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Theatre & Performance Studies News

In Memoriam - Professor Jim Davis

Prof Jim DavisIt is with a very heavy heart that we write to let you know that Professor Jim Davis passed away on Saturday 4th November following a stroke. Everyone who had the pleasure of encountering Jim will appreciate that this is a huge loss for his family, friends, colleagues, collaborators and the wider research community. He was a fantastic scholar and unwavering champion for the discipline and theatre historiography. He was such an important part of the Theatre and Performance family at the University of Warwick and will be missed for his leadership, mentorship, friendship and unfailing sense of fun and mischief.

Jim Davis joined Warwick in 2004 as Head of Department (2004-2009) after eighteen years teaching Theatre Studies at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, where he was latterly Head of the School of Theatre, Film and Dance. In Australia he was also President of the Australasian Drama Studies Association and member of the Board of Studies of the National Institute of Dramatic Art. Prior to leaving for Australia he spent ten years teaching in London at what is now Roehampton University. He co-organised many conferences including for the International Federation of Theatre Research (IFTR) in New South Wales and at Warwick. He convened Historiography Working Groups for both IFTR and for TaPRA. He served as an editor for the journal Nineteenth Century Theatre and Film.

He published widely and with considerable critical acclaim in the area of nineteenth-century British theatre. His most recent bookComic Acting and Portraiture in Late-Georgian and Regency England (2015) won the TaPRA David Bradby Prize for Research in International Theatre and Performance in 2017 and was shortlisted for the 2015 TLA George Freedley Memorial Award. His other publications include Theatre & Entertainment (2016), Dickensian Dramas: Plays from Charles Dickens Volume II (2017) and European Theatre Performance Practice Vol 3 1750-1900 (editor, 2014). He was also joint author of a study of London theatre audiences in the nineteenth century Reflecting the Audience: London 1840-1880 (2001), which was awarded the 2001 Theatre Book Prize. He contributed numerous chapters including essays on nineteenth-century acting to the Cambridge History of British Theatre and on audiences to the Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre. He also published many articles in Theatre Journal, Theatre Survey, Theatre Notebook, Essays in Theatre, Themes in Drama, New Theatre Quarterly, Nineteenth Century Theatre, Theatre Research International and The Dickensian. He was also responsible for many of the theatrical entries in The Oxford Readers' Companion to Dickens and contributed to the Oxford Encyclopaedia of Theatre and Performance, The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Stage Actors and Acting and the New Dictionary of National Biography. For several years he wrote an annual review of publications on nineteenth-century English Drama and Theatre for The Year's Work in English Studies.

An event to celebrate Jim’s life and work was held on 6 January 2024 12pm-4pm in the Studios in the Faculty of Arts Building on the University of Warwick's campus.

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Get ready for Verge Festival 2019

Verge Festival 2019

Wed 15 & Thu 16 May 2019

Warwick Arts Centre

Tickets: FREE

Verge Festival brings together the work of Warwick’s Theatre & Performance Studies final year students, in a celebration of cutting-edge, experimental and evolving theatre and performance. Come and enjoy a range of installations, live performances, new writing and films, along with poster presentations concerning finalists’ research dissertations, and post-performance panels and discussions.

Tue 07 May 2019, 12:31 | Tags: Student Events Undergraduate

Creative Careers: Developing your Portfolio Career Workshop by Sarah McCourt

We are delighted to welcome Sarah McCourt, Director of Student Experience Employability and Digital Skills for the Faculty of Arts to the Department today. Sarah will be delivering a workshop on 'Creative Careers: Developing your Portfolio Career' and is developing a 'Portfolio Careers in Performance and Theatre Making’ Moodle-hosted module for Theatre and Performance Studies students.

Fri 26 Apr 2019, 09:30 | Tags: Student Events Undergraduate

Value of regional and local theatre - Theatre student Chloë Fisher's letter featured in The Stage

Value of regional and local theatre

Adam Penford’s closing sentiment in his column on regional theatre, struck me as a very balanced and sensible view: “We’re all striving for the same thing: ensuring regional theatres are relevant, vital and flourishing in order to endure these testing times.”

Regardless of the debates between London and local theatres, the competition between rival venues and whether or not regional theatres are a training ground for the West End, the point Penford makes is a salient one. We should be valuing and promoting the very best for our regional theatres if we wish them to survive.

As a local Midlands girl, I have fond memories of performing at the Grand Theatre, Wolverhampton as a child. My sister, Aimée Fisher, has since gone on to work professionally in the West End in Les Misérables and Wicked. Though we share the same passion for theatre, we have chosen very different routes. We are both grateful for the role regional theatre has played in our lives and the way it has shaped our potential career paths.

However, I am hoping to contribute to the theatre industry in a very different way from my sister. As a third-year student at the University of Warwick, I am researching the interplay between the community and regional theatres, using the Wolverhampton Grand as a case study. I am conducting two surveys for my dissertation and would be delighted if readers of The Stage could respond to them:
What does your local/regional theatre mean to you?
How valuable is regional theatre to theatre industry professionals?

Both surveys close on April 26.

The wider the participation and engagement, the greater the validity of my research. I am hoping my research paper will be both exciting and useful to the Wolverhampton Grand as it celebrates its 125th anniversary this year.

Chloë Fisher
University of Warwick

Wed 17 Apr 2019, 18:30 | Tags: Events Undergraduate

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