These articles have been exchanged among the partners and have contributed to their collaboration.
Samik Bandopadhyay - Bengali Theatre: The end of the Colonial Tradition?

Urmila Bhirdkar - The Heroine's Song in the Marathi Theatre Between 1910 and 1920

Soumyabrata Choudury - Why the people to come will not, and must not be sovereign: Notes on a Political and Mathematical puzzle

Bishnupriya Dutt - Historicizing Actress Stories: English Actresses in India (1789-1842)

Anuradha Kapur - On Acting

Baz Kershaw - Performance as research: live events and documents

(Restricted - Copyright material only for private research/study use)
Janelle Reinelt - The Promise of Documentary

Urmimala Sarkar Munsi - Boundaries and Beyond: Problems of Nomenclature in Indian Dance History