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HA307: Special studies in historic architecture Bibliography



This course aims to encourage a critical understanding of historic architecture in the context of its period, in England and Europe; and of issues concerning the research and preservation of historic architecture today. The structure of the course permits the study in depth of historic buildings through seminar discussion of themes and case studies, and through site visits. Essentials elements of the syllabus are: the roles of patron, architect and craftsman in architectural design and construction; the archaeological study of building fabric; and the historiography of historic architecture.

ENGLISH ARCHITECTURE c. 1440-1547 is a period which sees some of the greatest achievements of Gothic architecture (e.g. King's College Chapel, Cambridge), as well as encompassing the early reception in England of the Reformation and Renaissance. The scope of the period offers opportunities to study ecclesiastical, military and domestic architecture of various types, and to research topics ranging from castles of chivalry, the rise of the country house and the patronage of Cardinal Wolsey, to more technical subjects like fan-vaults and architectural terracotta decoration. Field trips in recent years have included - Warwick, the Cotswold wool-churches, Sudeley Castle, Bristol and Thornbury Castle, Gloucester Cathedral and Tewkesbury Abbey, the Oxford colleges, Cambridge and Burwell, Westminster Abbey, Windsor and Eton; some of which will be visited this year.


There are four books I want everyone to have looked at before the course begins. I recommend that you look at them in the following order:

Coldstream, N Medieval Architecture (2002)

Don't get bogged down in following details, but tear through this. Note that we will NOT be returning to this book in the course. It is a short and well-illustrated attempt to chart the subject of Gothic architecture across four centuries and I want you to understand how the basics of the map have been drafted - what (in terms of material, date and region) has been put at its centre and why; what falls on the peripheries and why; and what the issues are that it is concerned to identify.

Harvey, JH The Perpendicular Style (1978)

DON'T read this cover to cover - it is heavy going and will put you off the subject. Instead, read the opening closely (which is important) and then gradually loose interest ... Also note the structure of the book, its approach to the subject and the pictures, which show many of the buildings at the heart of the course.

Wilson, C The Gothic Cathedral (1990)

The third chapter. Densely written but a fascinating overview of late Gothic arranged by country.

Frankl, P Gothic Architecture (2001) ed. P. Crossley.

For its pictures ONLY! Note, this is a newly-illustrated and annotated edition of Frankl's old text, which - even despite correction - remains very dated. What are amazing are the illustrations and Corssley's footnotes, which provide an up-to-date bibliography. Just browse through the late material in this and go to the footnotes for useful information on particular buildings. Don't look at the English material too much. Instead enjoy the sensational late medieval architecture to be found across the Continent.

Other useful introductory texts include:

Hicks M Who's Who inn late medieval England (1991) pb

Kidson P et al History of English Architecture (2nd edn 1979) pb

Mertes K The English Noble Household 1250-1500 (1988)

Saul N(ed) Age of Chivalry: art & society in late medieval England (1992) PB

Thomson D Renaissance architecture: patrons, critics, luxury (1993) pb




1 Airs M Buildings of Britain: Tudor & Jacobean (1982).

2 Bony J The English Decorated Style (1979)

*+3 Colvin H(ed) History of the King's Works; Vols.I-II The Middle Ages (1963), Vols III-IV1485 1660 (1982)

*4 Evans, Joan English Art 1307-1461 (Ox Hist Eng Art 1949).

5 Gotch JA Early Renaissance Architecture in England (1914).

*6 Harvey JH The Perpendicular Style 1330-1485 (1978).

7 Harvey JH Gothic England: A survey of national culture 1300-1550 (1947).

8 Harvey JH Tudor Architecture (1949).

9 Harvey JH 'The Origin of the Perpendicular style' in EM Jope(ed),

        Studies in Building History (1961) ch.8.

        *10 Kidson P(et al) History of English Architecture (1965, 2nd ed 1979).

        *11 Lees-Milne J Tudor Renaissance (1951).

        *12 Mercer E English Art 1553-1625 (Ox Hist Eng Art 1962).

        13 Summerson J Architecture in Britain 1530-1830 (PHA 5th ed 1969).

        14 Webb G Architecture in Britain: the Middle Ages (PHA 2nd ed 1965).

        15 Coldstream N The Decorated Style: architecture & ornament 1240-1360 (1994).

        16 Coldstream N Medieval Architecture (2002)


        +25 Butler L & Given-Wilson. Medieval Monasteries of Great Britain (1979).

        26 Butler L 'The houses of the Mendicant Orders in Britain; recent archaeological work' in P Addyman & V Black (eds). Archaeological Papers from York (1984) 123-136.

        27 Cook GH Mediaeval Chantries & Chantry Chapels (1963).

        28 Cook GH English Mediaeval Parish Churches (3rd ed 1961).

        29 Cook GH English Collegiate Churches (1950).

          30 Cox C & Ford Parish Churches of England (1941).

          30a Goodall JAA God's House at Ewelme. Life, art and devotion in a medieval almshouse, (2001)

          30b Goodall JAA & L Monckton 'The Chantry of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester' British Archaeological Association St Albans Conference Transactions, (1999) PP 231-55

          31 Harvey JH The Cathedrals of England and Wales (rev ed 1974).

          31a Heard, K 'Death and Representation in the Fifteenth-century: the Wilcote Chantry Chapel at North Leigh, Oxfordshire' BAAJ

          31b Hicks M 'Chantries obits and almshouses: The Hungerford Foundations 1325-1478', in Barron C and Harper-Bill C eds The Church in Pre-Reformation Society Woodbridge 1985, pp 123-42

          32 Howard FE Medieval Styles of the English Parish Church (1936) Chs IX,XII

          33 Martin AR Franciscan Architecture in England (1937).

          34 Morris R Cathedrals & Abbeys of England & Wales (1979).

          +35 Neve J le Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541 (1716, repr. 12 vols 1962-7) Cathedral dignitaries, by diocese.

            36 Norton EC & Park(eds) Cistercian Art & Architecture in Great Britain(1986).

            36a Orme N and M Webster The English Hospital, 1070-1570, Yale (1995)

            37 Platt C Parish Churches of Medieval England (1981) eg Ch 5.

            38 Platt C Abbeys & Priories of Medieval England (1984).

            38a Rubin M 'Development and Change in English Hospitals, 1100-1500' in Granshaw L and Porter R eds The Hospital in History London (1989), pp 41-59

            38b Saul N Death, Art and Memory in Medieval England. The Cobham family and their monuments (2001)

              39 Thompson AH Historical Growth of the English Parish Church (1913).

              39a Thomson D 'Henry VII and the Uses of Italy: The Savoy Hospital and Henry VII's Posterity' in Thompson B ed Proceedings of the 1993 Harlaxton Symposium Stamford 1995) pp 104-116

              40 Wood-Legh K Perpetual Chantries in Britain (1965).

              41 Colvin H Architecture and the After-Life (1991).

              I/2. SECULAR AND DOMESTIC

              I/2/A. MILITARY:

              +60 Clark G Mediaeval Military Architecture in England (2 vols, 1884)

              61 Kenyon J Medieval Fortifications (1990).

              +62 Kenyon J Castles, town defences & artillery in Britain and Ireland: bibliography (3 vols, 1978, 1983, 1990).

                +63 King DJC Castellarium Anglicanum: index & bibliography of the castles of England and Wales (Vols 1 & 2 1983).

                65 O'Neil BH StJ Castles & Cannon: A study in early artillery fortifications in England (1960).

                *66 Platt C Castle in Medieval England and Wales (1982).

                67 Pounds N Medieval Castle in England & Wales: social & political history (1990).

                68 Saunders A Fortress Britain: Artillery fortification in the British Isles & Ireland (1989).

                69 Thompson AH Military Architecture in England during the Middle Ages (1912).

                *70 Thompson MW The Decline of the Castle (1987).

