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Byzantium: Lectures

HA229: The Art of Byzantium, 843-1261

Lecture List

Autumn Term

week 1: What’s the point of Byzantium?

week 2: Orientation and survey

week 3: Displaying god

week 4: Displaying man

week 5: Luxury and the past

week 6: reading week

week 7: Constantinople: the heart of empire

week 8: The view from outside I: Cappadocia

week 9: The view from outside II: the Caucasus

week 10: Art and Cult in Byzantium

Spring Term

week 11: Earthly poverty or divine wealth?

week 12: Gender and chaos in the eleventh century

week 13: Art and Eternity

week 14: Windows onto heaven?

week 15: Patronage and the Komnenoi

week 16: reading week

week 17: Text and image

week 18: The view from outside III: Venice

week 19: The view from outside IV: Sicily

week 20: The view from outside V: The East

Summer Term

week 21: no lecture

week 22: exhibiting Byzantium

week 23: 1261 reinventing Byzantium

week 24: conclusions

week 25: revision

Antony Eastmond


The Mandylion