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Research Seminar: 'Enhancing urban resilience in the Global South through dialogical participatory mapping: Experiences from informal communities in Brazil'

  • Wednesday, 18 October 2023, 12:00-1:30 pm
  • In-person event: Room R1.13 Ramphal Building
  • All Warwick staff, students, and alumni are welcome to attend.

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Over recent years, and especially considering the ongoing global health pandemic, resilience has emerged in contemporary policy discourses surrounding urban planning and design as a pre-emptive and holistic concept that challenges conventional regimes of governance. In parallel with this rise of resilience as a central urban planning and policy concept, the increased utilisation of digital technologies and the development of knowledge infrastructures have facilitated an advanced capacity to respond to unforeseeable events, rendering data as a key component of modern urban resilience practices. In an attempt to investigate the ways through which data can enhance urban resilience, a dialogical co-production approach has been developed, emphasising mapping as a fundamental means for facilitating the engagement of local community members. Here, building on the pedagogical work of Paulo Freire, dialogue is conceptualised not only as an idea exchange process but rather as a comprehensive and progressively unfolding methodological approach. Initial results of the implementation of the dialogical participatory mapping methodological approach highlight the potential of such co-production approaches to capture lay knowledge from local citizens and contribute to the nurturing and development of community resilience.


Dr Asya Kudlenko

Vangelis Pitidis is an Assistant Professor of Global Sustainable Development at IGSD, focusing on the intersection of urban resilience, governance, and citizen science both in the Global North and in the Global South.

His research is focused on urban resilience and its potential to transform the traditional pathways of urban governance delivery as well as in developing participatory methods for engaging local communities in disaster risk management based on dialogical co-production methods.

Vangelis has previously worked on a number of interdisciplinary projects on building resilience and achieving Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries, particularly in Europe and Latin America. His interdisciplinary background, cutting across social sciences, urban planning, human geography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), has helped him undertake a number of different roles in many developmental projects, including teaching and lecturing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

He is currently the lead convenor of the module ES99E: Urban Resilience, Disasters and Data, a core module of the MSc in Humanitarian Engineering. Vangelis is also the ECR representative for the Sustainable Cities GRP and a member of the Resilient Cities Laboratory based at the University of Warwick.


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  • If you are a Warwick staff member or student, please fill in the form below to register for the event.
  • If you are a Warwick graduate, please email Feng dot Mao at warwick dot ac dot uk to register for this event.
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