                80 Coulson C 'Structural symbolism in medieval castle architecture' BAAJ CXXXII (1979) 73-90.

                *81 Simpson WD 'Bastard feudalism & the later castle' Ant.J XXVI (1946).

                82 Dixon P & Lott B 'The courtyard and the tower: contexts and symbols in the development of the late medieval great house' Journal of the British Archaeological Association cxlvi (1993), 93-101

                83 Emery A 'The development of Raglan Castle and keeps in late medieval England', Archaeological Journal cxxxii (1975) 151-86

                I/2/B. DOMESTIC

                *100 Barley M Houses and History (1986).

                101 Faulkner P 'Some medieval archiepiscopal palaces' AJ CXVII (1970) 130-46.

                +102 Garner R, Stratton A. Domestic Architecture during the Tudor period (2 vols 1911).

                103 Gotch JA Growth of the English House 1100-1800 (1909).

                *104 Howard M Early Tudor Country House (1987).

                *105 James TB The Palaces of Medieval England c1050-1550 (1990).

                106 Mercer E English Vernacular Houses (RCHM 1975).

                *107 Smith JT English Houses 120O-180O: the Hertfordshire evidence (1992).

                +108 Tipping A English Homes (CL 1921-37) Period II: Early Tudor 1485-1558 (2 vols; Library has Vol l only).

                +109 Turner T, Parker J. Some account of domestic architecture in England (4 vols 1851-59).

                *110 Wood M English Mediaeval House (1965).

                111 Wood-Jones R Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Banbury region (1963).

                *112 Thurley S The Royal Palaces of Tudor England (1993).

                120 Coope R 'The gallery in England: names & meanings' AB 27 (1984) 446-455.

                121 Faulkner P 'Castle planning in England in the 14th century' AJ CXX (1963).

                122 Fawcett R 'Stirling Castle: the King's Old Building & late medieval royal planning' Chateau-Gaillard XIV (1990) 175-193.

                  123 Patourel J le 'Fortified & semi-fortified manor houses' Chateau-Gaillard IX-X (1982) 187-198.

                  124 Williams D 'Fortified manor houses' Trans Leics Archaeol Soc L, (1974-5) 1-16.

                  124a Cooper N Houses of the Gentry 1480-1680 (1999)

                  125 Emery A Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales: two vols of three published (1996-)

                  126 Myers AR The Black Book of Edward IV Oxford (1959)

                  127 Stratford J The Inventories of John, Duke of Bedford Society of Antiquaries of London (1993)

                  128 Woolgar GM The Great Household in Late Medieval England London (1999)

                  129 Wilson C 'The Royal Lodgings of Edward III at Windsor Castle' British Archaeological Association Windsor Conference Transactions (1998)

                  I/3. BRICK BUILDING

                  Goodall JAA 'Eton College and the Court of Henry VI' British Archaeological Association Windsor Conference Transactions (1998)

                  150 Lloyd N A History of English brickwork (1925).

                  *151 Moore NJ 'Brick', in 550, Blair (1991) Ch 9.

                  152 Smith TP Medieval brickmaking industry in England 1400-1500 (1985).

                  *153 Wight J Brick building in England from the Middle Ages to 1550 (1972).

                  154 Floyer JK 'English brick buildings of the 15th century' AJ LXX (1913) 121-132.

                  155 Smalley I 'The nature of "brickearth" & the location of early brick buildings in Britain' BBS 41 (Feb 1987) 4-11; rejoinder by R & P Firman BBS 47 (Feb 1989) 4-14.

                    156 Smith TP 'Rye House, Herts, & aspects of early brickwork in England' AJ CXXXII (1975) 111-150.

                    157 Smith TP 'Someries Castle' BAAJ CXXIX (1976) 42-58.

                    158 Smith TP 'Two-way influence between England & the Netherlands' BBS 37 (Nov 1985) 13-16.

                    I/4. ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL, ETC

                    I/4/A. GOTHIC:

                    180 Atkinson TD Local Style in English Architecture (1947).

                    181 Bond F Gothic Architecture in England (1906).

                    +182 Council for British Archaeology Recording Worked Stones (1987).

                      183 Dollman F, Jobbins I. An Analysis of Ancient Domestic Architecture (2 vols 1861-3). Details from medieval stone and timber buildings, eg Haddon Hall.

                      184 Fawcett R 'Scottish medieval window tracery' in D.Breeze (ed) Studies in Scottish Antiquity (1984).

                      185 Freeman E The Origin & Development of Window Tracery in England (1851).

                      186 Morris RK 'The development of later Gothic mouldings in England 1250-1400 part 1', AH 21 (1978) 18-57; part 2: AH 22 (1979) 1-48.

                        187 Morris RK 'Mouldings & the analysis of medieval style' in P Crossley & E Fernie(eds) Medieval Architecture & its intellectual context (1990) ch.24.

                        188 Morris RK 'An English glossary of medieval mouldings...' AH 35 (1992) 1-17.

                        189 Rickman T An Attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England (1817, eg 5th ed 1848).

                        x190 Willis R Architecture Nomenclature of the Middle Ages (1844)

                        Vaults and Roofs

                        *200 Leedy W 'The origins of fan vaulting' AB LX/2 (1978) 207-13.

                        *201 Leedy W Fan Vaulting (1980). Review by C Wilson in BAAJ CXXXIV (1981) 137-9.

                          202 Crossley P 'Wells, the West Country, & central European Gothic' in BAACT Wells & Glastonbury 81-109.

                          203 Pevsner N Review of Clasen, Deutsche Gewolbe der Spatgotik in AB XII/4 (1959) 333-6.

                          204 Willis R 'The construction of mediaeval vaults' Trans RIBA (1842) repr. in his Architectural History of Some English Cathedrals (Vol.II 1972).

                          205 Goodall JAA and Linda Monckton 'The Chantry of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester', British Archaeological Association St Albans Conference Transactions (1999)

                          214 Crossley FH Timber Buildings in England (1951).

                          215 Hewett C English Historic Carpentry (1980).

                          216 Hewett C English Cathedral & Monastic Carpentry (1985).

                          217 Smith JT 'Medieval roofs: a classification' AJ CXV (1958)111-149.

                          218 Smith JT 'Reliability of typological dating of roofs' R Berger(ed) Scientific Methods in Medieval Archaeology (1970).

                          219 Crook J 'The Pilgrims' Hall, Winchester' Arch 109 (1991) 129-159.

                          220 Munby J(et al) 'Crown-post & king-strut roofs in south-east England' MA 27 (1983) 123-135.

                          I/4/B. RENAISSANCE:

                            240 Gotch JA Architecture of the Renaissance in England, illustrated by detail from buildings erected 1530-1635 (2 vols 1894) County gazetteer.

                            241 Morris RK 'Windows in early Tudor country houses', D Williams(ed) Early Tudor England (1989).

                            242 Beard G Decorative plasterwork in Great Britain (1975).

                            243 Jourdain M English Decorative Plasterwork of the Renaissance (1926).

                            244 Turner L Decorative plasterwork in Great Britain (CL 1927). Ch I.

                            245 White A 'Tudor classicism' AR 171 (1982) 52-6.

                            I/5. OTHER ARTS

                            *260 Alexander JJ, Binski P(eds) Age of Chivalry: Art in Plantagenet England 1200-14OO.

                            265 Baggs AP '16th-century terracotta tombs in East Anglia' AJ CXXV (1968) 296-301.

                            266 Purcell O '16th-century terracottas in East Anglia' Assoc of Study & Conserv of Hist Bldgs Trans 1 (1973) 39-48.

                            267 Esdaile KA English Church Monuments 1510-1840 (1946).

                            268 Higgins A 'The work of Florentine sculptors in England ...' AJ 2nd series I (1894) 129-220.

                            *269 Lindley P '"Una Grande Opera al mio Re": gilt-bronze effigies in England from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance' BAAJ CXLIII (1990) 112-130.

