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The Application Process

1. Identify a potential supervisor

The first thing to do is to establish whether the department will be able to supervise and support your research. You will probably already have in mind a member of staff who works in your field as a potential supervisor. However, if you are unsure whether our department has the necessary expertise to supervise your project you should:

  • Check our staff research pages
  • Contact our Director of Graduate Studies, Prof. Michael Hatt (M dot Hatt at warwick dot ac dot uk), who will be very happy to advise on whether we can support your research and, if so, will put you in touch with a potential supervisor.

2. Contact your potential supervisor

Having identified a potential supervisor you should contact them to find out if they will be able to supervise your project. If they are, you then work with them on your research proposal, which will be included as part of your online application.

NB: It is particularly important that you liaise with us before making an application, if you are also planning to apply for funding.


3. Make your online application

You should apply via the University's online application system.

Further information on making your online application can be found on the University’s Postgraduate Admissions webpages.


4. Interview

Following your submission, and if we are able to supervise your project, you will be invited to an interview. Your admission to the programme is subject to approval following the interview.


5. Make your application for funding

If you plan to apply for funding, you must discuss this with your potential supervisor. He or she will be able to advise you on this, and to help you craft your funding application.

Details of funding schemes and the application process for them is available here.


6. Deadline

There is no official deadline for applications. However, there are specific deadlines for scholarship competitions:

  • AHRC Midlands4Cities: the deadline for 2025-26 has not yet been announced, but is usually in early January.
  • Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships: deadlines for 2025-26 have not yet been announced, but usually the Course Application deadline is early December; Scholarship Application deadline in mid-December and the Supporting Document deadline early January.

Deadlines will be added when they are announced.

If you are an international student, you should also bear in mind that it might take some time to secure a visa to study in the UK. We recommend that you allow two months for this process, though the timescale will vary across different countries.