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HA225: Florence and Siena Bibliography

HA 225


c. 1300 - 1400

Florence and Siena were the leading schools of painting in fourteenth-century Italy. Siena's civic development had perhaps reached a plateau before the Black Death, while Florence continued its rapid industrial and territorial expansion. The leading artists Duccio di Buoninsegna and Simone Martini in Siena, Giotto di Bondone and Orcagna in Florence were enormously influential and widely imitated. In both cities new, or recently erected, cathedrals and the cavernous churches newly built by the mendicant orders, pre-eminently the Franciscans and the Dominicans, provided painters with a range of important public commissions in both fresco and panel-painting. In many churches, both old and newly-built, the private family chapel provided a new focus for decoration. Civic patronage in both cities involved the leading artists in the embellishment of secular buildings.

On both Florence and Siena the impact of the plague, now generally known as the Black Death, was catastrophic. Perhaps as much as a half of the population perished. Important painters, such as the Lorenzetti brothers and Bernardo Daddi, were among the victims. Other painters, for example Orcagna and Luca di Tommè survived. The impact of plague on religious belief, artistic style and iconography, and social behaviour has been much discussed, without, however, arriving at agreed conclusions. The course aims to study the careers and development of selected individual painters in some detail, by considering surviving works, their functions, settings and techniques as well as their style. The requirements of patrons will also be considered. A critical consideration of the written sources, from which artists might derive their subject matter will be undertaken as will later historiography, culminating in the still overly influential Lives of Giorgio Vasari. The presence and influence of Sienese artists in Florence, and the lesser impact of Florentine art in Siena will be studied. Giotto's work in Padua and the Saint Francis Legend at Assisi fall outside the course, and only those works of painters such as Spinello Aretino or Bartolo di Fredi which were executed before 1400 are included.

This list is intended to serve as a guide only. Most of the books mentioned below contain

suggestions for further reading.

Titles preceded by + primarily reference books.

        * are particularly recommended.

        pb = paperback edition available.

        N.B. Important bibliographies and abstracts of theses can be consulted in the University Library, and on the Internet. Students should familiarize themselves with the systems.


          AH = Art History

          AB = The Art Bulletin

          BdA = Bollettino d'Arte

          BM = The Burlington Magazine

          DAA = Dictionary of Art and Artists (MacMillan)

          GBA = Gazette des Beaux-Arts

          JWCI = Journal of the Warburg & Courtauld Institutes

          MKHIF = Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz

          PPS J. Gardner = Patrons, Painters and Saints, Aldershot 1994 (collected essays)

          ZKg = Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte

          I. TOPOGRAPHY

          +Toscana (Guida d'Italia del Touring Club Italiano) Milan (1974).

          +Firenze e Dintorni (Guida d'Italia del Touring Club Italiano). Milan (1976).

          +Umbria (Guide d'Italia del Touring Club Italiana) Milan (1978).

          +Paatz W&E Die Kirchen von Florenz,Frankfurt (1940-1955). Indispensable reference work.

          +Reidl PA,Seidel M(eds) Die Kirchen von Siena Munich (1985),(1992). In progress, 6 vols publ. so far. (Not at Warwick).


          (a) General

          *Waley D The Italian City Republics Various eds.

          Hyde JK Society and Politics in Mediaeval Italy London (1973).

          Larner J Culture and Society in Italy 1290-1420 London (1971).

          *Southern RW Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages Harmondsworth (1970).

          Bennett RH The Early Dominicans Cambridge (1937).

          Moorman J A History of the Franciscan Order from its origins to 1517 Oxford (1968). Relevant chapters.

          Wieruszowski H Politics and Culture in Medieval Spain and Italy Rome (1971).

          Frugoni C A Distant City Princeton (1991).

          Goldthwaite R Wealth & the Demand for Art in Italy 1300-1500 Baltimore (1993)

          +Harper J The forms & orders of Western Liturgy from the tenth to the eighteenth century Oxford (1991).

          Wilson B Music and Merchants. The Laudesi companies of Republican Florence, Oxford 1992

          (b) Florence

          Ruggiers P Florence in the age of Dante Norman (1964).

            Holmes G 'The emergence of an urban ideology at Florence c1250-1450" Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th ser.23 (1973) 112-134.

            (c) Siena

            Schevill F Siena: the story of a mediaeval commune London (1909).

            Bowsky W A medieval Italian commune: Siena under the Nine 1287-1355. Los Angeles 1981.

            Waley D Siena & the Sienese in the 13th-century Cambridge (1991).

            Cohn SK Death & Property in Siena 1205-1800 Baltimore/London (1988)

            Hook J Siena: A city and its history London n.d.

            Bartolotti L Siena (Le Città nella storia d'italia) Bari (1982).

            *Norman D Siena and the Virgin London 1999

            III PLAGUE

            Meiss M. Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death , various eds. Pb

            Williman D ed The Black Death : the impact of the fourteenth century plague , New York 1982

            Polzer J "Aspects of the fourteenth-century iconography of death and the plague," in Williman, pp.108 - 130

            van Os H "The Black Death and Sienese Painting,"Art History,4,(1981),pp.237 - 249

            Bowsky W "The impact of the Black Death upon Sienese government and society," Speculum,39,(1964),pp.368 - 381

            Cole B "Some thoughts on Orcagna and the Black Death style,"Antichità Viva, 22, (1983),pp.27 - 37

            Cohn S.H. The cult of remembrance and the Black Death, Baltimore 1992 There is a highly critical review by M.Bertram in Journal of Modern History, 67, (1995), pp.358 -369

            IV. SOURCES

            (i) Contemporary

            Pseudo-Bonaventura Meditationes Vitae Christi trans: I.Ragusa,R.Green Meditations on the Life of Christ. An illustrated manuscript of the 14th century Princeton 1961.pb.