                            *270 Stone L Sculpture in Britain: the Middle Ages (PHA 1955).

                            280 Auerbach E Tudor Artists (1954), incl. archit decoration.

                            281 Marks R & Morgan The Golden Age of English Manuscript Painting 1200-1500 (1981).

                            282 Rowlands J Paintings of Hans Holbein the Younger (1985).

                            283 Strong R Holbein & Henry VIII (1967).

                            289 Brown S Stained Glass: an illustrated history (1992).

                            290 Crewe S Stained Glass in England c1180-1540 (1987).

                            291 Marks R Stained Glass in England during the Middle Ages (1993).

                            295 Brown AE(ed) Garden Archaeology (CBA 1991).

                            296 Harvey JH Medieval Gardens (rev ed 1990).

                            297 Strong R Renaissance Garden in England (1979).

                            298 Vallance A English Church Screens London (1936)

                            299 Vallance A Greater English Church Screens London (1947)

                            300 Thompson WG A History of Tapestry from the Earliest Times Until the Present Day London 2nd edition (1939)

                            301 Campbell TP Tapestry in the Renaissance. Art and Magnificence. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Catalogue

                            302 'Les Tombeaux de la Collection Gaignieres' ed. J Adhemar (Gazette des Beaux Arts, 6E Periode lxxxiv 1974) pp 5-192 and (lxxxviii 1976) pp 3-128

                            303 Blair J 'English Monumental Brasses before 1350: Types, Patterns and Workshops', in Coales, J ed. The Earliest English Brasses: Patronage, Style and Workshops, 1270-1350

                              London 1987, 133-74

                              304 Emmerson R 'Monumental Brasses: London Design c 1420-85' Journal of the British Archaeological Association, cxxxi (1978) pp 50-77

                              305 Gardner A Alabaster Tombs of the pre-Reformation Period in England Cambridge 1940

                              306 Goodall JAA God's House at Ewelme. Life, art and devotion in a medieval almshouse, 2001

                              307 Gough's Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain (ii vols), London 1786-96

                              308 King PM 'The Cadaver tomb in England: novel manifestations of an old idea' Church Monuments v (1990) pp 26-38

                              309 King PM 'The English Cadaver Tomb in the Late 15th-century: some indicators of a Lancastrian connection', in JHM Taylor ed. Dies Illa, Liverpool 1984 45-57

                              310 Lindley P '"Una grande opereal mio re": gilt bronze effigies in England from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance' Journal of the British Archaeological Association cxliii (2990)

                              311 Ryde C'An alabaster standing angel with shield at Lowick - a Chellaston shop pattern', Derbyshire Archaeological Journal xcix (1977) pp 36-49

                              312 Ryde C 'Alabaster tomb manufacture 1400-1430' Derbyshire Miscellany, xii (1991) pp 164-77

                              313 Wilson C 'The Medieval Monument', in P. Collinson, N. Ramsay and M. Sparks eds Canterbury Cathedral Oxford, 1995, 451-510

                              II. CONTINENTAL EUROPE

                              II/1. GENERAL

                              +350 Frankl P Gothic Architecture ed P Crossley (2001).

                                NOTE - This is a newly-illustrated and annotated edition of the old text. Frankl's text, even despite the corrections here, is very dated and the most useful things about this edition are its photographs and footnotes, which provide an up-to-date bibliography on the subjects it covers.

                                351 Grodecki L(et al) Gothic Architecture (Eng ed 1977).

                                *352 Wilson C The Gothic Cathedral (1990).

                                  353 Legner A(ed) Die Parler und der schone Stil 1350-1400 (Exhib cat, 3 vols, Cologne Kunsthalle 1978).

                                  354 Toy S History of Fortification 1300BC to AD1700 (1955).

                                  370 Ackerman J(ed) The Villa: form & ideology of country houses (1990).

                                  371 Hale J Renaissance Fortification: art or engineering (1977).

                                  372 Hale J(ed) Renaissance War Studies (1983).

                                  *373 Shearman J Mannerism (1967).

                                  374 Thomson D Renaissance architecture: Patrons, critics & luxury (1993).

                                  II/2. FRANCE:

                                  II/2/A. GOTHIC:

                                  380 Enaud F Les ch_teaux forts en France (1958).

                                  +381 Enlart C Manuel d'arch,ologie fran_aise: architecture civile et militaire (2 vols 1929-32).

                                  382 Evans,Joan Art in Medieval France 987-1498 (1948).

                                  +383 Lasteyrie R de L'architecture religieuse en France ... l'poque gothique (2 vols 1926-27).

                                  384 Murray S Building Troyes Cathedral: the late Gothic campaigns (1987).

                                  385 Murray S Beauvais Cathedral: the architecture of transcendence (1989).

                                  386 Sanfa_on R L'architecture flamboyante en France (1971).

                                  387 Vaughan R Valois Burgundy (1975) eg Ch 8 (Arts).

                                  388 Vaughan R Charles the Bold (1973) eg Ch 2 (England).

                                  +389 Viollet-le-Duc E Dictionnaire raisonn, de l'architecture fran_aise du Xle au XVIe si_cle (10 vols 1854-68, repr 1967).

                                    390 Centre d'Etudes superieures de la Renaissance, Tours Architecture et vie sociale: L'utilisation de l'espace dans l'architecture civile aux XVe et XVIe si_cles (symp.1988, pub ?199 ) Incl. M.Whiteley 'Royal & ducal palaces in France during 14th & 15th centuries'; and K de Jonge 'Le palais de Charles V ... Bruxelles...aux Xve & XVIe si_cles et le c,r,monial de Bourgogne'.

                                    391 Mesqui J Chateaux et Enceintes de la France Medievale 2 vols 1991

                                    392 Whiteley M 'Relationship between Garden, Park and Princely Residence in Medieval France' in Chastel, A and Guillaume J eds, Architecture, Jardin Paysage: Actes du Colloque tenu at Tours 1992 (1999), pp 91-102

                                    393 Girouard M Life in the French Country House 2000


                                    393 Nussbaum N German Gothic Church Architecture Yale 2000

                                    II/2/B. RENAISSANCE:

                                    400 Blomfield R History of French Renaissance Architecture..1494-1661 (2 vols 1921).

                                    *401 Blunt A Art & Architecture in France 1500-1700 (2nd ed 1970).

                                    *402 Blunt A 'L'influence fran_aise sur l'architecture et sculpture en Angleterre pendant la premiere moiti, du XVI siecle' Revue de l'art 4 (1969) 17-29.

                                    403 Chatenet M Le Chateau de Madrid au Bois de Boulogne (1988).

                                    +404 Hautecoeur L L'Histoire de l'architecture classique en France (Vol.1 1963).

                                    405 Knecht R Francis I (1982).

                                    406 Thomson D Renaissance Paris (1984).

                                    410 Jestaz B 'Etiquette et distribution int,rieure dans les maisons royales de la Renaissance' BM 146 (1988) 109-120.

                                    411 Smith MH 'Francois I, l'Italie et le Chateau de Blois' BM 147 (1989) 307-323.

                                    II/2/C. REFERENCE WORKS FOR FRENCH SITES:

                                    430 Babelon J Chateaux de France au siecle de la Renaissance (1989).

                                    431 Chastel A(ed) Dictionnaire des eglises de France (5 vols 1966-71).

                                    432 Christ Y(ed) Dictionnaire des chateaux de France (6 vols 1978).

                                    433 Salch C-L(ed) Dictionnaire des chateaux et des fortifications du moyen age en France (1979).

                                      434 Congres archiologique de France Various vols on centres/areas visited by Societe Francaise d'Archiologie (Library ref NA1049).

