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Theatre and Performance Studies News

TOP STORY: TaPRA 2025 Conference to be hosted at WarwickTaPRA Logo

We're delighted to announce that the annual Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) conference will be hosted by Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick between 27 and 29 August 2025. The conference will mark both the 20th birthday of TaPRA and the 50th anniversary of Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick. Our conference keynotes, plenary panels, artistic activity, conference dinner and programmed events will speak to the themes of milestones and markers, focussing on celebrations, festivities, spectacle and joy. We'll look forward to welcoming you to Warwick next year!

To keep up to date with the conference plans, please visit our dedicated TaPRA pages here.

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Statement regarding the recent University disciplinary hearing

Department of Theatre & Performance Studies statement in relation to the recent student disciplinary case


The Department of Theatre & Performance Studies joins with colleagues across the University to express its commitment to values of equality, dignity and respect, and condemn the comments made in the group chat that gave rise to the recent disciplinary proceedings. An update on the case can be found here:

We have contributed to recent consultation concerning the case and welcome the Vice Chancellor’s update, along with the commitment to a restatement of the values that underpin the university, and a review of the disciplinary procedures that uphold these values. We look forward to engaging as a community with this important work. We hold that the health and wellbeing of our students and staff is of paramount concern. Whilst our Department has not been directly involved in this case, we express our ongoing support for those affected by it. We would like to reassure our students, members of our alumni community, prospective students and other colleagues of our continuing commitment to values of equality, dignity, respect and inclusion.

Any students who need support in relation to this or any other incident should contact their Personal Tutor, the Department’s Senior Tutor, the Academic Administrator – Engagement, or the Head of Department. Further to this, you may wish to contact University services and offices listed below:

Dignity at Warwick:

The Residential Life Team:

Warwick Wellbeing Support:

Independent Sexual Violence Adviser:

Warwick Students’ Union:


Tue 05 Feb 2019, 09:57 | Tags: Alumni Postgraduate Undergraduate Outreach