              Jacobus a Varagine Legenda Aurea trans: G.Ryan,H.Ripperberger The Golden Legend of Jacobus de Voragine London 1991

              Dante Alighieri Divina Commedia: trans D.L.Sayers The Divine Comedy Harmondsworth (1949) etc.pb.

              Murray P 'Notes on some early Giotto sources' JWCI 16 (1953) 58-60.

              Thomann J 'Pietro d'Abano on Giotto' JWCI 54 (1991) 238-244.

              Hankey AT 'Riccobaldo of Ferrara & Giotto: an update' JWCI 54 (1991)

                    243 ff.

                    (ii) Quattrocento & Cinquecento

                    Boase TSR Giorgio Vasari: The Man and his Book Princeton 1979.

                    Ghiberti L I Commentari (ed): O.Morisani, Naples (1947). An important 15th-century source.

                      Vasari G Le vite de'piu eccellenti architetti, pittori e scultori italiani 1568 ed: G.Milanesi,Florence 1878-1906. The only full and trustworthy English translation is that of G de Vere, London (1912) ff. Indispensable (& unreliable).

                      *Glasser H Artists' contracts of the early Renaissance PhD Columbia (1965). Although primarily concerned with the Quattrocento it is important also for the Trecento.

                      N.B. See also Cennino Cennini Il Libro dell'Arte in Technique section.

                      V. MUSEUM & EXHIBITION CATALOGUES

                      (a) Museum and Gallery catalogues

                      +Marcucci L Gallerie Nazionali di Firenze: I Dipinti Toscani del Secolo XIV Rome (1965).

                      +Beccherucci L,Brunetti G. Il Museo dell'Opera del Duomo a Firenze. I: Florence n.d. (1969), II: Florence n.d. (1970).

                      +Brandi C La regia pinacoteca di Siena Rome (1933).

                      +Torriti P La Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena Genoa (1977). Does not supercede Brandi (1933). Review by J Pope-Hennessy Apollo 109 (1979) 325-326.

                      +Davies M The Earlier Italian Schools 2nd ed.rev: London (1988).

                      +Boskovits M Gemäldegallerie Berlin, Frühe Italienische Malerei Berlin (1987) Cf. Review: J.Gardner Zkg 52 (1989) 443-437.

                      +Volbach W I Dipinti dal X Secolo Fino a Giotto Vatican City (1979).

                      +Zeri F Metropolitan Museum of Art, Florentine School NY (1971).

                      +Zeri F Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sienese & Central Italian Schools NY (1980).

                      +Shapley FR Samuel H Kress Collection. Italian Painting thirteenth to fifteenth Century London n.d.

                      (b) Exhibition Catalogues

                      +Sinibaldi G, Catalogo della Mostra Giottesca Florence (1943) 26. A magnificent

                      Brunetti G catalogue of the epoch-making 1937 anniversary exhibition in Florence .

                      Omaggio a Giotto Florence 1967.

                      Il Gotico a Siena Siena 1982.

                      Retables italiens du XIIIe au XVe siècle Paris (1978).

                      Painting and Illumination in early Renaissance Florence 1300-1450 New York 1994

                      VI. GENERAL WORKS

                      (a) General

                      Venturi A Storia dell'Arte Italiana Milan 1901-1940. Relevant vols.

                      Marle R van The Italian Schools of Painting. The Hague 1923-1938. In part outdated and often unreliable.

                      +Thieme U, Allgemeines Lexikon der bilden Künstler Leipzig 1907-1950. Contains

                      Becker F biographic entries on individual artists of variable quality.

                      *White J Art & Architecture in Italy 1250-1400 Harmondsworth 19872. By far the best introduction to the period. pb.

                      Toesca P Il Trecento. Florence, 1971.

                      Oertel R Early Italian Painting London (1968) Stimulating if idiosyncratic.

                      *White J The Birth & Rebirth of Pictorial Space London 1987 pb.

                        Bologna F I pittori all corte angioina di Napoli 1260-1414 Rome (1969). Tuscan artists including Simone Martini and Giotto at a French court.

                        Hills P The Light of Early Italian Painting London (1987).

                        Demus O Byzantine Art & the West London (1970). Supercedes all earlier discussions.

                        Feldges U Landschaft als topographisches Porträt Berne (1980).

                        Leone di Castris P. Arte di Corte nella Napoli angioina Florence (1986).

                        Kempers B Painting, Power & Patronage London (1992).

                        Meiss M 'Notable disturbances in the classification of Tuscan Trecento Painting' BM 113 (1971) 178-187.

                        Bellosi L 'La rappresentazione dello Spazio' Storia dell'Arte Italiana 4, Turin (1980).

                        *Goldthwaite R Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy 1300-1600, Baltimore 1993

                        A.Ladis ed A Discerning Eye Essays on Italian painting by Richard Offner, University Park 1998

                        (b) Florence

                        *Offner R Studies in Florentine Painting New York (1927).

                        Fremantle R Florentine Gothic Painting London (1976). Plates.

                        Cole B Giotto & Florentine Painting 1280-1375 NY (1976). A superficial survey.

                        Antal F Florentine Painting & its Social Background London (1948).

                        Berenson B Florentine School London (1963) (Plates).

