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Theatre and Performance Studies News

TOP STORY: TaPRA 2025 Conference to be hosted at WarwickTaPRA Logo

We're delighted to announce that the annual Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) conference will be hosted by Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick between 27 and 29 August 2025. The conference will mark both the 20th birthday of TaPRA and the 50th anniversary of Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick. Our conference keynotes, plenary panels, artistic activity, conference dinner and programmed events will speak to the themes of milestones and markers, focussing on celebrations, festivities, spectacle and joy. We'll look forward to welcoming you to Warwick next year!

To keep up to date with the conference plans, please visit our dedicated TaPRA pages here.

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Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance Published

Oxford Handbook Politics Performance Congratulations to Prof. Silvija Jestrovic and Dr. Milija Gluhovic on the publication of the their Oxford Handbook of Politics and Performance.

Fri 26 Mar 2021, 11:39 | Tags: Prof. Silvija Jestrovic Publications Research

Prof. Silvija Jestrovic has been appointed as Senior Editor for Theatre Research International

TRICongratulations to Prof. Silvija Jestrovic who has been appointed as Senior Editor for IFTR's (@iftrcomms) Theatre Research International (@theatreintl). Theatre Research International is the leading academic journal for Theatre and Performance Studies scholars. It publishes articles on theatre practices in their social, cultural, and historical contexts, their relationship to other media of representation, and to other fields of inquiry. The journal seeks to reflect the evolving diversity of critical idioms prevalent in the scholarship of differing world contexts.

Applications are now open for an Associate Editor to work alongside Silvija for the duration of her tenure from 2021 to 2024.

Mon 15 Mar 2021, 09:59 | Tags: Prof. Silvija Jestrovic Publications Research

Social Movements, Performance and Democratic Practices (Indo-Canadian Dialogue): A Conference

Shastri-Indo Canadian Institute Golden Jubilee Online Conference

Social Movements, Performance and Democratic Practices (Indo-Canadian Dialogue)

Collaboration between: School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Department of Theatre, University of Ottawa, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Warwick

The last decade has seen the rise of a range of social and political movements across the globe that have challenged the existing boundaries and imaginations of political and legal articulation of rights and justice, and notions of development. At the heart of these developments has been the interlinked phenomenon of populism and performative paradigm of politics that is based on a complex relationship between digital presence and bodies physically assembling in space. Taking forward the earlier collaborative projects between the universities, namely, the Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performance and Cultures of the Left: Manifestations and Performance, the present conference foregrounds theatrical/performance exchanges and the need for cross-cultural dialogue and theorisation in re-examining populism. Opening up a dialogue on the under-explored Indian-Canadian experience, the conference seeks to explore the challenges to the practices of democracy and the potential of performance to offer alternative ways of reorganisation of the world.

The performance studies framework of the conference provides an interdisciplinary exploration of cross-cultural patterns of performance and the performative nature of political dissent, bringing together seemingly diverging experiential realms. It brings together the popular cultural performances and the practices of assembling and choreographing of bodies in the streets as well as in digital space. It also offers a lens to understand what might not otherwise be deemed as public displays, whether it be dissent and protests or ways of care of self and others as vulnerable bodies or not deemed to be able-bodied to articulate politics by the mainstream. The contemporary context of Covid19 pandemic has further brought into relief the specific challenges to understand the performative paradigm of politics. The conference takes the intense moment of pandemic looking both synchronically and diachronically into the practices of democracy, and what past experiences might have to offer to the languages and gestures of democratic practices in the contemporary. In doing so, the conference will foreground an aesthetic of resistance not only as a reactive practice, but as a way to sustain articulation of rights and the politics of inclusion, equality, care for the commons and social justice.

Click the link above to see the event's schedule.

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Theatre and Performance Studies Staff Launch 5 New Publications

On Wednesday 14th October 2020 Theatre and Performance Studies hosted a book launch from 4.30pm-6pm

During this session we celebrated the fact that researchers in Theatre and Performance Studies at Warwick will have published five monographs in the six months from July 2020:

Nicholas Drofiak - Irusan: or, Canting for Architects, gta Verlag / eth Zürich

Milija Gluhovic - Theory for Theatre Studies: Memory, Bloomsbury

Nadine Holdsworth - English Theatre and Social Abjection: A Divided Nation, Palgrave

Silvija Jestrovic - Performances of Authorial Presence and Absence: The Author Dies Hard, Palgrave

Nicolas Whybrow - Contemporary Art Biennials in Europe: the work of Art in the Complex City, Bloomsbury

Each author gave brief introduction to their book outlining the things that inspired them and the central arguments they make. There was time to ask questions and to raise a virtual glass to this achievement.

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