                                      II/3. SPAIN

                                      460 Bevan B History of Spanish Architecture (1939).

                                      461 Harvey JH The Cathedrals of Spain (1957).

                                      462 Kubler G Art & architecture in Spain & Portugal (PHA 1959).

                                      463 Rahlves F Cathedrals & Monasteries of Spain (1966).

                                      464 Ars Hispaniae (Historia Universal del Arte Hispanico) eg Vol VII.

                                      470 Sanabria S. 'A late Gothic drawing of S Juan de los Reyes in Toledo' SAHJ 147 LI/2 (1992) 161-73.

                                      III. ARCHITECTS, MASONS & ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN

                                      III/1. GENERAL

                                      *500 Airs M Making of the English Country House 1500-1640 (1975).

                                      *501 Coldstream N. Masons & Sculptors (1991, BM Booklet).

                                      502 Du Colombier P. Les Chanitiers des Cathedrals (rev ed 1973).

                                      503 Frisch T(ed) Gothic Art 1140-1450; Sources & documents (1971).

                                      504 Gimpel J The Cathedral Builders (new ed 1983).

                                      505 Harvey JH The Mediaeval Architect (1972).

                                      506 Harvey JH English Mediaeval Architects: Biographical dictionary down to 1550 (1954, rev ed 1984); & Supplement to the revised edition (1987).

                                      *507 Jenkins F Architect and Patron (1961).

                                      *508 Knoop D & Jones The Medieval Mason: an economic history...(1933).

                                      *509 Kostof S(ed) The Architect: chapters in the history of the profession (1977).

                                      510 Pevsner N 'The term "architect" in the Middle Ages' Spec XVII (1942) 549-62.

                                      *511 Recht R(ed) Les Batisseurs des cathedrales gothiques (1989), Many important essays, esp Pt.V (Design) eg Scholler, Muller, Bischoff.

                                      *512 Salzman LF Building in England down to 1540 (1952; rev ed 1967).

                                      *520 Davis RHC 'A catalogue of mason's marks as an aid to architectural history' BAAJ 3rd ser, XVII (1956) 43-76.

                                      *521 Harvey JH 'The Mediaeval Office of Works' BAAJ 3rd ser,VI (1941) 20-80.

                                        522 Harvey JH 'The education of the medieval architect' Royal Inst. of Brit.Archit Jnl 3rd ser. LII (1945) 230-4.

                                        523 Harvey JH 'The architects of English parish churches' AJ CV (1948) 14-26.

                                        524 Knoop & Jones 'Masons & apprenticeship in medieval England' Econ Hist Review III (1931-2) 346-66.

                                          525 Shelby L 'The education of medieval English master masons' Medieval Studies XXXII (1970) 1-26.

                                          II/2. DESIGN:

                                            530 Ackerman J. '"Ars sine scientia nihil est": Gothic theory of architecture at the Cathedral of Milan' AB XXI (1949) 84-111.

                                            531 Ackerman J. 'Architectural practice in the Italian Renaissance' SAHJ XIII (1954) 3-1.

                                            *532 Bucher F 'Design in Gothic Architecture, a preliminary assessment' SAHJ XXVII/1 (1968) 49-71.

                                            533 Bucher F 'Medieval architectural design methods' Gesta XI/2 (1972) 37-51.

                                            534 Bucher F Architector: the Lodge Books...of Medieval Architects (Vol I, 1979). See also review by P Kidson in SAHJ XL/4 (1981) 329-31.

                                            535 Frankl P 'The secret of the medieval masons' AB XXVII (1945)46-60.

                                            536 Muller W Grundlagen gotischer Bautechnik (1990).

                                            537 Neagley L 'The Flamboyant architecture of St Maclou, Rouen, & the development of a style' SAHJ XLVII/4 (1988) 374-96.

                                              538 Neagley L 'Elegant simplicity: the late Gothic plan design of St-Maclou in Rouen' AB LXXIV/3 (1992) 395-422.

                                              539 Pevsner N 'Terms of architectural planning in the Middle Ages' WCJ V (1942) 233-7.

                                              540 Shelby L Gothic Design Techniques: the 15th-century design booklets of Mathes Roriczer & Hans Schmuttermeyer (1977).

                                                541 Shelby L 'The geometrical knowledge of mediaeval master masons' Spec XLVlI (1972) 395-421.

                                                542 Shelby 'L'Medieval mason's tools: I, the level & plumb rule' Technology & Culture II (1961) 127-30; 'II, the compass & square'; ibid, VI (1965) 236-48.

                                                543 Shelby L 'The role of the master builder in medieval English building' Spec 39 (1964) 384-403.

                                                544 Shelby L 'Mediaeval masons templates' JSAH XXX/2 (1971) 140-54.

                                                III/3. CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS:

                                                  550 Blair J & Ramsay N(eds) English Medieval Industries (1991). Incl. freestone, alabaster, Purbeck, window glass, carpentry.

                                                  551 Chapelot O & Benoit(eds) Pierre et metal dans le batiment au Moyen Age (1985) Esp. Nicolas, Kimpel, Nusset.

                                                  552 Clifton-Taylor A. The Pattern of English Building (4th ed 1987).

                                                  553 Clifton-Taylor A,Ireson A. English Stone Building (1983).

                                                  554 Fitchen J The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals (1961).

                                                  555 Kimpel D 'Le developpement de la taille en serie dans l'architecture medievale...' BM 135/3 (1977) 195-222.

                                                  556 Knoop & Jones 'The English medieval quarry' Econ Hist Review IX (1938) 17-37.

                                                  557 Mark R Experiments in Gothic Structure (1982).

                                                  558 Parsons D(ed) Stone: Quarrying & building in England AD 43-1525 (1991).

                                                  559 Binding G Baubetrieb im Mittelalter (1993).

                                                  III/4. SPECIFIC REGIONS/SITES/INDIVIDUALS:

                                                    610 Airs M 'The designing of five East Anglian country houses 1505-1637' AH 21 (1978) 58-67.

                                                    *611 Biddle M 'Nicholas Bellin of Modena, an Italian artificer at the courts of Francis I & Henry VIII' BAAJ XXIX (1966) 106-121. (See also Biddle in Crook, Winchester).

                                                    *612 Davis RHC 'Masons marks in Oxfordshire & the Cotswolds' Oxon Archaeol Soc Report 84 (1938) 69-83.

                                                      613 Fawcett R 'St Mary at Wiveton in Norfolk, & a group of churches attributed to its mason' Ant.J LXII/1 (1982) 35-56.

                                                      *614 Gee EA 'Oxford masons 1370-1530' AJ CIX (1952) 54-131.

                                                      615 Harvey JH 'The masons of Westminster Abbey' AJ CXIII (1956) 82-101.

                                                      616 James J The template-makers of the Paris basin (1988).

                                                      617 McKean JM 'Sebastiano Serlio' Archit Assoc Quarterly 11/4 (1979) 14-27.

                                                      618 Serlio S Tutte l'opere d'architettura (eg 1619 ed, repr 1964).

                                                      619 Murray S 'Bleuet & Anthoine Colas, master masons of Troyes Cathedral: artistic personality in late Gothic design' SAHJ 41 (1982) 7-14.