                        Boskovits M Pittura fiorentina alla vigilia del Rinascimento 1370-1400 Florence 1975

                        (c) Siena

                        Berenson B Central & North Italian Schools London (1968).

                        *Maginnis H 'The literature of Sienese Trecento Painting 1945-1975' ZKg 40 (1977) 276-309. Important bibliography with acute comments.

                          Van Os H Sienese Altarpieces 1215-1460 Groningen (1984) Cf. Review by C.Gardner von Teuffel in BM 127 (1985) 391.

                          Benedictis C de La Pittura Senese 1330-1370 Florence (1979).

                          Southard E The Frescoes in Siena's Palazzo Pubblico London (1979).

                          Maginnis H The world of the early Sienese painter University Park 2001

                          Paladino P Art and Devotion in Siena after 1350, San Diego 1997

                          VII. PANEL PAINTING

                          (i) Techniques

                          *Cennino Cennini Il Libro dell'Arte New Haven 91932). Irreplaceable source on 14th century techniques. Excellent English translation by DV Thompson The Craftsman's Handbook Several eds. Every student should possess a copy. pb.

                          *Thompson DV The Practice of Tempera Painting New York (1936) pb.

                          Marette J Connaissance des primitifs par l'étude des bois Paris (1961).

                          Van Asperen de Boer J, Van Os HW La pittura nel XIV e XV secolo. Il contributo dell'analisi tecnica alla storia dell'arte Atti del XXIV Congresso Internazionale di Storia dell'Arte Bologna (1983) Vol.3. Important papers on panel and fresco techniques.

                          *Gardner J 'Fronts & Backs: Setting and structure' in Van Os, Van Asperen de Boer Atti 3, 297-322.

                          * Teuffel C Gardner von 'The buttressed altarpiece: a forgotten aspect of Tuscan fourteenth century altarpiece design' Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 21 (1979) 21-65. Xerox in Library.

                          Steinhoff J, Beatson E, Muller N 'The St.Victor altarpiece in Siena Cathedral: A Reconstruction' AB 68 (1986) 610-631.

                            Hoeniger C 'Cloth of Gold & Silver: Simone Martini's techniques for representing luxury textiles' Gesta 30,2 (1991) 154-162.

                            VIII. FRESCO PAINTING

                            (i) Techniques

                            *Tintori L,Meiss M. The Painting of the Life of Saint Francis in Assisi New York (1962).

                            *Tintori L,Meiss M. 'Additional observations on Italian mural technique' AB 46 (1964) 377-380.

                            Oertel R 'Wandmalerei und Zeichnung in Italien' MKHIF 5 (1940)


                                  Mignosi A 'Restauri alla Basilica Inferiore di Assisi' GBA 60 (1975) 217-222.

                                  Borsook E,Superbi F(eds). Tecnica e Stile Florence (1986).

                                  (ii) Historical

                                  *Borsook E The Mural Painters of Tuscany Oxford 1980 ed 2, Review by J.Gardner in BM 124 (1982) 104-106.

                                  Meiss M The Great Age of Fresco London (1970) 27.

                                  Benton J 'Some ancient mural motifs in Italian painting around 1300' Zkg 48 (1985) 151-176.

                                    Lavin M The Place of Narrative. Mural decoration in Italian Churches 431-1600 Chicago (1990).Important rev. by J Pope-Hennessy New York Review of Books (16.5.91) 33-37.

                                    Villers C ed The Fabric of Images, European paintings on textile supports in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries London 2000

                                    IX ICONOGRAPHY

                                    +Kaftal G Iconography of the Saints in Tuscan Painting Florence (1953).

                                    +Schiller G Iconography of Christian Art. London 1971 ff. Superficial, but useful plates.

                                    +Cross FL,Livingstone EA. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church Oxford (1983) Usually a reliable guide.

                                      Schorr DC The Christ Child in Devotional Images in Italy during the XIV Century New York (1954).

                                      *Meiss M Painting in Florence & Siena after the Black Death Princeton (1951) Although concentrating on a later period, and in part art superceded, this remains a penetrating account of Trecento image. pb.

                                        Van Os H Marias Demut und Verherrlichung in der sienesischen Malerei 1350-1450 Rome (1969).

                                        Verdier P Le Couronnement de la Vièrge Paris (1980).

                                        Van Os H 'The discovery of an early Man of Sorrows on a Dominican triptych' JWCI 41 (1978) 65-75.

                                        Belting H Das Bild un sein Publikum im Mittelalter Berlin (1981).

                                        Klesse B Seidenstoffe in der italienischen Malerei des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts Berne (1967). English summary

                                        The Eastern Carpet in the Western World from 15th to 17th Century London (1983). Exhibition catalogue

                                        Telpas AM 'Some antique forms in Trecento art' AB 46 (1964) 372-376.

                                        Blume D Wandmalerei als Ordenspropaganda Worms (1983) Review by J.Cannon BM 127 (1985) 234-235.

                                          Goffen R Spirituality in Conflict: Saint Francis & Giotto's Bardi Chapel University Park (1988).

                                          Brown HM 'Trecento Angels & the instruments they play' ed: E.Olsen Modern Musical Scholarship Stocksfield (1978) 112-140.

                                          Settis S 'Iconografia dell'Arte italiana 1100-1500: una linea Storia dell'Arte italiana 3 Turin 1979.

                                          X. FLORENTINE PAINTERS

                                          (i) Giotto di Bondone (1267 [?]-1337)

                                          The huge Giotto literature is calendared in:

                                          +Salvini R Giotto Bibliografia Rome (1938)

                                            +Benedictis C de Giotto Bibliografia 1937-1970 Rome (1973). *Review by I.Hueck in AB 59 (1977) 635-637.

