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City of Culture 2021: Student blog

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An article by PhD research student Fabio Franz has been published.

An article written by Fabio Franz has been published in the latest issue of Brill's journal Experiment.

An Inspirational Milieu: St. Petersburg Cosmopolitan Collections of Old Masters focuses on the provenance, conservation history, and critical fortuna of some selected Western European paintings that were placed in Saint Petersburg between 1850 and 1917. It includes: a comparison between the visits to Russia made by the German expert Gustav Friedrich Waagen and the Italian connoisseur Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle; an investigation of Cavalcaselle’s alleged meeting with the Russian expert Fedor Antonovich Bruni regarding the paintings Saint Sebastian Barbarigo by Titian, Apollo and Marsyas Litta by Bronzino, and Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John, now attributed to Pontormo; and an exploration of the extent to which Russian galleries and private collections were accessible to Western scholars.

Experiment, Volume 23, Issue 1, pages 81 – 92

Wed 21 Feb 2018, 10:19 | Tags: Student Research, Postgraduate, General, Student publication

Holbein's Lute: PhD student delivers public talk at National Gallery.

On Wednesday 20th September 2017 Art History PhD student and lutenist Adam Busiakiewicz presented a public talk on Hans Holbein's The Ambassadors.

The talk focused in on the symbolism and significance of the lute featured within Holbein's enigmatic double portrait. Aside from the broken string which emphasised the growing political discord due to the protestant reformation, Holbein's brilliantly detailed depiction of the instrument provides a thrilling insight into the status of the lute at the court of Henry VIII. The talk was researched in association with London luthiers Sandi Harris and Stephen Barber, who loaned a closely corresponding instrument for the presentation.

Several pieces of contemporary sixteenth century music were performed in front of the painting, including a printed Lutheran hymn which appears within the painting itself.

Lute Presentation at the National Gallery



New publication by PhD student Nicola Viviani: Mail Art Stories.

CoverNicola Viviani has published the book Mail Art Stories: the mail artist tells his own story, in collaboration with the mail artist Lancilotto Bellini. The book records a project conceived by Bellini in the mid-1990s, which collected work from mail artists around the world. This is the first time the project and the works it generated have been published.

Nicola will be joining the department as a PhD student in 2017-18, and will be writing his thesis on collector, patron, publisher and collaborator Francesco Conz, one of the most influential figures in the late-twentieth century neo-avant-garde art world.

Mon 04 Sep 2017, 10:08 | Tags: Student Research, Postgraduate, General, Student publication

Lutes at the National Gallery: PhD student presents lunchtime talk & performance.

Hendrick ter Brugghen. A man playing a lute, oil on canvas. National Gallery, London.On the 26th of April 2017, Art History PhD student and lutenist Adam Busiakiewicz presented a public talk on Ter Brugghen's Lute Player at the National Gallery in London.

The lute was used by painters to express various ideas in their works, apart from the obvious allusions to harmony and discord. The musical associations with Orpheus, the melter-of-hearts, would not have been lost on the contemporary audience of this painting. Various symbolic links to notions of youth, flippancy and the transience of life and worldly pleasures are also all associated with the mythology of the instrument and its music. Paintings such as Ter Brugghen’s Lutenist allow us to open up a world of understanding how music was appreciated and consumed in the past.

The talk was accompanied by several live performances of lute music relevant to the period and themes of the painting.


PhD candidate Carlo Avilio consulted for BBC Worldwide 'Culture' article.

Is this the world's most macabre art gallery?

History of Art Department research student Carlo Avilio is quoted in an online article about the series of frescoes in the catacombs of San Gaudioso in Naples. The article concerns in particular the costumed skeletons which were painted around the skulls of interred nobles embedded in the walls.

Mon 06 Mar 2017, 11:07 | Tags: Public Engagement, Student Research, Impact, Postgraduate, General

Splendour! Exhibition catalogue edited by History of Art PhD student.

Splendour! Art in Living Craftsmanship.

