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Dr Tim White

twhiteReader in Theatre and Performance Studies

Tel: +44 (0)24 765 72534


Room 1.46 (Faculty of Arts Building)
University of Warwick
Coventry, CV4 7HS

Note: this is a walkthrough. The playable experience can be downloaded here


Tim White is a Reader in Theatre & Performance Studies, University of Warwick. His teaching and research interests include food and performance, immersive practices, online performance, video, and performance in public spaces. In 2012 he was presented with the Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence. His most recent publication is the concluding essay in Occasions of State, the forthcoming volume in Routledge’s European Festival Studies Series.

Research interests

Current research interests include music, online performance, immersivity, the theatricality of dining, performance in public spaces, motion capture and practical work in video and virtual worlds
Papers and Publications on Academia.eduLink opens in a new window

Teaching and supervision

For 2023/24 I will be convening Wired (practical video making) , the first year Contemporary Performance Practices and Food and Performance.

Administrative roles

  • Digital gopher


“The Screen: Looking through it, walking through it” in British Live Art: Essays and Documentations edited by Nick Kaye (Harwood Academic) 1994, 107-114 published as Contemporary Theatre Review 2:2

“Speculative Steps: The Realms of Choice” Dance Theatre Journal Vol. 12 no. 2 November 1995

“Pushing the Boundaries - Advancing the Dance” essay in The Designers: Pushing the Boundaries - Advancing the Dance exhibition catalogue November 1995, The London Institute

Docherty, Peter and White, Tim (eds.) Design for Performance: From Diaghilev to the Pet Shop Boys London: Lund Humphries/The Lethaby Press, 1996

“John Napier, Stage Designer, talks to Tim White”, “Norman Morrice, Choreographer, talks to Tim White” & “An Interview with Mike Barnett, Mechanical Engineer” in Backemeyer, Sylvia (ed.) Ralph Koltai: Designer for the Stage London: Nick Hern Books, 2003 pp12-13, 47-49 & 80-81

“Just Listening at Café Oto” Performance Research: On Listening, 15: 3, September 2010 pp.15-22

‘The Bewitched: Harry Partch And The Liberation Of Enslaved Musicians’ in Theatre Noise: The Sound of Performance edited by Lynne Kendrick and David Roesner Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2011 pp.111-123

"Traversing the Alimentary Canal Peter Greenaway's The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover" Double Dialogues Issue 15, Winter 2011

"Fabrication and figuration" Danser la rue/Dancing Street Eds Lefevre,Betty et al. Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre. Nantes. 2019

"Epilogue: Turning Tables." Occasions of State: Early Modern European Festivals and the Negotiation of Power. Eds. Mulryne, J.R., et al. European Festival Studies. London: Routledge, 2019

Conference papers

Abstracts here / Downloads hereLink opens in a new window

(2007). Disturb: Sleep and Performance. International Federation for Theatre Research. Stellenbosch, South Africa.

(2008). Sweatshops, stages and bangs – offline in Asia. International Federation for Theatre Research. Seoul, Korea.

(2009) Show the (w)hole - experience and evidence JNU Symposium. Delhi, India

(2009) - Between platform and pit – the noise of Partch. Theatre Noise. London, UK

(2009). Acknowledging futility (at thirty two feet per second per second). Performance Studies International. Zagreb, Croatia.

(2010) Traversing the Alimentary Canal Peter Greenaway's The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. The Hunger Artist: Food and the Arts. Toronto, Canada

(2011). Japan a la carte: Culture performed, transformed and consumed. International Federation for Theatre Research. Osaka, Japan.

(2011). Padded Playroom Party Pitstops. Oxford Symposium of Food and Cookery. Oxford, UK.

(2011). A (post hu)man's gotta eat. Virtual Futures. Warwick, UK.

(2012). Half Speed Ahead – Proposal/ Documentation. International Federation for Theatre Research. Santiago, Chile.

(2012). Westway to the World. Performing Artist – from an Alternative Rebel to the Role of Celebrity. Belgrade, Serbia.

(2013). The e-phemerality and epidemiology of performances in public spaces. International Federation for Theatre Research. Barcelona, Spain.

(2013) - With Susan Haedicke. Edible Stories: Community Gardens and the Democratic Performance of Everyday Life. American Society for Theatre Research. Dallas, Texas, USA

(2013) Response to 'Something Human' at The Terminal. PUSH. London, UK

(2014). Fabrication and Figuration. The Street as a Space for Choreography : Receptions, Participations, Changes. Rouen, University of Rouen / Atelier 231.

(2014). Little Reckonings in Great Rooms. International Federation for Theatre Research. Warwick, UK.

(2015). How to do things with food. Warwick Research Seminar. Warwick, UK.

(2015) Democracy: boundless citizens in bordered spaces International Federation for Theatre Research. Hyderbad, India.

(2015). Sniffin' glue - Food and Social Cohesion. Eating Well. Warwick, UK.

(2016). I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. Autobiography as Performance. Belgrade, Serbia.

(2016). Lest we forget, lest we remember - Tales of Tiananmen. International Federation for Theatre Research. Stockholm, Sweden.

(2017). Accommodations - negotiating public and private space. International Federation for Theatre Research. Sao Paolo, Brazil.

(2017). Entertaining Risk. Warwick Research Seminar. Warwick, UK.

(2018) - With Georges Gagneré, Cédric Plessiet and Andy Lavender. The challenges of movement quality using motion capture in theatre. Movement Computing. Genoa, Italy

(2018). The Argos Catalogue: Motion Capture and Performance. International Federation for Theatre Research. Belgrade, Serbia.

(2018). The Degustation of Paris: Grimod’s Almanach des Gourmands. City, Space & Spectacle. Venice, Italy.

(2019). Battle of Stories: a Provocation [joint paper with Dr Susan Haedicke]. Cultures of the Left. Venice, Italy.

(2021) From Argos to Eros, International Federation for Theatre Research. Galway [held online]

(2022) Playing, out of control [joint paper with Carol Nagyova] International Federation for Theatre Research. Reykjavik

(2023) Intermythomediamentality, International Federation for Theatre Research, Accra, Ghana


2012 - Half-Speed Ahead - Intervention staged in Santiago, Chile
2013 - Turnip - annual clock installation constructed in Warwick Piazza for Grow Warwick, UK
2016 - Who You Think We Are [with Yvette Hutchison & JC Niala] Performance, Tate Exchange, London
2017 - Agamemnon Redux v.1 [with Georges Gagneré, Cédric Plessiet and Andy Lavender] Motion capture performance, Paris, France
2018 - Agamemnon Redux v.2 [with Georges Gagneré, Cédric Plessiet and Andy Lavender] Motion capture performance, Warwick, UK
2018 - Agamemnon Redux v.3 [with Georges Gagneré, Cédric Plessiet and Andy Lavender] Motion capture performance, Athens, Greece
2020 - But then begins a journey in my head [with Andy Lavender] Virtual Reality game

Professional associations

Co-convenor, Performance in Public Spaces Working Group, IFTR 2012-5

Treasurer of International Federation For Theatre Research (IFTR) 2016-


  • BA (Birmingham)
  • MA (Lancaster)
  • PhD (Warwick)

Office hours

Thursdays 1000-1200


UG modules 2023/24

Contemporary Performance Practices
Wired: Practical Video Making
Food and Performance
Practice-based Research Project