Ilaria Bernocchi
Ilaria Bernocchi specialises in early modern portraiture and cultural history, in particular the connection between art and ethics. She obtained her degrees at the University of Pavia, The Warburg Institute in London and the University of Cambridge and has previously taught at the University of Cambridge, the University of Warwick and the University of Manchester.
Research interests
Early Modern painting and portraiture, including Mannerism and the early Baroque, Italian vernacular poetry and its influence on image-making, the concept of virtue in the 16th-17th centuries.
Teaching and supervision
Dr Bernocchi has taught modules on Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque Art, Sculpture, Portraiture, Iconography, the Renaissance theory of art, Early Modern display and the birth of the museum, the influence of classical texts on Renaissance images.
- Classicism and the Arts of Christianity;
- Sculpture;
- Portraiture;
- Renaissance: North and South;
- Leonardo: Art and Science
Administrative roles
MA Convenor (including Dissertation Convenor)
Examination secretary, Postgraduate Taught (Autumn Term)
UG Dissertations Co-ordinator (Spring and Summer Term)
Selected publications
Assistant Professor