                                                      620 Roberts E 'Robert Stowell' BAAJ XXXV (1972) 24-38.

                                                      Henry Yevele(y):

                                                      630 Harvey JH Henry Yevele (1944).

                                                      631 Harvey JH 'Some details & mouldings used by Yevele' Ant.J XXVII (1947) 51-60.

                                                      632 Harvey JH 'Henry Yevele reconsidered' AJ CVIII (for 1951) 100-08.

                                                      633 McLees D 'Henry Yevele, Disposer of the King's Masonry' BAAJ 3rd ser, XXXVI (1973) 52-71.

                                                      IV. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND & SOURCES: CULTURAL HISTORIES

                                                      IV/2. GENERAL

                                                      +700 Cokayne GE The Complete Peerage (13 vols 1910-59) Noble patrons.

                                                      *701 Hicks M(ed) Who's Who in late Medieval England 1272-1485 (1991).

                                                      702 Routh CRN(ed) Who's Who in Tudor History (199 )

                                                      703 Barron C, Harper-Bill C(eds) The Church in Pre-Reformation Society (1985). eg 'Lancastrian bishops & educational benefaction'.

                                                        704 Dobson B(ed) Church Politics & Patronage in the 15th century (1984) eg Jewell & Rosenthal 'English bishops as educational benefactors in 15C'.

                                                        *705 Dyer C Standards of living in the later Middle Ages c1200-1520 (1989).

                                                        706 Goodman A Wars of the Roses: military activity & English society 1452-97 (1981).

                                                        707 Griffiths R, Sherborne J(eds) Kings & nobles in the later Middle Ages (1986). eg M Hicks 'Piety & lineage in the Wars of the Roses; the Hungerford experience' 123-137.

                                                        *708 Gunn S, Lindley P(eds) Cardinal Wolsey: Church, State & Art (1991).

                                                        709 Guy J Tudor England (1988).

                                                        710 Jacob EF England in 15th Century (Ox Hist of Eng 1961).

                                                        711 Lander JR Conflict & Stability in 15th-century England (1969).

                                                        *712 Lloyd C, Thurley S(eds) Henry VIII: images of a Tudor king (1990).

                                                        713 Mertes K The English Noble Household 1250-1500 (1988).

                                                        714 Rosenthal J Purchase of Paradise: gift-giving & the aristocracy 1307-1485 (1972).

                                                        715 Ross C Edward IV (1974).

                                                        *716 Ross C The Wars of the Roses (1976).

                                                          717 Ross C Richard III (1981). Useful biblio. for Lord Hastings, re Ashby, Kirby Muxloe.

                                                          718 Scarisbrick J. Henry VIII (1968).

                                                          719 Scattergood J, Sherborne J(eds) English Court Culture in the later Middle Ages (1983). eg H Colvin, 'The "Court Style" in English medieval architecture: a review' 129-140.

                                                          *720 Starkey D(ed) Henry VIII: a European court in England (1991

                                                            721 Duffy E The Stripping of the Altars: traditional religion in England c1400-1580 (1992).

                                                            722 Orme N Education & society in medieval & Renaissance England (1989).

                                                            723 Davies V William Wayneflete, Bishop & Educationalist (1993).

                                                            730 Boorde A Compendyous Regyment or Dyetary of Health (1542; F Furnivall ed 1870).

                                                            +731 Leland,John Itinerary ed LT Smith (5 vols 1906-10).

                                                            +732 Worcestre W Itineraries JH Harvey ed (1969).

                                                            733 Kumin BA The Shaping of the Community, the Rise and reformation of the English Parish Church c1400-1560 Aldershot 1996

                                                            734 Kumin BA 'The English Parish in a European Perspective' in French KL, Gibbs GG and Kumin BA eds The Parish in English Life, 1400-1600 Manchester 1998 pp 15-32

                                                            735 Duffy E 'The Parish Piety and Patronage in Late Medieval East Anglia: the evidence of Rood Screens' in French KL, Gibbs GG and Kumin BA eds The Parish in English Life, 1400-1600 Manchester 1998 pp 133-62

                                                            736 Anglo S Images of Tudor Kingship 1992

                                                            IV/2. ARTHURIAN THEMES, CHIVALRY & PAGEANTS:

                                                            740 Barber R King Arthur in legend & history (1961). (And numerous other books).

                                                            *741 Dean C Arthur of England: English attitudes to King Arthur in the Middle Ages & the Renaissance (1987).

                                                            742 Loomis RS Arthurian Legend in Medieval Art (1948).

                                                            743 Loomis RS Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages (1959).

                                                            744 Loomis RS The Grail: from Celtic myth to Christian symbol (1963).

                                                            745 Martindale A. 'Painting for pleasure: Some lost 15th-century secular decorations of northern Italy' in A Borg & Martindale (eds) The Vanishing Past (1981) 109-31.

                                                            *745 Parry JJ 'Geoffrey of Monmouth & the paternity of Arthur' Spec XIII/3 (1938) 271-77.

                                                              746 Pickford C. 'The three crowns of King Arthur' Yorks Archaeol Jnl XXXVIII (1954) 373-82.

                                                              *747 Vinaver E(ed) Le morte d'Arthur (1975).

                                                              760 Anglo S Chivalry in the Renaissance (1990).

                                                              761 Barber R & Barker J. Tournaments: Jousts, Chivalry & Pageants in the Middle Ages (1989).

                                                              762 Keen M Chivalry (1984).

                                                              763 Vale JM War & Chivalry (1982).

                                                              764 Young A Tudor & Jacobean Tournaments (1987).

                                                                770 Allmand C(ed) Power, Culture & Religion in France 1350-1550 (1989) Incl: entertainments at court of Savoy & entries of Francois I.

                                                                *771 Anglo S Spectacle, pageantry & early Tudor policy (1969).

                                                                  772 Anglo S 'The Hampton Court painting of the Field of the Cloth of Gold as an historical document' Ant.J XLVI (1966) 287-307.

                                                                  773 Starkey D 'Ightham Mote: politics & architecture in early Tudor England' Arch CVII (1982) 153-164.

                                                                  774 Strong R Art & Power: Renaissance festivals 1450-1650 (1984).

                                                                  V. ARCHAEOLOGY, ANTIQUARIAN, HISTORIOGRAPHY, PRESERVATION

                                                                  800 Coppack G English Heritage Book of Abbeys & Priories (1990).

                                                                  801 Green JP Medieval Monasteries (1992).An archaeological perspective.

                                                                  *802 Rodwell W Church Archaeology (Eng Heritage 1990).Rev ed of Rodwell's Archaeology of the English Church (1981).

                                                                  +810 Britton J The Cathedral Antiquities (5 vols 1836). Engraved views before Victorian restorations eg Bristol, Lichfield, Lincoln, Wells, Worcester.

                                                                  *811 Cobb G English Cathedrals: the Forgotten Centuries (1980).

                                                                  812 Pevsner N Robert Willis (1970, PAM).

                                                                  +813 Willis R Architectural History of Some English Cathedrals (repr 2 vols 1972). Reprint of his papers of 1842-63: *Canterbury, Chichester, Hereford, Lichfield, Salisbury, *Winchester, Worcester, York.

                                                                  *819 Bialostocki J 'Late Gothic: disagreement about concepts' BAAJ 29 (1966) 76-105.

                                                                  *820 Crossley P 'Medieval architecture & meaning' Burl Mag CXXX (1988) 116-121.

                                                                  *821 Fernie E 'Archaeology and iconography...English medieval architecture' AH 32 (1989) 18-29.

                                                                  *822 Frankl P The Gothic: literary sources & interpretations (1961).

                                                                  *823 Saint A Image of the Architect (1983).

                                                                  824 Scruton R Aesthetics of Architecture (1979).

                                                                  825 Tafuri M Theories & History of Architecture (Eng ed 1980).

                                                                  *826 Watkin D Morality & Architecture (1977). Review in SAHJ (Oct 1979) 304-07.

                                                                  *827 Watkin D Rise of Architectural History (1980).

