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Space and Experience

An interdisciplinary investigation of different aspects of space – geographical, phenomenological, pictorial – and how these interact or conflict.

Picture space

Investigates how artists exploit our simultaneous awareness of the pictorial surface and the depth within it to create uniquely pictorial worlds.


Publications include:

Urban space

Examines how architecture has reconfigured urban space in the UK, and photography has reconfigured public conceptions of that space urban space in the Latin American metropolis.


Ritual space

Examines how ritual space and its effects on diverse audiences have been defined in settings ranging from ecclesiastical buildings to installations.


  • Petrifying Wealth: rewrites the social history of the middle ages in terms of the sudden ubiquity of masonry construction


  • Jennifer Alexander. 'Crowland Abbey church and St Guthlac'. In Guthlac Crowland's Saint, ed. J. Roberts and A. Thacker (Donington 2020), 298-315
  • Jennifer Alexander. 'Alabaster Carvings in Late-Medieval Lincolnshire'. In English Alabaster Carvings and their Cultural Contexts, ed. Zulaika Murat (Woodbridge 2019), 150-72
  • Naomi Vogt. 'The Invention of Ritual: Ceremonies on YouTube and Pierre Huyghe's Holiday'. TDR: The Drama Review (forthcoming 2021).
  • Naomi Vogt. ‘I Didn’t Know What I Was Doing: Tupaia's Postcolonial Funeral and Ritual Art in Britain'. In Cook’s New Clothes, ed. Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll (forthcoming 2021)
  • Josefine Baark. ‘A Home Away from Home: Sophie Magdalene’s Clockwork Chinoiserie’. In The Material Cultures of Enlightenment Arts and Sciences, ed. Adriana Craciun and Simon Schaffer (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 171-189