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Engagement Day



The University of Warwick

in association with the Warwick Arts Centre

23rd March 2018, 1pm – 7pm

Millburn House, Millburn Hill Road

Coventry CV4 7HS

We warmly invite you to join us for this day of workshop and exchange, exploring the development and presentation of theatre and performance in and through digital technologies.

Part of a larger research project undertaken by Labex Arts-H2H and Université Paris 8 entitled La Scène Augmenté (The Augmented Stage), Mask and Avatar investigates the principles, solutions and applications of motion capture (now established in film, TV and games production, but still in its infancy with regard to live performance). It takes the research of performance and digital technologies into a specific engagement with the Perception Neuron motion capture system – an accessible, geo-spatial (non-camera-based) system. The project has involved collaboration between computer engineers, software programmers, digital designers and theatre makers; and interaction between avatars and masked actors, bringing together old and new technologies of corporeal representation.

This Engagement Day, supported by Warwick’s Industrial Strategy fund, presents diverse performance outcomes as a way of exemplifying the possibilities of this system.

You may find more information on the performances here.

Please register your attendance here.

Programme of the Day

13.00-14.15 SHOWCASE & LUNCH

The following companies, technologists, artists and researchers – working with masks, motion capture technologies, virtual/augmented reality, and experimental/multimedia performance practice – will share their work and ideas.

G57 12-camera optical tracking system for full body capture (Target3D Limited)

G53 ProHD headcam system (Faceware Technologies/Tim White, University of Warwick)

G53 Perception Neuron motion capture system (Georges Gagneré, Cédric Plessiet, Matthieu Milesi, Paris 8 University)

G55 Digital Spaces and Places (Jo Scott, University of Salford)

G55 Old Spot Theatre and maskwork (Oliver Crick, Edgehill University)

G55 Commedia dell'arte, masks, movement and social action (Giulia Filacanapa, Paris 8 University & GenteGente !! and Boris Dymny, Di Mini Teatro)

14.15-15.30 DISCUSSION:
Motion capture for live performance: pragmatics, problems, possibilities (G55)

with the participation of Gareth Taylor (Curious Directive & The Mocap Vaults), Sarah Perry (Shapes in Motion), Paul Sutton and Max Dean (C&T), Allan Rankin and James Marks (Target3D Limited), Erica Magris and Cédric Plessiet (Paris 8 University), Dom Breadmore and Susan Schweitzer (Ludic Rooms).

15.30-16.00 Tea & Coffee Break

G55 La Vie en Rose

G53 Agamemnon Redux

G53 Post-show Discussion: Boris Dymny, Giulia Filacanapa, Georges Gagneré, Andy Lavender, Tim White


Project Directors:
Georges Gagneré (Université Paris 8)
Andy Lavender (University of Warwick)
Tim White (University of Warwick)

David Coates
Nese Ceren Tosun
Ellie Chadwick

For further information, please get in touch at Mask-and-Avatar at warwick dot ac dot uk


Register your attendance here.

To apply for the showcase, please email mask-and-avatar at warwick dot ac dot uk.