                                            (a) Monographs

                                            Ladis A Giotto and the world of Italian Art. An Anthology New York 1998

                                            *Rintelen F Giotto und die Giotto-Apokryphen 2nd ed. Basel (1923). Rintelen's late dating of the Assisi has been disproved, but this remains the classic statement of the "restrictive" view of Giotto's oeuvre.

                                            Gnudi C Giotto London (1958).

                                            Hetzer T Giotto Frankfurt (1941). Valuable remarks on colour.

                                            Previtali G Giotto e la sua bottega Milan (1967). With Gnudi, the best modern statement of the "inclusive" view.

                                            Vigorelli G,Baccheschi E. L'Opera completa di Giotto Milan (1966).

                                            Giotto e il suo tempo Atti del Congresso internazionale per la celebrazione del VII Centenario della nascità di Giotto Rome 1971 (= Giotto e il suo tempo).

                                              Bellosi L La Pecora di Giotto Turin (1985). Review by J. Cannon, BM, 130, (1988) 701-702

                                              *Maginnis H Painting in the Age of Giotto, University Park 1988

                                              (b) Arena chapel

                                              Stubblebine J Giotto. The Arena Chapel Frescoes London (1969) Publishes a number of important essays in (not always satisfactory) English translation.

                                              *Davis H 'Gravity in the paintings of Giotto' Giotto e il suo tempo


                                                    Euler W Die Architekturdarstellung in der Arena-Kappelle Berne (1967).

                                                    Hueck I 'Zu Enrico Scrovegnis veränderungen der Arena Kapelle' MKHIF 17 (1973) 277-293.

                                                      Rough R 'Enrico Scrovegni, the Cavalieri Gaudenti & the Arena Chapel in Padua' AB 62 (1980) 24-35.

                                                      Ladis A 'The legend of Giotto's Wit and the Arena Chapel' AB 68 (1986) 580-596.

                                                      Lisner M 'Farbgebung und Farbikonographie in Giottos' Arenafresken' MKHIF 29 (1985) 1-78.

                                                        Lisner M "Die Gewandfarben der Apostel in Giottos Arenafresken: Farbgebung und Farbikonographie" ZKg 55 (1990) 309-375.

                                                        *Basile G Giotto, the Arena Chapel Frescoes (London 1993). A sensible introduction and excellent plates

                                                        (c) Panel paintings

                                                          Procacci U 'La tavola di Giotto dell'altar maggiore della chiesa della Badia Fiorentina' Scritti di Storia dell'arte in onore di Mario Salmi II Rome, 9-45.

                                                          Gardner J 'The Stefaneschi altarpiece: a reconsideration' JWCI 37 (1974) 57-103. PPS

                                                          *Gardner J 'The Louvre Stigmatization & the problem of the narrative altarpiece. Zfkg 45 (1982) 217-247. PPS

                                                          Skaug E 'Contributions to Giotto's Workshop' MKHIF 15 (1971) 141-160.

                                                          *La Madonna d'Ognissanti di Giotto Restaurata (Gli Uffizi Studi e Ricerche 8) Florence (1992).

                                                            Gordon D A dossal by Giotto and his Workshop: some problems of attribution, provenance & patronage BM 131 (1989) 524-531.

                                                            (d) Santa Croce

                                                            Gardner J 'The early decoration of S.Croce in Florence' BM 114 (1971) 136-141.

                                                            Borsook E,Tintori L. Giotto. The Peruzzi Chapel New York (1965).

                                                            Conti A 'Pittori in Santa Croce: 1295-1341' Annali della scuola normale di Pisa, Classe di lettera e filosofia (1972) 247-263.

                                                              Gilbert C 'L'Ordine cronologico degli affreschi Bardi e Peruzzi' BdA 52 (1968) 192-197.

                                                              Codell J 'Giotto's Peruzzi Chapel frescoes: wealth, patronage and the earthly city' Renaissance Quarterly 41 (1988) 583-613.

                                                              See also Goffen (Section VIII).

                                                              (e) Late Works

                                                                Mignosi A 'Osservazioni sul transetto dell Basilica Inferiore di Assisi' BdA 60 (1975) 129-142.

                                                                Gombrich E 'Giotto's portrait of Dante?' BM 121 (1979) 471-483.

                                                                Schmidt G 'Giotto und die gotische Skulptur' Römische Historische Mitteilungen 21 (1979) 127-144 (xerox).

                                                                Barasch M Giotto and the Language of Gesture Cambridge (1987).

                                                                (f) General treatments

                                                                *Gardner J 'Giotto, "First of the moderns or last of the Ancients?' Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte XLIV (1991) 63-78. (Offprint in Library)

                                                                (g) The Assisi problem

                                                                  Poeschke J Die Kirche San Francesco in Assisi und ihre Wandmalereien Munich (1985). The best collection of plates.

                                                                  Belting H Die Oberkirche von San Francesco in Assisi Berlin (1977). A highly sophisticated view of the Upper Church programme. Cf. review by J.Gardner Kunstchronik 32 (1979) 63-84. (English version of this review is in the Library).

                                                                  *Meiss M Giotto and Assisi New York (1960).

                                                                    Stubblebine J Assisi and the rise of vernacular art New York (1985). *Review by J.White BM 128, (1986), 828-830.

                                                                    Smart A The Assisi problem and the art of Giotto Oxford (1971). *Review by V.Pace in Bolletino d'Arte 59 (1974) 94-96.

