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Our research projects, outputs and events are enriched by collaborations with national and international HEI institutions; artists, playwrights, theatre-makers and theatres; cultural organisations; museums and the heritage sector.

The following projects offer examples of our recent research collaborations:

Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performanceteam

The long-standing partnership between Theatre and Performance Studies and the School of Arts and Aesthetics at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India continues to foster a number of activities. The UKIERI funded ‘Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performance’ (2014-2016), a joint venture between TPS, Politics and International Studies and JNU, explored multidisciplinary approaches to legal, social-cultural and performative aspects of gender construction, gendered violence and abuse that resulted in a conference, a collection Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performance edited by Emeritus Professor Janelle Reinelt (Warwick), Bishnuprya Dutt and Sahai Shrinkla (JNU) and a special edition of Lateral

Cultures of the Left: Manifestations and lisbonPerformances

Silvia Jestrovic (Warwick) and Bishnuprya Dutt (JNU) collaborated on a British Academy Network and Mobility Grant for the interdisciplinary project ‘Cultures of the Left: Manifestations and Performances’, which has enabled a group of researchers, artists and activists from different cultural contexts (UK, India, USA, Eastern and Southern Europe, Latin America, China) to come together to debate urgent political issues and performance interventions. This project facilitated a Warwick-based symposia, two curated panels at Performance Studies International in Hamburg in 2017, a conference Cultures of the Left in the Age of Right Wing Populism held in Warwick’s teaching and research venue in Venice in 2019 that attracted Chantal Mouffe as the keynote speaker and a special issue of Studies in Theatre and Performance (2019).

The African Women's Playwright Networkawpn

The African Women’s Playwright Network developed by Yvette Hutchison has involved collaborations with playwrights like Amy Jepta from the University of Cape Town and JC Niala from Oxford University, the Theatre Arts Admin Collective, The Mothertongue Project, Caucasus of Canadian Playwright Guild, Africa Writes as part of Royal African Society, the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry and Oxford Playhouse. These collaborations have fostered staged play readings, symposia/public events, workshops, education projects and publications. This has included the ‘Breaking Boundaries: African Women Writing on the Edges of Race, Gender and Identity’ symposia held at Arts Admin Collective in Cape Town in 2017 that involved 55 women artists and theatre programmers from 8 African countries and the UK and staging excerpts for the launch of Contemporary Plays by African Women (2019), edited by Yvette Hutchison and Amy Jepta.

Sensing the Citysensing

Nicolas Whybrow’s AHRC-funded research project Sensing the City: an Embodied Documentation and Mapping of the Changing Uses and Tempers of Urban Place (a practice-based case-study of Coventry) has brought together researchers in performance, dance, film and digital technologies from the University of Warwick and Coventry University's Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE). It has also involved collaboration with art curators and the performance companies enter&inhabit and sirenscrossing. The project has generated an exhibition held at the Herbert Gallery, Coventry (13th-18th Jan 2020), an exhibition catalogue, a symposium ‘Sensing Coventry: an Urban Salon’ and a co-authored book entitled Urban Sensographies (forthcoming Routledge 2021).