Research Seminar: 'Governance of Security in the Complex World: the EU and Security Sector Reform (SSR) in the Western Balkans'

- Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 12:00-1:00 pm (UK time)
- In-person event: Room R2.41 Ramphal Building
- All Warwick staff, students, and alumni are welcome to attend.
The presentation is based on the recently released monograph, which uses complexity thinking to trace the co-evolution of the Western Balkans as part of the EU/Europe security community and the European Union (EU) as a security actor. It aims to analyse the suitability and adaptability of EU security governance to a VUCA world, i.e. a world of increasing vulnerability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity—the world of transformative change. It takes a detailed view on the transformation of regional and state security in the Western Balkans and the EU’s role in the process between 1991, the year that marked the flare-up of violence and large-scale conflict, and 2013, when the first state of the region joined the EU.
Dr Asya Kudlenko

Dr Anastasiia Kudlenko joined the Institute for Global Sustainable Development as a Research Fellow in May 2022.
Anastasiia specialises in societal resilience and security of Wider Europe, with the geographic focus on Eastern Neighbourhood countries (Ukraine and Belarus) and the Western Balkans. She has an International Masters in Russian and Central Eastern European Studies from the University of Glasgow and Jagiellonian University in Krakow and holds a PhD in Politics and International Relations from Canterbury Christ Church University. She is interested in the study of resilience, complexity, security sector reform, peace-building, security governance and the EU as a security actor.
Previously, Dr Kudlenko worked as a Research Fellow for the Oxford Belarus Observatory, as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate for the GCRF COMPASS project at the University of Kent and as an ERC Project Coordinator at SOAS University of London. She also has extensive experience of engaging with the non-governmental and governmental sectors as she worked in British Council Ukraine, the Inter-Parliamentary Liaison Office at the Parliament of Ukraine and the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House).
Anastasiia’s first monograph “Security in Times of Complexity: The EU and Security Sector Reform in the Western Balkans, 1991-2013” (2023) is forthcoming with Ibidem Verlag. She is also Co-editor of the upcoming book “Belarus in XXI century”, with Professor Elena Korosteleva and Dr Irina Petrova.
In October 2022, Anastasiia took up a new role as Research Fellow on Professor Korosteleva's new €3,007,895 Horizon Europe project (SHAPEDEM_EU), which was co-developed with European colleagues, under the leadership of Professor Andrea Gawrich at JLU Giessen University, Germany. She undertakes research in support of Work Package 2 to redefine the theory and practice of democracy in the developing countries of the EU’s neighbourhoods.
Register for the event
- If you are a Warwick staff member or student, please fill in the form below to register for the event.
- If you are a Warwick graduate, please email Feng dot Mao at warwick dot ac dot uk to register for this event.