                                                                    Grohmann A Assisi (Le Città nella Storia d'Italia) Bari 1989.

                                                                    (h) Taddeo Gaddi (c.1300-1366)

                                                                    Donati PP Taddeo Gaddi Florence (1966).

                                                                    Gardner J 'The Decoration of the Baroncelli Chapel in Santa Croce' ZKg 34 (1971) 89-114.

                                                                    *Ladis A Taddeo Gaddi Columbia & London (1982).

                                                                    Rave A Christiformitas Worms (1984).

                                                                    (i) Bernardo Daddi (c.1312-1348)

                                                                    Offner R. et al. Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting, III,iii, The Works of Bernardo Daddi, Florence 1989

                                                                    Offner R. et al. Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting, III,iv, Bernardo Daddi his Shop and Following, Florence 1991

                                                                    Neri Lusanna E. DAA,pp.441 - 444

                                                                      Monnas L 'Silk textiles in the paintings of Bernardo Daddi, Andrea di Cione and their followers' ZKG 53 (1990) 39-58.

                                                                      Zervas DF Orsanmichele Florence Modena 1996

                                                                      (j) Maso di Banco (fl.c.1300-1366 [?])

                                                                      *Offner R 'Four panels,a fresco & a problem' BM 54 (1929) 224-232.

                                                                        Wilkins D Maso di Banco: a Florentine artist of the Early Trecento PhD University of Michigan (1969).

                                                                        Kreytenberg G 'The sculpture of Maso di Banco' BM 121 (1979) 72-76.

                                                                        (k) Andrea di Cione `Orcagna ` (1343 - 1368)

                                                                          Kreytenberg G., Orcagna Andrea di Cione,Mainz 2000 Review by J.Gardner, BM, 143,(2001), 570 - 572

                                                                          Teuffel von Gardner C "Ikonographie und Archäologie : Das Pfingst-Triptychon in der Florentiner Akademie an seinem ursprünglichen Aufstellungsort, ZfKg,41,(1978),pp.16 - 40

                                                                          Giles Arthur K "The Strozzi Chapel : notes on the building history of Sta. Maria Novella,"AB,55,(1983),pp.367 - 386

                                                                          Cassidy B. "The Assumption of the Virgin on the tabernacle of Orsanmichele," JWCI,51,(1988),pp.174 - 180

                                                                          Kreytenberg G "L'enfer d'Orcagna. La première peinture monumental d'après les Chants de Dante,"GBA,114,(1989),pp.243 - 262

                                                                          Kreytenberg G. "Image and Frame : remarks on Orcagna's Pala Strozzi,"BM, 134, (1992) pp. 634 - 638

                                                                          (l) Nardo di Cione (active 1343 - 1365/6)

                                                                          Lee Pitts F. Nardo di Cione and the Strozzi Chapel frescoes : iconographic problems in mid-Trecento painting, Ph.D Berkeley 1982

                                                                          Gordon D. et al "Nardo di Cione's Altarpiece : Three Saints,"National Gallery Technical Bulletin,9,(1985),pp.21 - 37

                                                                          (m) Andrea di Bonaiuto (1346 - 1379)

                                                                          Tripps J. Tendencies of Gothic in Florence : Andrea Bonaiuti,Florence 1996

                                                                          Gardner J. "Andrea di Bonaiuto and the chapterhouse frescoes in Santa Maria Novella,"Art History,2,(1979),pp.107 - 138

                                                                          (n) Giovanni da Milano (doc. 1346 - 1369 ?)

                                                                          Marabottini A. Giovanni da Milano,Florence 1950

                                                                          Cavadini L ed. Giovanni da Milano, Valmorea 1980

                                                                          Boskovits M Giovanni da Milano, Florence 1965

                                                                          Gordon D. in DAA 12,pp.702 - 703

                                                                          (o) Agnolo Gaddi (active 1369 - 1396)

                                                                          Cole B Agnolo Gaddi, Oxford 1977

                                                                          A.Ladis in DAA,11, pp.891 - 893

                                                                          (p) Spinello Aretino (1350/2 - - 1410)

                                                                          Dabell F. in DAA,pp. 403 - 407

                                                                          Fehm S.A. "Notes on Spinello Aretino's so-called Monte Oliveto altarpiece," MKHIF,17,(1973),pp.252 - 272

                                                                          Volpe C. "Un polittico integrato de Spinello (e alcune osservazioni su Maso)," Paragone,30/349,(1979),pp.29 - 38

                                                                          (q) Other artists

                                                                            Bellosi L Buffalmacco e il Trionfo della Morte Turin (1974) Cf., Review by H.Maginnis AB 58 (1976) 126-129.

                                                                            Boskovits M,Gregori M Offner R, Steinweg K, A critical & historical corpus of Florentine painting III: The St Cecilia Master Florence 1986; The Painters of the Miniaturist Tendency Florence (1984).

                                                                            XI. SIENESE PAINTERS

                                                                            (i) Duccio di Buoninsegna (active 1278-1318)

                                                                            (a) Monographs

                                                                            Brandi C Duccio Florence (1951).

                                                                            Stubblebine J Duccio and his School Princeton (1979).

                                                                            *White J Duccio London (1979).

                                                                            Deuchler F Duccio Milan (1984). Review by J.Gardner in BM 127 (1985) 43-44.

                                                                            Cattaneo G,Baccheschi E. L'Opera completa di Duccio Milan (1972).

                                                                            (b) The Duomo Maestà

                                                                            * Il restauro della'Maestà di Duccio Rome n.d. A model technical report.

