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Cultural and Media Policy Studies News and Events


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Graduate Opportunities, Start Ups, Funding Creativity

Check out the latest and upcoming opportunities for students interested in starting their own creative business or making a positive impact. Start ups, incubators, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Tue 18 Jan 2022, 20:36 | Tags: Alumni, Employability, News, Students

What are the ‘Creative Industries’ and do I have to be creative to work in them? Careers Blog

Centre colleagues Jo Garde-Hansen, Chris Bilton and Heidi Ashton have put together a blog posting for Warwick Careers Blog on

What are the ‘Creative Industries’ and do I have to be creative to work in them?

Wed 16 Jun 2021, 10:55 | Tags: Alumni, Students, Employability

Brand new Accelerator & Incubator @1millstreet Leamington Spa for Warwick's creative and digital graduates

Creative Futures is a gateway between the University and the region's creative industries.

We inspire, educate & incubate on campus and at 1 Mill Street offering space, business support, mentoring and networking to support the growth of creative ideas, enterprises and innovation.

Do you have a creative business idea?

Our incubator will help graduate businesses become part of the UK’s largest creative cluster outside Greater London. Creative Futures provides an exciting opportunity for business teams to develop their entrepreneurial skills, test, launch and pitch their business ideas and get 6 months of free space and support to develop their creative enterprises in Leamington Spa.

Applications will open on 3rd August although we are collect Expressions of Interest now. This allows people to get further details and be notified as soon as applications launch;

Tue 14 Jul 2020, 19:10 | Tags: Alumni, Education, Industry, Students

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