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Adriana Turpin

Associate Fellow
Director of IESA UK

Tel: +44 (0)24 765 23005
Email: history dot of dot art at warwick dot ac dot uk

Milburn House
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7HS


Adriana is the UK Director of the Institut Des Etudes Superieurs Des Arts (IESA). She devised and delivered, in accordance with Warwick's course regulations and quality assurance procedures, two MA programmes validated by the History of Art Department on the History and Business of collecting. Adriana was also part of a joint research initiative between the History of Art department at the University of Warwick (Dr Louise Bourdua), IESA (Adriana Turpin), the National Gallery, London (Dr Susanna Avery-Quash) and the University of Swansea (Dr John Law) which investigated the discovery and reception of the Italian trecento during the course of the 19th century in Britain.