                                                                            Cooper F 'A reconstruction of Duccio's Maestà' AB 47 (1965) 55-71.

                                                                            White J 'Measurement, Design & Carpentry in Duccio's Maestà' AB 45 (1973) I: 334-366, II: 547-569.

                                                                            *Wald ET de 'Observations on Duccio's Maestà' Late Classical & Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Albert Matthias Friend Jr ed: K.Weitzmann, Princeton (1955) 362-386.

                                                                              Stubblebine J 'The back predella of Duccio's Maestà, I.Lavin ed, Studies in Late Mediaeval & Renaissance Painting in honour of Millard Meiss Princeton (1977) I: 430-436.

                                                                              Stubblebine J 'Byzantine sources for Duccio's Maestà' AB 57 (1975) 176-185.

                                                                              Deuchler F 'Duccio Doctus: new readings for the Maestà' AB 61 (1979) 541-549.

                                                                              Sullivan RW 'Duccio's raising of Lazarus re-examined AB 70 (1988) 374-387.

                                                                              Sullivan RW 'Some Old Testament themes on the front predella of Duccio's Maestà' AB 68 (1986) 646-649.

                                                                                Sullivan RW 'The anointing in Bethany & other affirmations of Christ's Divinity on Duccio's back predella' AB 67 (1985) 32-50.

                                                                                (c) Panel Paintings

                                                                                Meiss M 'A new early Duccio' AB 33 (1951) 95-103.

                                                                                Arb R 'A reappraisal of the Boston Museum's Duccio' AB 41 (1959) 191-198.

                                                                                White J 'Carpentry and Design in Duccio's workshop' JWCI (1973) 92-105.

                                                                                Deuchler F 'Duccio: zum Gold als Farbe' Von Farbe und Farben. A.Knoepfli zum 70 Geburtstag Zurich (1980).

                                                                                  Stubblebine J 'The Boston Ducciesque Tabernacle: A collaboration. eds: W.Steadman J.Paoletti Collaboration in Italian Renaissance Art New Haven (1977).

                                                                                  Tofani AP(ed) La Maestà di Duccio Restaurata (Gli Uffizi Studi e

                                                                                        ricerche 6) Florence (1990). Despite its title about the Madonna Rucellai.

                                                                                        R.Tarr "Et Virgo concipiet : the iconography and context of Duccio's London Annunciation", Viator, 31,(2000),pp.185 - 231

                                                                                        (ii) Simone Martini (active 1315-1344).

                                                                                        (a) Monographs

                                                                                        Paccagnini G Simone Martini Milan (1955).

                                                                                        Conti G,Gozzoli M. L'Opera completa di Simone Martini Milan (1970).

                                                                                            Simone Martini e 'chompagni' Siena (1985).

                                                                                            *Martindale A Simone Martini Oxford (1988) Review by J.Gardner BM 131 (1989) 487-490.

                                                                                              Stubblebine J 'French Gothic elements in Simone Martini's Maestà Gesta 29 (1990) 139-152.

                                                                                              (b) Panel Paintings

                                                                                              *Cannon J 'Simone Martini, the Dominicans & the early Sienese polyptych' JWCI 45 (1982) 69-93.

                                                                                              Pope-Hennessy J. 'Three panels by Simone Martini' BM 91 (1949) 195-196.

                                                                                              *Gardner J 'Saint Louis of Toulouse, Robert of Anjou & Simone Martini' ZKg 39 (1976) 12-33 PPS

                                                                                              Brandl R Die Tafelbilder des Simone Martini Frankfurt (1985).

                                                                                              Fredericksen B. 'Documents for the Servite origin of Simone Martini's Orvieto polyptych' BM 128 (1986) 592-597.

                                                                                                Gordon D 'Simone Martini's altarpiece for S.Agostino, San Gimignano' BM 133 (1991) 771.

                                                                                                Brink J 'Cardinal Napoleone Orsini & Chiara della Croce; a note on the Monache in Simone Martini's Passion altarpiece' Zfkg 46 91983) 419-424.

                                                                                                Eisenberg M. "The first altarpiece for the `Cappella de' Signori ` of the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena : ... tales figure sunt adeo pulchre,"BM,123,(1981),pp.134 - 148

                                                                                                (c) The Saint Martin Chapel & Assisi

                                                                                                Bologna G Simone Martini Affreschi di Assisi Milan (1968).

                                                                                                Hueck I 'Die Kapellen der Basilika San Francesco in Assisi; Die Auftraggeber und die Franziskaner' Moleta V ed., Patronage & Public in the Trecento [Cf (ii) above 81-104].

                                                                                                  Newton S 'Tommaso da Modena, Simone Martini, Hungarians & Saint Martin in 14th-century Italy' JWCI 43 (1980) 234-238.

                                                                                                  Brink J 'Sts. Martin & Francis: Sources & meaning in Simone Martini's Montefiore Chapel' A.Morrogh et al: Renaissance Studies in Honor of Craigh Hugh Smyth, Florence II (1985) 79-82.

                                                                                                  Hoch A 'St.Martin of Tours, his transformation into a chivalric hero & Franciscan ideal' Zkg 50 (1987) 471-474.

                                                                                                  Hoch A 'Beata Stirps, Royal patronage and the identification of the sainted rulers in the St.Elizabeth Chapel at Assisi"Art History 15 (1992) 279-295.

                                                                                                  (d) The problem of 'Guidoriccio'

                                                                                                    Feldges-Henning U. 'Zu Thema und Datierung von Simone Martini's Fresko Guidoriccio da Fogliano' MKHIF XVII (1973) 101-104.