                                                                  840 Binney M Our Vanishing Heritage (1984).

                                                                  841 Chippindale C. 'The making of the first Ancient Monuments Act 1882..." BAAJ CXXXVI (1983) 1-55.

                                                                  842 Hewison R The Heritage Industry

                                                                  843 Saunders A 'A century of Ancient Monuments legislation 1882-1982' Ant.J LXIII/1 (1983) 11-33.

                                                                  *844 Thompson M Ruins, their preservation & display (1981).

                                                                  INDIVIDUAL SITES

                                                                  ESSENTIALS For all sites check the following as appropriate.

                                                                  Buildings of England etc. N.Pevsner & B.Cherry (eds) (1951- ) (BOE) All English counties complete, and some areas of Wales, Scotland, Ireland.

                                                                  Royal Commission on Historical Monuments. Very incomplete but see (RCHM) eg Caernarvonshire,Dorset,Essex,Oxford,Westminster

                                                                  Victoria Counties History. Also incomplete but coverage better than RCHM (VCH) See eg Warwickshire,Vol.VIII.

                                                                  Guidebooks especially for sites owned/administered by The National Trust (NT) or English Heritage (EH) or Welsh Heritage (CADW).

                                                                  Archaeological Journal "Summer Proceedings". Annual visits to different centres, with descriptions of individual buildings reported at the end of each volume (Glos=1965,Warks=1971).

                                                                  Pevsner N & Metcalf The Cathedrals of England (2 vols 1985).

                                                                  Bell's Guides Monograph series on cathedrals & other major churches (c1890-1910).

                                                                  New Bell's Cathedral Guides New series (1985-87, discontinued); Canterbury, Coventry, London (St Paul's), Salisbury, Wells, *Westminster.

                                                                  British Archaeological Assoc Conference Transactions (BAACT) (1978- ). Monographs embodying recent research on great churches. To date - Canterbury (before 1200), Durham, Ely, Exeter, Gloucester & Tewkesbury, Lincoln, London, Wells and Glastonbury, Winchester, Worcester, Yorkshire E Riding.

                                                                  NOTE: topographical works found in HISTORY section of the Library, under 'Great Britain, Description & Travel', DA650- (esp DA670-).

                                                                  REGIONAL STUDIES

                                                                  Royal Commission on Historical Monuments, Churches of SE Wiltshire (1987).

                                                                  Verey D Cotswold Churches (1976).

                                                                  Verey D 'The Perpendicular style in the Cotswolds' BGAST (1976).

                                                                  Daubeny U Ancient Cotswold Churches (nd c1921).

                                                                  Robinson W West Country Manors (1930).

                                                                  Tyacke G The Making of Warwickshire country house 1500-1650 (1982).

                                                                  Kingsley N Country Houses of Gloucestershire 1500-1660 (1989).

                                                                  Royal Archaeological Institute The Nottingham Area (1989).

                                                                  Haward B Suffolk Medieval Church Arcades (1993).

                                                                  Cruden S Scottish Medieval Churches (1986).

                                                                  Simpson WD Scottish Castles (1959).

                                                                  Tabraham C Scottish Castles & Fortifications (1986).

                                                                  Harvey JH 'Church towers of Somerset' AMST 26 (1982) 157-83.

                                                                  Wickham AK Churches of Somerset (1952).


                                                                  Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle (Leicestershire, EH)

                                                                  Simpson WD 'The Castles of Dudley & Ashby' AJ XCVI (1939).

                                                                  Bodiam (Sussex, NT)

                                                                  Goodall JAA Bodiam Castle National Trust Guidebook (2001)

                                                                  Bristol (St.Mary Redcliffe)

                                                                  Brakspear H 'St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol' BGAST XLIV (1922) 271-92.

                                                                  Gomme A et al Bristol: an architectural history (1979) chs 3,4.

                                                                  Carus-Wilson E Overseas Trade of Bristol in the later Middle Ages (1937).

                                                                  Broughton Castle (Oxfordshire)

                                                                  Biddle M 'A `Fontainebleau' chimneypiece at Broughton Castle' in: H.Colvin (ed) The Country Seat (1970) Ch.1.

                                                                  Gordon Slade H `Broughton Castle, Oxfordshire' AJ 135 (1978) 138-194.

                                                                  Caister (Norfolk)

                                                                  Barnes H,Simpson W. 'Caister Castle' Ant.J XXXII (1952).

                                                                  McFarlane 'The Investment of Sir John Fastolf's profits of war' Royal Hist.Soc.Trans 5th ser.VII (1957) 91-116.

                                                                  Cambridge Colleges See also RCHM City of Cambridge (repub.1988).

                                                                  Willis R,Clark JW Architectural history of University of Cambridge & of the Colleges of Cambridge & Eton (4 vols.1886) spc.

                                                                  Brooke C et al Oxford and Cambridge (1989).

                                                                  Woodman F Architectural History of King's College Chapel (1986). Review by RKM Ant.J LXVII/1 (1987)195 & JHH TLS (8/8/86)872.

                                                                  Leedy W 'King's College: Observations on its context & foundations' in P.Crossley & E.Fernie (eds), Medieval Architecture and its intellectual context (1990) Ch.21.

                                                                  Smith TP 'Diaper work at Queen's College' BBS 55 (Mar 1992) 20-23.

                                                                  Purcell D Cambridge Stone (1967).

                                                                  Wayment H The Windows of King's College Chapel, Cambridge (1972).

                                                                  Wayment H King's College Chapel, Cambridge (1991).

                                                                  Canterbury (Christ Church Cathedral)

                                                                  Harvey JH 'Henry Yeveley & the nave of Canterbury Cathedral' Cant Cathedral Chronicle LXXIX (1985) 20-30.

                                                                  Oswald A 'Canterbury Cath.,nave & its designer' Burlington LXXV (1939) 221-28.

                                                                  Woodman F Architectural History of Canterbury Cathedral (1981).

                                                                  Collyweston (Northants, destroyed)

                                                                  Jones MK 'Collyweston, an early Tudor palace' in D.Williams (ed) England in the 15th century (1987).

                                                                  Compton Wynyates (Warwickshire).

                                                                  Northampton,Wm.Marquis of Compton Wynyates (1904).


                                                                  Dugdale W Antiquities of Warwickshire (1656 rev ed 1730).

                                                                  Fretton WG 'Collegiate church of St John Baptist, Coventry' BAST (1876) 1-18.

                                                                  Hobley B &c Excavations at Cathedral...Coventry' BWAST 84 (1967-70) 45-139

                                                                  Morris RK 'St Mary's Hall & the medieval architecture of Coventry' AMST 32 (1988) 8-27.

                                                                  Eltham Palace (London/Greenwich).

                                                                  Charlton J 'Eltham Palace' AMST 31 (1987) 8-24.

                                                                  Eton College

                                                                  Goodall JAAA 'Eton College and the Court of Henry VI' British Archaeological Association Windsor Conference Transactions 1998

                                                                  Knoop D,Jones G. 'The building of Eton College' Ars Quattuor Coronatorum XLVI (1933).

                                                                  Lindley P 'Two late medieval statues at Eton College' BAAJ CXLI (1988) 169-178.

                                                                  Godall JAA 'The Earliest English Architectural Drawing?' Country Life (Nov. 15th 2001)

                                                                  Fairford (Gloucestershire)

                                                                  Wayment H The Stained Glass of St.Mary, Fairford (1984).

                                                                  Farnham Castle

                                                                  Thompson MW 'The date of "Fox's Tower", Farnham Castle, Surrey' Surrey AC 1960

                                                                  Fotheringay (Northamptonshire)

                                                                  Marks R 'The glazing of Fotheringay Church & College' BAAJ CXXXI (1978) 789-109.

                                                                  Gainsborough Old Hall (Lincolnshire).

