What's it like studying Theatre and Performance at Warwick?

Our students
Our student community is small, fun, and friendly - you will be studying with fellow students who have a passion for theatre, drama and performance. And from seminars to studio spaces, there’s always room for creative expression both on and off campus. Our student drama societies are a great testbed for ideas.
- Hear from first-year Vishal
- Read second-year Beth Rawsthorn's blog
- Hear from finalists Chloe and Nicole
- Watch videos of Harriet, Alice and Ysabel talking about studying here
- Find out more about student societies
Other links
Vishal Ratnajothy
First year, Theatre and Performance Studies
“Not many universities have facilities like we have at Warwick Arts Centre, which forms a vital part of a drama student’s experience at Warwick. I’ve already become part of the Creative Learning Team, leading one of the youth theatre groups. The Arts Centre has widened my knowledge about what opportunities may be available to me in the future and has become a haven to express myself in”.
Beth Rawsthorn
Second year, Theatre and Performance Studies
"When I talk to non-Theatre students about my degree, they’re often surprised by the topics that the course covers beyond what is typically associated with theatre. Whilst the course certainly does involve the study of theatre in a more traditional sense, many of the modules I’ve taken this year have focused on exploring political and social issues through performance and have involved lots of different performance forms, from films and musicals to protests."
Chloe Binfield and Nicole De Barra
Third year, Theatre and Performance Studies
“Our final year project was a clear highlight of our three years at Warwick and an experience we shall never forget! Having taken the Theatre in the Community module in our second year, we were inspired to further pursue applied drama which this led us to organising weekly workshops over a six-week period in HMP Hewell. The experience was hugely rewarding and helped us grow as a practitioners and prepare for the professional world.”
Harriet Simons
Third year student, talking about studying here
Alice Burton
Third year student, talking about studying here
Ysabel Loh
Recent graduate, English and Theatre, talking about 'What's it like to study English and Theatre as an International Student?'
Student Societies
"If you’re reading this then I expect you maybe have an interest, if not in the theatre faculty at Warwick, then the possibilities afforded by the array of extracurricular drama societies at the uni – so today I thought I’d give you an overview of all there is on offer. The theatre scene is incredibly lively at Warwick, so be prepared for a rather long post…!"