                                                                                                    Moran G 'An investigation regarding the equestrian portrait of Guidoriccio da Fogliano in the Siena Palazzo Pubblico'. Paragone 28 (1977) 83-88. Important if idiosyncratic.

                                                                                                    Polzer J 'Simone Martini's Guidoriccio da Fogliano: A new appraisal in the light of recent technical examination' Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 23 (1983) 103-141 (xerox).

                                                                                                    Ragionieri G Simone o non Simone Florence (1985).Summary of dispute.

                                                                                                    Martindale A 'The problem of Guidoriccio' BM 128 (1966) 259-73.

                                                                                                    (e) Avignon

                                                                                                    Rowlands J 'The date of Simone Martini's arrival in Avignon' BM 107 (1965) 25-26.

                                                                                                    Denny D 'Simone Martini's Holy Family' JWCI 30 (1967) 138-149.

                                                                                                    *Enaud F 'Simone Martini à Avignon' Les monuments historiques de la France. 9 (1963) 117-181.

                                                                                                    Rowlands J 'Simone Martini and Petrarch: a Virgilian episode' Apollo 81 (1965) 264-269.

                                                                                                    Gardner J 'The back of the panel of Christ discovered in the temple by Simone Martini' Arte Cristiana 78 (1990) 389-398. (Offprint in the Library).

                                                                                                    (iii) Pietro Lorenzetti (fl.1306?-1348 [?]).

                                                                                                    *Wald E de Pietro Lorenzetti Cambridge,Mass.,(1930).

                                                                                                    Cecchi E Pietro Lorenzetti Milan (1930).

                                                                                                    Volpe C Pietro Lorenzetti Florence (1988)

                                                                                                    Seidel M 'Das Frühwerk von Pietro Lorenzetti' Staedel-Jahrbuch 8 (1981) 79-158. Xerox.

                                                                                                    *Maginnis HB 'The passion cycle in the lower church of San Francesco, Assisi: the technical evidence' ZKg 39 (1976) 193-208.

                                                                                                    *Zeri F 'Quattro pannelli della Pala del 1329 al Carmine' Arte Illustrata 58 (1974) 146-156.

                                                                                                      Cannon J 'Pietro Lorenzetti & the history of the Carmelite Order' JWCI 50 (1987) 18-28.

                                                                                                      *Maginnis HB 'Pietro Lorenzetti: a chronology' AB 66 91984) 183-211.

                                                                                                      C.Gilbert "Some special images for the Carmelites, circa 1330 - 1430," T. Verdon, J.Henderson eds Christianity in the Renaissance,Syracuse NY 1990, pp.161 - 207

                                                                                                      (iv) Ambrogio Lorenzetti (fl.1319-1347 [?])

                                                                                                      *Borsook E Ambrogio Lorenzetti Florence, 1966.

                                                                                                      Rowley G Ambrogio Lorenzetti Princeton,1958. Erratic.

                                                                                                      Borsook E Gli Affreschi di Montesiepi Florence,1969.

                                                                                                      Wainwright V 'The Will of Ambrogio Lorenzetti' BM 117 (1975) 543-544.

                                                                                                      Rubinstein N Political ideas in Sienese art: the Frescoes by Ambrogio Lorenzetti & Taddeo di Bartolo in the Palazzo Pubblico' JWCI 21 (1958) 179-207.

                                                                                                        Feldges-Henning U. 'The pictorial programme of the Sala della Pace: a new interpretation' JWCI 35 (1972) 145-162

                                                                                                        *Skinner Q 'Ambrogio Lorenzetti, the artist as political philosopher' Proceedings of the British Academy 72 (1986) 1-56.

                                                                                                          Maginnis H 'The lost façade frescoes from Siena's Ospedale di S.Maria della Scala' Zkg 51 (1988) 180-194.

                                                                                                          Müller NE 'Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Annunciation: a re-examination' MKHIF 21 (1977) 1-12.

                                                                                                          Maginnis H 'Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Presentation in the Temple' Studi di Storia dell'Arte 2 (1991) 33-50.

                                                                                                          Ladis A 'Immortal Queen & Mortal Bride: the Marian imagery of Ambrogio Lorenzetti's cycle at Montesiepi' GBA 134 (1992) 189-200.

                                                                                                          Bridgeman J 'Ambrogio Lorenzetti's dancing Maidens (a case of mistaken identity)' Apollo 133 (1991) 245-251.

                                                                                                          Bridgeman J 'The vision of Peace: Meaning & representation in Ambrogio Lorenzetti's Sala della Pace cityscapes' Art History 2 (1988) 492-510.

                                                                                                          (v) Luca di Tommè (active 1356 - 1390)

                                                                                                          Fehm SA Luca di Tommè A Sienese fourteenth-century painter, Carbondale 1986

                                                                                                          Meiss M. "Notes on three linked Sienese styles,"AB,45,(1963),pp.47 - 48

                                                                                                          (vi) Bartolo di Fredi Cini (active 1353 - 1410)

                                                                                                          Freuler G Bartolo di Fredi Cini, Disentis 1994 Review by J.Gardner BM,129, (1997),pp.478 - 480

                                                                                                          Knapp-Fengler C "Bartolo di Fredi's Old Testament frescoes in San Gimignano" AB,63,(1981),pp.374 - 384

                                                                                                          H.van Os "Tradition and innovation in some altarpieces by Bartolo di Fredi,"AB, 67, (1985), pp.50 - 66

                                                                                                          (vii) Other artists

                                                                                                          *Coor-Achenbach G 'Contributions to the study of Ugolino di Nerio's art' AB 37 (1965) 153-165.