                                                                  Lindley P(ed) Gainsborough Old Hall (1991).

                                                                  Goodall JAA Gainsborough Hall, Lincs Country Life (Jan 18th 1996)

                                                                  Gifford's Hall

                                                                  Goodall JAA Gifford's Hall, Essex Country Life (June 28th 2001)

                                                                  Glastonbury Abbey (Som)

                                                                  Bond FB Architectural handbook of Glastonbury Abbey (1909).

                                                                  Hope W StJ 'Notes on abbey church of Glastonbury' AJ (1904) 185-96.

                                                                  Willis R Architectural history of Glastonbury Abbey (1866).

                                                                  Carley J Glastonbury Abbey: the holy house... (1988).

                                                                  Gloucester (St Peter's Abbey/Cathedral)

                                                                  Bazeley W(ed) Records of Gloucester Cathedral (esp.vols.II & III,1883-97).

                                                                  Hart WH(ed) Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriae (3 vols 1863-7).

                                                                  Heighway C Gloucester: a history & guide (1985). The city.

                                                                  Hope W StJ 'Notes on the Benedictine Abbey of St Peter at Gloucester' AJ LIV (1897) 77-119.

                                                                  Verey D & Welander Gloucester Cathedral (1979).

                                                                  Welander D History, art & architecture of Gloucester Cathedral (1991).

                                                                  Great Chalfield (Wiltshire NT) (See VCH Wiltshire Vol.VIII).

                                                                  Haddon Hall (Derbyshire)

                                                                  Faulkner P "Haddon Hall & Bolsover Castle" AJ CXVIII (1961) 188-205.

                                                                  Hampton Court Palace (Middlesex: the Crown/EH)

                                                                  Osborne J Hampton Court Palace (1984,repr.1990) A popular history.

                                                                  Curnow P 'The east window of the chapel at Hampton Court Palace' AH 27 (1984) 2-14.

                                                                  Harvey JH 'The building works & architects of Cardinal Wolsey' BAAJ 3rd series VIII, 48-59.

                                                                  Law E History of Hampton Court Palace 3 vols.(1885-1891).

                                                                  Thurley S 'Henry VIII & the building of Hampton Court: a reconstruction of the Tudor Palace' AH 31 (1988) 1-58.

                                                                  Thurley S '16th-century kitchens at Hampton Court' BAAJ CXLIII (1990) 1-28.

                                                                  Herstmonceux Castle (Sussex)

                                                                  Simpson WD 'Herstmonceux Castle' AJ XCIX (1942).

                                                                  Venables, `The Castle of Herstmonceaux and its Lords' Sussex Archaeological Collections, IV (1851) 125-202.

                                                                  Tipping A English Homes (CL 1937) Periods I & II: Vol.II 1066-1558, 281-306.

                                                                  Kirby Muxloe Castle (Leicestershire EH).

                                                                  Thompson AH 'The building accounts of Kirby Muxloe Castle' Trans. Leics. Archaeol. Soc. XI (1937) 193-345 especially Intro.193-211.

                                                                  London & Westminster

                                                                  Clapham A & Godfrey(eds) Some Famous Buildings & their Story (1913) Ch.V. 'The Friars as builders - London Blackfriars & Whitefriars'.

                                                                  Wilson, C 'The original design of the City of London Guildhall', BAAJ CXXXIX (1976) 1-14.

                                                                  Courtenay L 'The Westminster Hall roof & its 14th-century sources' SAHJ XLIII (1984) 295-309. Also SAHJ (1987), BAAJ (1990).

                                                                    Mackenzie F Architectural Antiquities of the Collegiate Chapel of St.Stephen, Westminster... (1844).

                                                                    Goodall JAA 'The medieval Palace of Westminster' Houses of Parliament: History, Art, Architecture eds. C and J Riding, London 2000

                                                                    Wilson C 'Rulers artificers and shoppers: Richard II's remodelling of Westminster Hall, 1393-99' in D Gordon, L Monnas and E Elam eds The Regal Image of Richard II and the Wilton Diptych, London 1997 pp 33-59

                                                                    Westminster Abbey

                                                                    Lethaby WR Westminster Abbey & the King's Craftsmen (1906).

                                                                    Lethaby WR Westminster Abbey Re-Examined (1925).

                                                                    Rackham RB The Nave of Westminster Abbey (n.d., c1909).

                                                                    Leedy W 'The design of the vaulting of Henry VII's chapel: a reappraisal' AH 18 (1975) 5-11.

                                                                    xHope W StJ 'Funeral monument & chantry chapel of King Henry V' Arch LXV (1914) 129-186.

                                                                    Nonsuch Palace (Surrey, destroyed).

                                                                    Biddle M 'The stuccoes of Nonsuch' Burlington Mag.(July 1984) 411-16.

                                                                    Dent J Quest for Nonsuch (1962).


                                                                    Goodall JAA 'Ralph Cromwell and the politics of fifteenth-century England', Nottingham Medieval Studies xxxii (1988) pp 1-21

                                                                    Friedrichs RL 'The two last wills of Ralph Cromwell', Nottingham Medieval Studies xxxiv (1990) pp 1-20.

                                                                    Ockwell's Manor

                                                                    Hussey C 'Ockwells Manor', Country Life Iv (1924) pp 52-60, 92-9 and 130-7


                                                                    Archer M &c English Heritage in Stained Glass: Oxford (1988).

                                                                    Arkell WJ Oxford Stone (1947).

                                                                    Blair J(ed) St Frideswide's Monastery at Oxford (1990).

                                                                    Blair J "Monastic Colleges in Oxford" AJ 135 (1978) 263-265.

                                                                    Brooke C et al Oxford and Cambridge (1989).

                                                                    Buxton J & Williams New College,Oxford 1379-1979 (1979).

                                                                    Colvin H Unbuilt Oxford (1983).

                                                                    Colvin H & Simmons All Souls: an Oxford college & its buildings (1989)

                                                                    Davis RHC 'The chronology of Perpendicular architecture in Oxford' Oxoniensia XI/XII (1947) 75-89.

                                                                    Harvey JH 'Architecture in Oxford 1350-1500' in J.Catto & R.Evans(eds) History of the University of Oxford (1992) II, 747-68.

                                                                    xHope W StJ 'Heraldry & sculptures of the vault of the Divinity School' AJ LXXI (1914) 217-260.

                                                                    Jacob EF 'The building of All Souls College 1438-43' in J.Edwards et al (eds) Historical Essays in Honour of JamesTait (1933) 121-135.

                                                                    Jackson TG The Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford (1897).

                                                                    Milne J,Harvey JH. 'The building of Cardinal College Oxford' Oxoniensa VIII-IX (1945).

                                                                    Myres JN 'New discoveries in the Bodleian Library' Arch CI, (1967) 152-168.

                                                                    Raglan Castle (Gwent, CADW).

                                                                    Emery A 'The development of Raglan Castle...' AJ CXXII (1975) 152-286.

                                                                    Kenyon J 'Gun loops' in R.Avent & Kenyon(eds) Castles in Wales and in the Marches (1987).

                                                                    Sherborne Abbey (Dorset) See Wells (Leedy).

                                                                    Gibb JHP 'The Fire of 1437 & the rebuilding of Sherborne Abbey' BAAJ CXXXVIII (1985) 101-124. And addendum, in BAAJ CXLI (1988) 161-9.

                                                                    South Wingfield Manor (Derbyshire).

                                                                    Binney M,Emery A 'Wingfield Manor,Derbyshire' CL (April 1982) 946-9, 1042-5.

                                                                    Emery A 'Ralph, Lord Cromwell's manor at Wingfield (1439-c1450): its construction,design & influence' AJ 142 (1985) 276-339.

