Welcome to the Sutton Scholars Year 9 programme! This photo was taken on one of the campus days (11th May).
The graduation event took place on 8th June 2019, when all groups had the opportunity to present their research to their families.

All students were asked to present their ideas and showcase their research...

After a difficult deliberation, the Judges announced the winning team!

Thank you to all the dedicated
Student Ambassadors...

... in front of a panel of judges, which were visibly impressed by their presentations! From left to right:
the Judges -
Paul Blagburn, Head of Widening Participation at Warwick, Hana Chua, second year GSD student,
Dr Alastair Smith, Senior Teaching Fellow in Global Sustainable Development -, and
Dr Marta Guerriero, who worked with the Sutton Scholars throughout the year.

... and congratulations to the
winning team for an excellent project!

Congratulations to all the Sutton Scholars for your hard work! We hope you had a great time and see you in a few years!