                                                                                                          Maginnis HB 'The Thyssen-Bornemisza Ugolino" Apollo 118 (1983) 16-22.

                                                                                                          Bennet B Lippo Memmi PhD University of Pittsburgh (177).

                                                                                                          Ventroni S Barna da Siena Pisa (1972).

                                                                                                          Steinhoff Morrison J. Bartolomeo Bulgarini and Sienese Painting of the mid-Fourteenth Century, Ph.D Princeton 1989

                                                                                                          Mallory M The Sienese Painter Paolo di Giovanni Fei (c.1345 - 1411), New York 1976

                                                                                                          XII. DRAWINGS

                                                                                                          +Degenhart B Corpus der italienischen Zeichnungen 1300-1450

                                                                                                          Schmitt A. I. Sud-und Mittelitalien Berlin (1968).

                                                                                                                II. Addenda zu Sud-und Mittelitalien 1300-1400 Berlin (1980).

                                                                                                                Bellosi L 'Su alcuni disegni italiani tra la fine del due e la metà del quattrocento' BJA 70 (1985) 1-42.

                                                                                                                XIII. MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION

                                                                                                                +Brieger P,Meiss,Singleton C Illuminated Manuscripts of the Divine Comedy Princeton (1969).

                                                                                                                  Partsch S Profane Buchmalerei der Burgerlichen Gesellschaft im Spätmittelalterlichen Florenz Worms (1981).

                                                                                                                  IX. ARCHITECTURE

                                                                                                                  Wagner-Rieger R Die italienische Baukunst zu Beginn der Gotik. Graz, 1957.

                                                                                                                  *Braunfels W Mittelalterliche Stadtbaukunst in der Toskana. Berlin 1953.

                                                                                                                  Hertlein E Die Basilika San Francesco in Assisi. Florence, 1964.

                                                                                                                  Nessi S La Basilica di S.Francesco in Assisi e la sua documentazione storica Assisi (1982).

                                                                                                                  Trachtenburg M The Campanile of Florence Cathedral. New York, 1971.

                                                                                                                  Kreytenberg G 'Der Campanile von Giotto' MKHIF 22 (1978) 147-184.

                                                                                                                  Höger A Studien zur Entstehung der Familienkapelle und altären des Trecento in Florentiner Kirchen PhD. Bonn (1976).

                                                                                                                    Romanini AM 'La cattedrale gotica: il caso di Arnolfo a Santa Maria del Fiore Storia dell'Arte italiana 12, Turin 1983.

                                                                                                                    Schenkluhn W San Francesco in Assisi: Ecclesia Specialis Darmstadt 1989.

                                                                                                                    K. van der Ploeg Art, Architecture and Liturgy : Siena Cathedral in the Middle Ages, Groningen 1993

                                                                                                                    XII. SCULPTURE : GENERAL WORKS

                                                                                                                    Carli E Giovanni Pisano. Pisa 1977.

                                                                                                                    Ayrton M Giovanni Pisano London (1969) (Plates)

                                                                                                                    Kreytenberg G Andrea Pisano Munich 1984. Important review by J.White in Kunstchronik 30 (1986) 63-66.

                                                                                                                    *Moskowitz A The Sculpture of Andrea Pisano. Cambridge (1986).

                                                                                                                    *Falk I,Lanyi J. 'The Genesis of Andrea Pisano's bronze doors' AB 25 (1943) 132-153.

                                                                                                                      Middledorf Kosegarten A. Sienesiche Bildhauer am Duomo Vecchio Munich (1984) Review by J.White AH 8 (1985) 484-487.

                                                                                                                      Gardner J The Tomb and the Tiara Oxford (1992).

                                                                                                                      Wiener J Die Bauskulptur von San Francesco in Assisi (Franziskanische Forschungen 37) Werl 1941.

                                                                                                                      Course structure

                                                                                                                      Term 1 : Painters

                                                                                                                        1. Giotto after Padua : chapel programmes in Florence

                                                                                                                        2. Simone Martini and the heritage of Duccio

                                                                                                                        3. Taddeo Gaddi : follower or innovator?

                                                                                                                        4. Pietro di Lorenzetti in Assisi and Arezzo

                                                                                                                        5. Ambrogio Lorenzetti and civic ideology

                                                                                                                        6. Bernardo Daddi and paintings for domestic settings

                                                                                                                        7. Andrea di Cione (Orcagna) at Santa Maria Novella

                                                                                                                        8. Agnolo Gaddi and Tuscan Late Gothic

                                                                                                                        Term 2 Themes and Variations

                                                                                                                          9. Competition for high altarpieces : the Sienese in Florence

                                                                                                                          10. The Programme of Altarpieces for Siena Duomo

                                                                                                                          11. Thought for Food : refectory decoration

                                                                                                                          12. Pictures for Thinking ; chapterhouse programmes

                                                                                                                          13. Political iconography and palace decoration

                                                                                                                          14. The imagery of Plague : the Black Death as an artistic phenomenon

                                                                                                                          15. Painting for nuns : male painters and the female audience

                                                                                                                          16. From Humility to Coronation ; new iconographies for the Virgin

                                                                                                                          Term 3: Comparisons

                                                                                                                            17. Siena and the rediscovery of landscape

                                                                                                                            18. Competitive devotions : paintings for confraternities

                                                                                                                            19. Workshops, partnerships and contracts in Florence and Siena

                                                                                                                            20. Painters' stories : narrative in a Tuscan context