                                                                    Thompson M 'The construction of the manor at South Wingfield' in G de G Sieveking et al(eds) Problems in Economic & Social Archaeology (1976) 417-438.

                                                                    Stonor Park

                                                                    Goodall JAA Stonor Park, Oxfordshire Country Life (April 12th 2001)

                                                                    Sutton Place (Surrey).

                                                                    Carthy D 'Evidence of manufacture & construction...of medieval architectural terracotta' (with ref to Sutton Pl) in RCHM(E) Recording Historic Buildings: A symposium (1991) 53-56.

                                                                    Morris RK 'Windows in early Tudor country houses' in D.Williams(ed) Early Tudor England (1989) 125-138.

                                                                    Sutton Place (anon) The Renaissance at Sutton Place (1983).

                                                                    Tattershall Castle (NT, Lincolnshire) and Church

                                                                    Goodall JAA Tattershall Castle, Lincs Country Life (Oct 10th 1996)

                                                                    Mansel-Sympson E 'Tattershall Castle & Church' Thoroton Soc XIV (1910) 28-45.

                                                                    Simpson WD 'The affinities of Lord Cromwell's Tower-house at Tattershall BAAJ new series XL (1935).

                                                                      id 'Building accounts of Tattershall Castle 1434-72' Lincoln Record Soc (1960) Vol.55.

                                                                      Thompson M 'The significance of the buildings of Ralph, Lord Cromwell' in A.Detsicas (ed), Collectanea Historica (1982).

                                                                      Marks R 'The glazing of the Collegiate Church of Tattersall' Arch 106 (1979) 133-56.

                                                                      Thornbury Castle (Glos)

                                                                      Hawkyard AD 'Thornbury Castle & bastard feudalism' BGAST XCV (1977) 51-58.

                                                                      Thornton Abbey

                                                                      Goodall JAA Thornton Abbey, Lincs Country Life (Oct 5th 1995)

                                                                      Warkworth Castle (Northumberland EH).

                                                                      Milner L 'Warkworth Keep: a re-assessment of its plan & date' P.Crossley & E.Fernie (eds), Medieval Architecture & its intellectual context (1990) Ch.22.

                                                                      Goodall JAA Warkworth Castle Northumberland Country Life (May 4th 1995)

                                                                      Warwick Castle & St.Mary's Church (Warwickshire).

                                                                      Binney M 'Warwick Castle Revisited' CL (Dec.1982) 1746-9,1882-5, 1952-5, 2023-6.

                                                                      Dugdale,Sir W. Antiquities of Warwickshire (1656).

                                                                      Warwick FE(Countess of) Warwick Castle & Its Earls (1903) 2 vols.

                                                                      Chatwin P 'Recent discoveries in the Beauchamp Chapel' BAST LIII (1928) 145-57.

                                                                      Chatwin P The decoration of the Beauchamp Chapel...sculptures' Arch 2nd ser.XXVII (1928) 313-334.

                                                                      Chatwin P 'Some notes on the painted windows in the Beauchamp Chapel' BAST LII (1928) 158-166.

                                                                      Chatwin P 'The grave of Richard the Beauchamp Chapel' BAST LXI (1937) 1-10.

                                                                        Hardy C 'On the music in the painted the Beauchamp Chapel' Arch LXI (1909) 583-614.

                                                                        Dillon & Hope W Pageant of the Birth, Life & death of Richard Beauchamp (1914).

                                                                        Rous J 'The Will of Richard Beauchamp' printed in T.Hearne Historia vitae et regni Ricardi II angliae regis (1729).

                                                                        Wells Cathedral

                                                                        Colchester L(ed) Wells Cathedral, a history (1982). Review by RKM in AMST 28 (1984) 194-07.

                                                                        Colchester L & Harvey 'Wells Cathedral' AJ 131 (1974) 200-214.

                                                                        Freeman EA History of the Cathedral Church of Wells (1870).

                                                                        Parker JH The Architectural Antiquities of the City of Wells (1866).

                                                                        Leedy W 'Wells Cathedral & Sherborne late 15th century' Gesta XVI/I (1977) 39-44.

                                                                        Westminster See London

                                                                        Westhorpe (Suffolk, destroyed)

                                                                        Lindley P & Gunn 'Charles Brandon's Westhorpe: an early Tudor courtyard house' AJ 145 (1988) 272-289.

                                                                        Gunn SJ Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk (1988).

                                                                        Winchester Cathedral & College

                                                                        Cave CJP 'The Bosses of the vault of the quire of Winchester Cathedral' Arch LXXVI (1927) 161-78.

                                                                        Crook J(ed) Winchester Cathedral: Nine Hundred Years (1993).

                                                                        Lindley P 'Figure sculpture at Winchester in 15th century: a new chronology' in D.Williams (ed) England in the 15th century (1987) 153-166.

                                                                        Lindley P 'The Great Screen of Winchester Cathedral' Burl.M CXXXI/1038 (Sept 1989) 604-615; & Burl.M CXXXV/1089 (Dec 1993) 796-807.

                                                                        Custance R(ed) Winchester College 6th centenary essays (1982). See JH Harvey, 'The buildings'.

                                                                        Harvey JH 'Winchester College' BAAJ 3rd ser. XXVIII (1965) 107-28.

                                                                        Chitty H & Harvey. 'Thurbern's Chantry at Winchester College' Ant.J XLII (1962) 208-225.

                                                                        Chitty H 'Fromond's Chantry at Winchester College' Arch LXXV (1924-5) 139-158.

                                                                        Lindley P 'The great screen of Winchester Cathedral I Burlington Magazine cxxxi (1989) pp 604-17

                                                                        Lindley P 'The great screen of Winchester Cathedral II' Burlington Magazine cxxxv (1993) pp 796-807

                                                                        Windsor Castle (Berkshire: Crown)

                                                                        Hope W St.J Windsor Castle 2 vols & portfolio (1913) spc.

                                                                        Legg LW 'Windsor Castle, New College Oxford & Winchester College: A study of planning by William of Wykeham' BAAJ III (1938).

                                                                        Kidson P 'The Architecture of St.George's Chapel' in M.Bond (ed) St.George's Chapel Quincentennial Handbook (1975).

                                                                          xHope W StJ 'Paintings in the Hastings &...Chantry Chapels in St.George's Windsor' Arch (1912) 84-98

                                                                          Wilson C 'The Royal Lodgings of Edward III at Windsor Castle' British Archaeological Association Windsor Conference Transactions 1998


                                                                          Goodall JAA 'Barley Hall, York' Country Life (Dec 8th 1994)

                                                                          York Minster

                                                                          Aylmer G & Cant(eds) A History of York Minster (1977).

                                                                          Abbreviations * = recommended

                                                                              + = reference

                                                                              spc = in Special Collections

                                                                              AB Art Bulletin AH Architectural History

                                                                              AJ Archaeological Journal AMST Ancient Monuments Soc Trans

                                                                              Ant.J Antiquaries Jnl AR Architectural Review

                                                                              Arch Archaeologia Art.H Art History

                                                                              BAAJ British Archaeol Assoc Jnl

                                                                              BAST/BWAST Birmingham (& Warks) Archaeol Soc Trans

                                                                              BBS British Brick Soc Information

                                                                              BGAST Bristol & Gloucs Archaeol Soc Trans

                                                                              BM Bulletin Monumental Burl.M Burlington Magazine

                                                                              CA Congres archeologique CL Country Life

                                                                              Gesta Gesta MA Medieval Archaeology

                                                                              MH Medieval History Jnl

                                                                              SAHJ Soc of Archit Historians (US) Jnl

                                                                              Spec Speculum VA Vernacular Architecture

                                                                              WCJ Warburg & Courtauld Institutes Jnl

                                                                              WNFCT Woolhope Naturalists Field Club Trans