Exhibition catalogueThis exhibition celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the Georgian Group. Founded in 1937, the Group is a national charity dedicated to preserving Georgian buildings, gardens and landscapes between 1700-1840 in England and Wales. The exhibition featured over forty artists, craftsmen and architects who work in the Georgian classical tradition. Works on display included examples of pietra dure, scagliola, coade stone, stucco work, wood and stone carving, painted wallpapers and architects drawings.


CoverThe catalogue was edited by History of Art PhD student Adam Busiakiewicz, who wrote all of the catalogue entries and contributed an essay to the publication.

Adam is especially interested in the history and former collection of the Earls of Warwick and their ancestral home Warwick Castle. His research focuses on the life of Anne Greville, 4th Countess of Warwick, who presided over the restoration of the castle in the late nineteenth century.

Mon 27 Feb 2017, 16:08 | Tags: Student Research, Postgraduate, General, Student publication

Carlo Avilio invited to deliver paper at international conference on Neapolitan art.

Carlo Avilio at conferenceHistory of Art PhD student Carlo Avilio recently delivered his paper Portents of Nature: Jusepe de Ribera and the Bearded Woman at the conference Laboratorium Neapel. Plurale Stilbildung, Künstlerkonkurrenz und Wirkungsästhetik in der neapolitanischen Barockmalerei. The conference was held at Museum Wiesbaden to coincide with the major exhibition Caravaggio’s Heirs. Baroque in Naples.

The photograph shows Carlo with Elisabeth Oy-Marra, professor in history of art at Mainz University, co-organizer of the exhibition and conference.

PhD student Charlotte Stokes has written a label for work displayed in The Oculus.

Staff and students were recently offered an opportunity to introduce their teaching and research to a wider audience by contributing labels for works of art in the new Oculus building. Charlotte has selected the screen print Constable Willow 2 by Andrew Carter, drawing a comparison between the approach of Leon Underwood, the subject of her research, and that of Carter, mentioning in particular, Underwood’s work on trees while serving with Royal Engineers Camouflage Division during World War One.

Tue 14 Feb 2017, 13:20 | Tags: Student Research, Postgraduate, General

The Stained-Glass of Margaret Agnes Rope - Shrewsbury Cathedral

Dr Claire FitzGerald will give a talk today on the early twentieth-century stained-glass artist Margaret Rope. It will take place at Shrewsbury RC Cathedral at 2pm in front of some of Margaret's greatest works. The lecture is one of the activities complementing the Margaret Rope ‘Untold Story’ exhibtion at the Shrewsbury Art Gallery.

Sat 24 Sep 2016, 09:12 | Tags: Public Engagement, Student Research, Research, General, Alumni

Art History PhD graduate has an article in the latest edition of Exchanges.

Recent PhD graduate and WATE award winner Ann Haughton has an article in the latest edition of Exchanges: the Warwick Research Journal. The article, 'Myths of Male Same-Sex Love in the Art of the Italian Renaissance', can be read online in the Exchanges journal.

Reference: Exchanges: the Warwick Research Journal, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 65-95, sep. 2015. ISSN 2053-9665.

CADRE funding success for three History of Art research students.

Congratulations to Matteo Carpiniello, Fabio Franz and Delia Moldovan on securing CADRE funding for their PhD studies.

Tue 10 Nov 2015, 11:38 | Tags: Student Research, Funding, Postgraduate, General

Exhibition - The Hart Silversmiths: A Living Tradition.

Members of the Department have worked with Compton Verney and the Hart Silversmith Trust to create a new exhibition: The Hart Silversmiths: A Living Tradition. The exhibition explores the work of silversmith George Henry Hart (1882-1973) and three generations of the Hart family, all of whom continue Arts and Crafts traditions. Much of the research for the exhibition was carried out by Dr. Sarah Walford and undergraduate student Pip Shergold. The exhibition is related to the research project Ashbee and After: Drawing in the Silversmiths’ Workshop, directed by Professor Michael Hatt. The exhibition closes 13th September 2015.

Tue 14 Jul 2015, 10:14 | Tags: Exhibitions, Public Engagement, Student Research, Impact, General

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