the Gift Aid form.